Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 252: The strongest posture (below)

Chapter 252 The strongest posture (120 plus updates, additional updates, three in one)

In the state of the "Freedom Doll", the power of the field of infinite ** can be infinitely improved, and Ulysses' biggest shortcoming - the body's ability to withstand it will also be forcibly eliminated. With the help of the dark chains of convicting sins from the abyss, Ha 18m opened the taboo in his body - a field that is absolutely impossible for human beings to enter.

As long as it is a living human being, it is difficult to use 100% of one's own strength. The warnings of spirit, will, body, and instinct limit will make human beings overdraw their strength to a certain extent and cannot go any further.

Because, for human beings, stepping over that limit is equivalent to death, even if they gain an instant powerful power, the next thing waiting for them is to die of life exhaustion. The instinct of life will make the body automatically stop or even pass out.

Before he really stepped into the road of the Demon King, Ulysses had the experience that after raising his strength to a certain limit to defeat the enemy, he would be dizzy uncontrollably. If it weren't for the recovery ability of his body itself, it would be amazing, and Aya would always help him find a way to find the most suitable candidate for supplemental magic power, I am afraid that his unconsciousness would be longer and more serious.

However, now he is not the same as in the past. He chose the road of the devil, and he has the power of several devils, and he is qualified to step into this forbidden area.

Even if you hurt yourself in this way, you will not simply die. Even if you eliminate all your instinctive reactions, fatigue, and paralysis, you can continue to fight with only the endless pain left.

Even when the pain reaches a limit that is absolutely unacceptable to human beings, it will become something else.

It was a kind of huge emptiness and coldness that could not be described in words. It seemed that his body was no longer his own, and even the feeling of looking at the world became colder. If it deteriorates to that state, he will only have the warmest fragments left. If there are no warm fragments that prevent him from leaving this world, perhaps he will never be able to walk out of that darkness again.

The spirit and will are assimilated with the great darkness, and after fully awakening all the power of the demon king, will he still have a human heart? Ulysses didn't know that, but he had no other choice.

Boundaries, open! A huge dark aura covered the entire land, and Ulysses' eyes had completely turned deep golden.

Every nerve and every muscle made an overwhelmed sound, but it was not allowed to stagnate. The blood flow in the body was three times the usual, and even the eyes had a faint blood color.

This is the "Freedom Doll", the strongest secret technique of Ulysses, the dark puppet magic swordsman, a forbidden technique that perfectly combines the skills of the doll with the power of the demon king.

"100%! You actually used this forbidden move, just for a son of God who has nothing to do with you, is it worth it?" Aurora Sword quickly saw through Ulysses' current state, that state is dying He had reached it once before, and that was the realm he entered with his last sword without regrets in the final battle of life and death.

Even if that sword was defeated in the end, the feeling of instantly bursting out everything in his body and burning his life and soul onto the sword was already engraved in his deepest memory.

Live for the sword, die for the sword, even if he is resurrected again, the goal he pursues has not changed. To obtain a new body, it is only because he wants to start again. The failure of the Great Reincarnation of the Generations could not stop his obsession. Even if he survived in such an incomplete state, he would continue to pursue the highest realm.

This is him, a hero who has forgotten his past name and lived only for the sword. He may be a tragic hero in the eyes of others, but he has never regretted his life.

Ulysses did not answer the question of the aurora sword, because now he can't speak at all, and the intense pain is tormenting him, irritating him, and putting his body in a state of explosion at the highest level.

The time when human beings can exert the strongest power must not be the most exciting time, but the most fearful, most desperate, and most painful time, so if he enters the "freedom doll" state, Ulysses will only suffer endlessly. pain of.

Only by carrying such pain can he ignore the various limitations of his body and directly enter the state of infinite combat power.

"The fourth wave!" The red and black shadows flew in the sky, like a sword that cut through the sky, marking a trace of sadness

"The fourth wave!" The aurora sword returned with the same flash, which was a colorful rainbow light, the first aurora in the sky.

A series of deafening metal explosions staggered in the sky, and the two swords with different brilliance fought hundreds of times in an instant. Neither Dieter nor the Dragon Slayer could see this speed clearly.

"Why, so fast?" Bridt has already retreated to the edge of the dark sky, and only needs to take one more step to leave this dark field and reach a safe place.

But she couldn't take that step, and the battle that took place in the sky completely attracted her attention. Whether it was the fourth wave of Ulysses or the fourth wave of the Aurora Sword, she was deeply fascinated.

That is what she has been lacking since she is good at skills. She used to think that thousands of variations of complex enough skills are enough to fight against all opponents, but when she really sees this level of combat, she finds herself proud of it so far The skills are simply vulnerable.

Her skills have no effect in the face of such speed and strength, whether it is Ulysses or the aurora sword, they can cut her into pieces in an instant before she can make a defense. That kind of flash-like speed is really too terrifying and too powerful.

"What's the origin of this kid!" The swordsman's swordsmanship is also stunned. Ulysses' current speed has far exceeded his limit. In terms of strength alone, he may be even better. , but he must be the one who really died in the battle of life and death.

That kind of speed is no longer a domain that humans can control. Whether it is before or after death, he has only seen such a speed in one person - that is his brother.

"Ding!" After a tragic sound of sword cries, both the abyss and the aurora sword were shaken away from each other, revealing Ulysses who had sword wounds everywhere on his wrist, and the sword's body was cut by the abyss. The tired aurora sword body.

"Okay, this fourth wave is the strongest fourth wave." As the founder of the legendary sword skills like Aurora Sword, Aurora Sword discovered for the first time that there are still people who can use the fourth wave. You can compete with yourself.

What a terrifying talent, what an unparalleled comprehension ability, there seems to be something he can't see through, making the opponent's speed continue to increase.

At the very beginning, he actually had a slight advantage. After all, the special sword skill of the fourth wave, which is the combination of the sword and the body, was created by him.

However, soon, the opponent's speed began to jump up abnormally, which was an unprecedented strange experience for him who thought that the opponent had already burned all his strength and could not be faster.

Only swordsmen who really practice high-speed swordsmanship will understand how difficult it is to go faster after reaching a peak. Some people can advance from a hundred swords in an instant to a thousand swords in an instant, but the next thousand and one swords may not arrive for several years or decades.

That represents a limit of oneself, a limit that must transcend the past. Only by breaking such a limit once can one be qualified to move forward in the field of high-speed swords.

However, there is no such thing as a limit in Ulysses' sword at all. After entering the state of "Freedom Doll", his limit is forever eliminated, and the burden of his body is no longer something he needs to consider.

Faster, faster, faster, Ulysses is only limited by his own control of the sword, not speed. Therefore, even if the opponent is the founder of the fourth wave, he can overwhelm the past. If it is not for the absolute advantage in experience, the aurora sword would have been defeated just now.

"Only the fourth wave, it looks like you haven't learned the next three moves, come on, look, the final form of the Seven Shadows!" Countless runes wrapped around the aurora sword, instantly cutting the abyss out of sin damage recovered.

There is no such thing as dark gods. As long as they are not completely shattered, they can rely on their own strength to repair their own Noble Phantasm. This is their talent and their sorrow, representing their Everything is bound in his own Noble Phantasm, and there is no other way to liberate than to find the body of the Son of God.

They can't smell, eat, and feel all the good things in the world. There is only endless darkness and coldness. They are the incomplete products of the failed reincarnation of the next generation, souls that can't rest in peace, imprisoned in their own treasures. deceased.

"First flash!" The aurora sword was suspended high in the air, shining with blue-black brilliance, and a strange breath began to brew on the sword body.

The whole sword suddenly became transparent, just like the crystals shining in the aurora.

"Second Illusion!" A flash of light went too far, and the silhouette of the aurora sword turned into three, each of which exuded an air of indistinguishable authenticity. Ulysses remembered that from the beginning of this move, he could no longer judge the sword with his eyes. The truth of the shadow.

Each sword may be real or fake, and it can even be freely converted between reality and reality. This is the Seven Shadow Sword, and the next move must be:

"The third polar shadow!"

The aurora sword incarnated into three fluttered in the air at high speed, killing Ulysses from three different angles.

Unable to see what was true and what was false, Ulysses didn't even think about it. The essence of the Seven Shadow Sword is to take the enemy's life between light and shadow, so that the enemy does not even know where the deadly sword came from in the end.

The user of this sword skill requires extremely high explosive power, an understanding of the nature of light and shadow, and an unrestrained imagination. It has no fixed moves, how to use it depends entirely on the user's own inspiration.

In that summer dream, Ulysses blocked three Rasha's swords with only one finger, and bounced off the last fourth wave, and learned this sword skill.

However, he forgot about the latter part, because La Xia never used it. In fact, La Xia, who mastered the fourth wave in the realm of less than level seven, is already a shocking swordsman genius. This trick is not at all. Created for those below level seven.

From the fifth sword, it is a higher level, the drill to advance to the aurora sword. Those who master the fourth wave are equivalent to mastering the key to the aurora sword, and the last three moves are the decorations on this key.

"Fourth wave!" It was still this move, because Ulysses really couldn't find a sword that could explode faster than this move. From the beginning of the battle, the opponent didn't give him any chance to charge up at all.

In this situation, the most powerful Demon King Sword could not be used at all, so he could only use the same fourth wave to match the fastest.

"The Fourth Wave!" Three different sword lights were intertwined into a splendid light and shadow, one of which was shattered by Ulysses' unreasonable ultra-fast fourth wave, while the other two were inconceivably merged into a brand new one. sword light.

"Fifth Sword Sound!"

"Om!" A circle of transparent ripples rippled out from the sword light, and a sharp sword sound came out.

The fifth sword of the Seven Shadows is the Sword of Sound Killing, a special sword skill that shakes the enemy's will with the strong sound wave after the sword light flickers.

However, the Aurora Sword was stunned to find that this move was of no use to Ulysses, and it didn't even make his eyes fluctuate a little.

That's right, because one of the most terrifying things about Ulysses in the "Freedom Doll" state is that he doesn't feel hurt at all, whether it's a sound killing technique, or something that directly damages his body. Fortunately, he will not be shaken at all by using his body as a puppet to manipulate.

The pain that the "Freedom Doll" was forced to endure was even more terrifying than when he committed suicide. How could he be affected by this sound wave even if he had endured all this pain.

Even if his heart was pierced and his lungs were crushed, he could continue to fight as if nothing had happened. The fusion of puppet art and the necromantic magic from the Book of Demons, coupled with the power of condemnation from the abyss, creates a terrifying body that is truly tireless and can use the realm of infinite ** indefinitely.

From this point of view, the current Ulysses is not a human at all, but the strongest puppet he created and strengthened himself - the "Freedom Doll", which is comparable to the legendary most perfect doll "Alice". "Comparable masterpiece.

"Sixth Light Mirror!" The aurora sword flew into the air at high speed, and then a huge mirror changed between swinging the sword. The entire dark sky was filled with this mirror, and the sky that was originally used to hide automatically shattered. , let countless lights fall from the sky.

Countless beams of light crisscrossed around Ulysses, and from time to time, the light spots that gathered in an instant stabbed Ulysses sharply.

However, it still has no effect. This trick may have a confusing effect on others, but for Ulysses, who is now in the deepest darkness, even a thousand times more intense light will Couldn't make him feel warm, let alone hurt him.

He just gently waved out the abyss, and the darkness scattered from the abyss contaminated these light sources, and even directly shattered the light mirror in the sky, returning the world to darkness.

The secret of the Seven Shadows is to create phantoms between light and shadow, confounding opponents while delivering a fatal blow. The first sword flash, the second sword phantom, the third sword Jiying, the fifth sword Jianyin, and the sixth sword light mirror are all moves like this, only the fourth wave is used for direct attack.

"I've never seen such a pure sword of darkness..." In the memory of the Aurora Sword, I have never fought against such a pure sword of darkness, although I also use the fourth wave, but Ulysses's The sword and his sword are distinct.

"Seventh vacuum!" The last sword of the Seven Shadow Sword, the magic sword that created the vacuum field between the swords was swung out. This is the sword of death used to exterminate all life in a wide range. Its power is second only to the fourth wave. sword.

All the surrounding air was swept away, and a huge vortex-type vacuum field appeared. There was no air in this field that could be breathed, and it was extremely cold, and no light could be seen. It was created by imitating an extremely deadly environment. Magic sword.

However, it was still meaningless, Ulysses didn't even move his footsteps, just spread the black wings behind him and floated in this deadly vacuum.

He already belongs to the darkness, so how can he be afraid of the darkness; as for the vacuum environment where human beings cannot survive, for him who is now in the state of "Freedom Doll", he has no feeling at all.

The magic circuit circulating in his body has already replaced the breathing system, and now he can survive indefinitely even in a vacuum, and he does not need air to maintain his life at all.

"It turns out that you have given up your human attitude... Very good, such a consciousness, such a talent, now you are really qualified to fight with me, tell me your name!" For the Aurora Sword, Will write down the name of the other party, which means that he will truly engrave this person into his soul, which is not something that can be done easily.

"Ulysses." Ulysses raised the abyss in his hand to convict, although he could live in a vacuum environment after entering the "Freedom Doll" state, but there was still a part of human instinct that made him dislike such an environment , so he swings his sword.

This time, not the fourth wave.

The huge sword of the abyss was inserted into the ground, directly detonating the ground, and the huge black waves rippled out like bursting water waves, turning into countless black light waves that blasted the ground with cracks close to 100 meters.

"Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style!"

"Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style!"

Aurora Sword and Tulong Sword called out the name of this move together, and they were indeed brothers. It's just that the tone of the younger brother Tu Longdao was full of surprise and disbelief, while the voice of the elder brother Aurora Sword was incomparably surprised and fanatical.

Dragon Slaying and Destruction Sword Stance—a sword skill created by the hero Karl who killed the eight-headed demon dragon king Kasa with absolute defense ability, the supreme divine sword with the most destructive power in the world, for any future swordsman to come It is said that this is a fantastic magical skill that reigns over many legendary sword skills.

However, the threshold for acquiring it is really too high, so high that it doesn't look like a sword skill that humans can cultivate. All the soldiers died in its hands.

It is not the enemy who kills these geniuses, but the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style itself. Those who cannot control the terrifying power of this sword skill will be crushed by the power of the sword skill itself. Therefore, even if the cultivation method of Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword is no secret at all, no matter what era, there are very few people who can get started.

Such a terrifying difficulty of cultivation, in exchange for a more terrifying destructive power, the further behind the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword-style power, the stronger it is to an unimaginable level. According to legend, this sword skill is so extreme that even the stars in the sky can be smashed and destroyed.

The vacuum field created by the Seven Shadows Sword was instantly disintegrated, and a simple dragon-killing explosion could already exert such terrifying power in the hands of Ulysses. The biggest feature of this sword skill is that the stronger the user's strength, the more terrifying the power exerted, and there is no upper limit.

And Ulysses, who lifted his physical limitations and allowed the power of the infinite realm to rise infinitely, was the best person who could bring this sword skill into full play. His current physique may not be as strong as the dragon clan, but there is no problem of endurance at all. In terms of the upper limit, it can even be said to be far beyond the dragon clan.

After all, what now constitutes the highest circuit of his body is the weapon from Astaroth, which once slaughtered hundreds of millions of angels, and even finally killed a true supreme god's most ferocious devil sword.

"Brother, we are running out of time, someone is coming." Tu Longdao looked at the dark sky with some vigilance. Several powerful forces were approaching at high speed, and that was not a role of the level of the little witch who was casually killed by them. .

Moreover, it seems that there are not only people from the southern church, but also some other strange atmospheres.

However, it's too late.

"It's actually the Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword Form, the Divine Sword Skill..." The blade of the Aurora Sword trembled violently. For the person who created the legendary sword skill like the Aurora Sword, he saw with his own eyes another one that was stronger than himself. The feeling of swordsmanship is indescribable.

While alive, he never had the chance to meet an opponent who mastered the dragon-killing sword style, which was one of his biggest regrets. Now, he finally had a chance to see what this divine sword technique, which he failed to cultivate and vomited blood many times, was like.

He wanted to see what the difference was between his aurora sword and this divine sword skill. What does the legendary sword look like?

An earth-shattering sword energy rose from the ground, piercing the dark sky set by the Aurora Sword itself.

At this moment, he doesn't need to hide anything.

At this moment, he doesn't need to worry about the Son of God.

At this moment, he even briefly forgot the only first law of the dark god—the wish of resurrection.

At this moment, there is only that sword in his heart, that simple and unpretentious sword move, one move in the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style that he knows.

Dragon Explosion, this is the name of that move, you may think that move is very simple, but if you understand that before you can use that move, you must first gather all the huge magic power in your body, and then use The sword exploded in the center, and I understood what a terrible move it was.

People who don't have a strong enough magic power compression ability will not be able to use this sword at all, and they will even be blown to death by the magic power of this sword, and this is just an entry-level move in the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style.

Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword Stance is a terrifying sword skill that has the most demanding requirements for both swords and people. Perhaps its power is not particularly outstanding compared to other sword skills. In terms of lethality, it can even be above it.

However, at the eighth level, the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance is already a well-deserved sword skill for killing dragons. The destructive power of the same level is almost invincible, and the sword skill can easily surpass the power of the forbidden magic spell.

A higher level, once considered the highest realm of power in this world - in the ninth level, the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance will be completely transformed into a divine sword. There is almost nothing in this world that it cannot destroy, even the stars in the sky, the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword once shattered.

Invincible, invincible, the sword skill that shatters the stars, this is the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance, one of the strongest divine swords recognized in the world.

As a genius super swordsman, a peerless powerhouse who created the aurora sword, the aurora sword once madly pursued this sword skill, but his body could not bear the strength and intensity required by this sword skill, In the end, it could not be cultivated, and even suffered serious injuries for it.

Similar experiences are probably the common memories of countless geniuses who have tried to cultivate this sword skill. As the only kind of divine sword that is completely open and never minds anyone coming to learn, the Dragon Killing Sword of Destruction represents the dreams of countless people and shatters the hopes of countless people.

It is precisely because of this that every swordsman genius who fails to cultivate it wants to know what the real Dragon Killing and Destruction Swordsmanship looks like.

Is it really as powerful as the legend? Is it true that the legend that dragon kills and destroys swordsmanship is close to invincibility at the eighth level?

This kind of fantasy has also happened to the aurora sword. He wants to know how much the difference between the aurora sword he created and this sword skill is, and how far it is from the real sword skill.

As one of the very few swordsmanships in this world that is recognized as being able to enter the highest realm, the Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword Stance represents a peak, a peak that swordsmen of countless ages want to climb.

Now, this peak is right in front of him, the Dragon Killing and Destruction Sword Stance, which he had never been fortunate enough to encounter before, now he has the opportunity to truly experience it.

For the Aurora Sword, who has been pursuing the supreme divine sword all his life, there is nothing more fortunate than this, which made him even forget about the Son of God, and put all his focus on the black-haired youth in front of him.

"Great, my fourth wave, the guardian stance of the Book of Sword Saints, and the pure sword of darkness, plus the current dragon killing and destroying sword style, you are really an invisible opponent. Only you Such an opponent allows me to truly use the strongest aurora sword with all my strength."

After seeing the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance, the Aurora Sword forgot everything around it, the whole sword body began to emit a beautiful cyan crystal light, and the dark color quietly faded on the sword body unconsciously, and it was replaced by something more beautiful. , a purer cyan.

"Brother, don't! We have caught the Son of God, and we will have a chance to resurrect soon. Now is not the time to use the power of the source!" Seeing the beautiful blue light emitting from the aurora sword, the purple dragon slaying knife shouted loudly.

Why is the immortal, immortal and powerful dark gods always unknown, why they only appear together when the Son of God appears, and why there is no way to leave the southern land. That's because they are simply incomplete evil spirits. If they are not in a sleeping state, their power will always be slowly exhausted.

Therefore, they will only come out when the Son of God appears, and will frantically seize the body of the Son of God. The source of their power, the power obtained from the fusion of themselves and the Noble Phantasm is incomplete, and the general battle is fine. Once the power is raised to the highest level and the power of the source is used, the speed of this exhaustion will be crazy. accelerate.

Therefore, their immortality is just an illusion. As long as they act, their lifespan will be automatically reduced, and if they fight fiercely, it will be greatly reduced. If they directly use the power of the source, it is simply suicide.

"Needless to say, even if I am resurrected, my choice is the same. For me, resurrection is just a means, not a goal. Now, the goal I want is in front of me..." The voice of the aurora sword Deep and slow, Tu Longdao couldn't help but think of that scene in his memory that he could never forget.

That night, he watched his brother slowly put on the sword skirt, picked up his aurora sword, and walked into the rain step by step. He knew where his brother was going, who he was going to fight, and even saw some ominous auras.

He has always believed that his brother is the strongest swordsman in the world, a genius countless times stronger than this idiot. However, the opponent's Noble Phantasm this time is so powerful that there is no way out. Perhaps his brother is even better in terms of swordsmanship, but the Aurora Sword is far from the mythical Noble Phantasm held by the opponent.

Using such a foul Noble Phantasm to compare with your brother is not fair at all. Just wait another year, no, maybe it will only take half a year, my brother will have the opportunity to really enter that realm, choosing this time to come to the capital is obviously ill-intentioned / "Great, my fourth wave, sword The guardian stance of the Holy Book, the pure sword of darkness, and the current dragon-killing and destroying sword-style, you are really an incomprehensible opponent. Only an opponent like you allows me to use my full power. The strongest aurora sword."

After seeing the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance, the Aurora Sword forgot everything around it, the whole sword body began to emit a beautiful cyan crystal light, and the dark color faded away from the sword body unconsciously, and it was replaced by something more beautiful. , a purer cyan.

"Brother, don't! We have caught the Son of God, and we will have a chance to resurrect soon. Now is not the time to use the power of the source!" Seeing the beautiful blue light emitting from the aurora sword, the purple dragon slaying knife shouted loudly.

Why is the immortal, immortal and powerful dark gods always unknown, why they only appear together when the Son of God appears, and why there is no way to leave the southern land. That's because they are simply incomplete evil spirits. If they are not in a sleeping state, their power will always be slowly exhausted.

Therefore, they will only come out when the Son of God appears, and will frantically seize the body of the Son of God. The source of their power, the power obtained from the fusion of themselves and the Noble Phantasm is incomplete, and the general battle is fine. Once the power is raised to the highest level and the power of the source is used, the speed of this exhaustion will be crazy. accelerate.

Therefore, their immortality is just an illusion. As long as they act, their lifespan will be automatically reduced, and if they fight fiercely, it will be greatly reduced. If they directly use the power of the source, it is simply suicide.

"Needless to say, even if I am resurrected, my choice is the same. For me, resurrection is just a means, not a goal. Now, the goal I want is in front of me..." The voice of the aurora sword Deep and slow, Tu Longdao couldn't help but think of that scene in his memory that he could never forget.

That night, he watched his brother slowly put on the sword skirt, picked up his aurora sword, and walked into the rain step by step. He knew where his brother was going, who he was going to fight, and even saw some ominous auras.

He always believed that his brother was the strongest swordsman in the, a genius countless times stronger than this idiot. However, the opponent's Noble Phantasm this time is so powerful that there is no way out. Perhaps his brother is even better in terms of swordsmanship, but the Aurora Sword is far from the mythical Noble Phantasm held by the opponent.

Using such a foul Noble Phantasm to compare with your brother is not fair at all. Just wait another year, no, maybe it will only take half a year, my brother will have the opportunity to really enter that realm, choosing this time to come to the capital is obviously malicious. He always believes that his brother is the strongest in the world. The swordsman is a genius countless times stronger than this idiot. However, the opponent's Noble Phantasm this time is so powerful that there is no way out. Perhaps his brother is even better in terms of swordsmanship, but the Aurora Sword is far from the mythical Noble Phantasm held by the opponent.

Using such a foul Noble Phantasm to compare with your brother is not fair at all. Just wait another year, no, maybe it will only take half a year for my brother to have a chance to truly enter that realm. Choosing this time to come to the capital is obviously ill-intentioned to use such a foul Noble Phantasm to compare with my brother. It's not fair at all. Just wait another year, no, maybe it will only take half a year, my brother will have the opportunity to truly enter that realm, choosing this time to decide the capital is obviously ill-intentioned.

(Wait a little more than 20 minutes, and it will be corrected soon)

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