Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 2 Chapter 48: shadow

Ulysses was drunk, quite drunk. He underestimated the enthusiasm of the girls at the Shining Academy branch. Although they won't force him like Kanka, but if they come one by one, even if they use a very low degree of fruit cocktail, it is enough to defeat him, the Demon King.

Kira supported the crumbling body of Ulysses and led him down the corridor back to the prince's private room. At the last moment, if it weren't for her quick eyesight, Ulysses' male identity might have been exposed.

"You're a really nice person. When it's time to say no, you should refuse, Ulysses."

"Hiccup... ah..." Ulysses, who was dizzy and dizzy, was almost speechless when he saw that everything in front of him had become two copies.

If it wasn't for Kira to support him, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground long ago. When he was in Taji City, he often collapsed in the bar with Kanka like this. However, this time, the orcs who had never been ill-intentioned by him were replaced by passionate girls.

"Really." Kira pushed open the door of Ulysses' room and put him on the sofa in the hall.

The room is very clean, and it can even be said that there is no trace of being used. If it weren't for the thick books piled on the table in front of the sofa, it would even give the illusion that no one lives here.

"Huh...huh..." Ulysses, who had long been unable to support it, fell asleep immediately after laying down on the soft sofa. In terms of alcohol consumption, he doesn't seem to be much stronger than in the past.

"You're really not defensive at all, so trust me?" Kira sat beside Ulysses and looked down at his sleeping face.

It was a very peaceful sleeping face, without any distracting thoughts. To be able to sleep beside her so peacefully, obviously he trusts her very, very much, and doesn't make any precautions against her.

In other words, he completely regarded her as his friend, so he trusted her 100%.

"Then, I will not betray your trust. I will protect you tonight." Kira, who knew Ulysses' secret, consciously assumed the responsibility of protecting him. This is the trust in Ulysses. s return.

It feels really good to have such friends who trust each other.

Gently stroked Ulysses' front hair, Kira lowered her head and gently kissed his forehead.

This is the blessing from the fairy, the guardian who holds the staff of Chiba protects his friends.

This time, she will definitely protect the people around her, and she will never let a tragedy like her sister happen again.


There was a figure walking in the deep darkness, and no light could be seen in this deep underground, but for this person, light was not necessary. He has become part of the darkness, gaining the power to merge into the darkness.

Then, he found light in the deepest place, a light that was completely incommensurate with this deep darkness, extremely dazzling, extremely sacred, as if it wanted to shoot through the earth.

"It really doesn't look like it. You are so embarrassed. What kind of enemy did you meet?" Darwin, who was wearing a black priest's robe, his eyes were closed, and the third demon eye on his forehead emitted a strange purple light. Looking at the cooperator surrounded by light, the witch from the Southern Church of the Supreme God.

"Ha...ha..." The shrine maiden, whose body was taken by Yuna and whose purity was taken away by Ulysses in the battle not long ago, was gasping for breath, and the huge energy of light was constantly swallowing up She was holding onto her body, causing her hands and feet to show an abnormal golden color.

It was a golden color full of divine brilliance, transcending human brilliance, the exact same color as the divine garment she used.

This is the proof of the high recovery of the bloodline power in her body, the omen of the awakening of the Phoenix Phoenix. The legendary phoenix has endless brilliance of life, and can burn its own life to shine unscrupulously.

But that is the light that the human body absolutely cannot accept. It is impossible for the human body to emit this kind of light, even if the blood of the Phoenix Phoenix is ​​flowing in her body.

After Ulysses invaded her body, Mayfair has completely lost control over the power of Phoenix Phoenix in her body, and the large amount of golden liquid obtained from Ulysses turned into a burning catalyst, The fire of her life ignited in one go.

The flaming fire of life awakened the phoenix Phoenix who was sleeping in her body. The will of the legendary phoenix completely overwhelmed her, and an unprecedented force erupted to bring her to the heights. the air.

During that time, her consciousness almost completely disappeared, and she only remembered that she flew to an almost infinite height in the air, and even the outline of the continent was clearly visible. What happened next is completely unknown. When she woke up, she was already in the deep underground place she prepared for herself.

"Do you want me to help?" Through his demon eyes, Darwin could see that the power in Mayfair was very chaotic, and it had reached an extremely difficult level.

"It's just a little I'll fix it." She stood up very hard and put on the magic ring that sealed her magic power, Mayfair's expression became calm. That is not much nostalgia for this world, only pure hatred and angry eyes.

Even if her body is humiliated, even if her heart is trampled, she still has to carry out her oath, the oath she made in that ancient city that no longer exists.

"Then, let's continue with the plan. Recently, the organization has some clues about the secrets hidden by the Ana family. It's really hard to imagine that this ancient priest family is actually related to demons." Darwin's expression was when speaking of this news. Also very weird.

One of the oldest famous families in the mainland, dating back to the origin of the Supreme God Cult, the Ana family, which can even be regarded as part of the Supreme God Cult, actually hides clues of demons, which even he can't understand. matter.

"The Ana family? How could it be possible, how could they have something to do with the devil." Obviously, Mayfair didn't believe it either.

Even though she was born in the southern church, she knew a lot about the largest priest family in the north, and no matter how she thought about it, she didn't think this family would have anything to do with demons.

This has been an important part of the church since the origin of the Supreme God Cult. There have been several popes, more than three-digit cardinals, and countless great priest families.

"I also think there are many doubts, but this should be true." Darwin shrugged. This is because the organization has traced countless materials and dug countless ancient tombs, and then deduced from some clues in the origin of the Supreme God Cult. The truth comes out.

As for which demon made a contract with the Ana family, which is almost the representative of the Supreme Cult itself, it is still unknown.


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