Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 497: Double Tree Garden (middle)

The garden of twin trees is like spring all year round, and beautiful flowers bloom everywhere. Two ancient linden trees exude a strange brilliance in the center of the garden. Eight jewel girls and their heroes gather under these twin trees to wait. to the final moment. ~

"Why hasn't it started yet?" Seven Tribulations Sword looked strangely at the yellow flowers falling from the double tree.

He was one of the dark gods who participated in the most gem wars in order to allow his subordinates to qualify for the Great Reincarnation, and he chose to reincarnate by himself after sending all his subordinates who had followed him in the past to the Great Reincarnation.

Therefore, he is the hero who has come to this Double Tree Garden the most times, and the tyrant of many consecutive gem wars.

In the gem war he experienced, after the basic ring battle was over, the dust had already fallen, and only the gem girl who came to the double tree garden to wait for him to declare his final victory.

The battle that took place in this two-tree garden was only once. That was the decisive battle with another ancient dark **** hero under these two trees. He still won by an overwhelming advantage and completed his invincible myth.

"Probably because the specifications of this gem war are too high, the goddesses want to choose a different method to choose the strongest." The goblin said nonchalantly, biting the apple she got from nowhere.

"Hmph, why is it so troublesome, I can fight to the end alone." Seven Tribulations Sword has absolute confidence in himself, and this confidence comes from his own strength, but also from the most ferocious devil sword he possesses.

No one could imagine the real horror of the Seven Tribulations Sword. The power of this most ferocious sword in his hands was only the tip of the iceberg. There was something more terrifying that did not emerge from the sword.

"Strange, it should have started, why is it still in the truce field?" The Eastern Princess August, who has won the most gem wars in all dynasties, is also puzzled. In the dozens of gem wars she has experienced, this is the first time she has encountered this kind of war. kind of situation.

The Double Tree Garden is the final stage for the final battle. Generally speaking, as long as you enter here, it means that the final battle is about to begin.

The rules are similar to the life and death battle in the battle of the ring, the rules here are no rules. Only the strongest can win. The hero who comes here must defeat all the remaining opponents and prove himself to be the strongest.

Only the strongest can be qualified to dominate the place in the Great Reincarnation, and the place will vary according to the war level. Most of the final victors will simply choose to enter the Great Reincarnation and leave this distant land.

In this way, a new successor will appear in the southern land. Although it is not really a resurrection, the ability to pass on one's own power, Noble Phantasm and battle memory together has satisfied the vast majority of dark **** heroes.

Only a few winners will make another choice and become the free dark gods wandering the land of the south. In a sense, they have retained more of their self-will and returned to the real world, staying in their Noble Phantasm in a way that is close to that of an evil spirit, waiting for another chance to be fully resurrected.

Compared to the doubtful gem girls, two of the heroes showed their different expressions.

"Yes, it's here!" No matter how restrained he was, Chris couldn't control his body. The constant trembling represented how excited she was at the moment.

That's right, it's here, in this garden, even the location is clear.

With these two trees as the center, the soul jade is located in the north. The spiritual mirror is in the southwest position, and the empty sword is in the southeast position. All the three artifacts of the Dark God Race are here, forming a perfect triangle to support this double tree garden.

The entire Double Tree Garden, and even the entire distant land, is supported by the power of these three artifacts. The soul jade used to summon the souls of the dead, the spiritual mirror that reflects the real world, and the empty sword that cuts through space. The three artifacts each perform their duties and form the cornerstone of this entire remote land.

Chris didn't know how the twin witches did it, but this far-flung place already had the law of an independent world. ~Although I don't want to admit it, the mystery of this distant land is indeed far above the headquarters of the Dark Protoss.

However, the most important core of them is still the three artifacts they grabbed from the Dark Protoss as the skeleton. As long as these three artifacts are retrieved, the entire distant land will collapse completely, turning into fragments in the void and disappearing into the dimensional gap. middle.

Although doing so may make this entire distant land disappear, as the prince of the Dark Protoss, Chris has only one choice - to take back the three artifacts belonging to his own family.

If it was said that when he first came, he despised this gem war, then when he came here and did not see Yaga and Xia Mi, Chris had already deeply realized the cruelty of war.

She doesn't know who defeated her brother and sister. Although her strength is obviously in a super low period due to many falls, whether it is the dry land or the wild electricity, it has the ability to kill ordinary eighth-level powerhouses in seconds. The strength is the peerless powerhouse who once easily played her in the palm of his hand.

The person who can defeat them will undoubtedly have the ability to defeat the current her.

She would not allow herself to lose, she would never allow it, she had already come to a place within easy reach of the three artifacts, and she must bring them all back. Let the Seven Nights, which has begun to gradually show decline due to population problems, revive again.

As long as there are three artifacts, the ice demons and the witches will have a way to create the same mobile fortress as in the past, so that Qiye will once again have the powerful power to freely penetrate the void.

Brother and sister, the witches and Kuya, who is the secret weapon, are gone. She is the only one who came here. She has no other choice and must use the last trump card.

That card is—herself.

"Chris, are you there?" Chris awakened the sleeping Chris with an unprecedented will, even though she was obviously in a strange state that she couldn't understand.

"..." There was no answer, but she could feel Chris's unusual mood, which was confusion, unease, and some regretful girlish heart, something that had no relationship with her.

"I won't ask you what happened and what you did that day. However, you must help me and lend me your power." In order to recover the three artifacts, Chris paid a considerable amount of money. determination.

She clearly knew that something must have happened that day, and the blood stained on the mask was not someone else's, but her own. She was also often injured in battles, so bloodstains were nothing strange, but at that time she just saw those bloodstains and felt that her whole body became strange.

It was a visceral unease, as if something had happened and I couldn't remember it at all. She wanted to know what happened that day more than anyone else, but Chris never responded to her voice or came out of her body once since that day.

"Ah, really...?" Chris's faint voice could be heard, which is only a child who has made a big mistake.

"Yes, no matter what happens, I will treat it as never, so lend me your strength..." Chris's voice hesitated for a while, and then he gritted his teeth and made up his mind:

"When necessary, open that door too."

After a long silence, Chris gave an answer, which was her trust in Chris and her gratitude for being forgiven for her mistakes:


Both of them knew what that door meant. It wasn't the door inherited from his elder brother, Yaga, the Dry Land, and his elder sister, Desolate Lightning, but the forbidden door that was hidden in the deepest part of their bodies.

The power behind that door is unimaginable, unpredictable, and uninterpretable. During the Heroes Conference, the two of them just opened it a little and completely lost consciousness.

It was a feeling that the ego was close to complete collapse, that the soul was also torn and occupied. At that time, they saw the things behind the door for the first time, and vaguely knew some secrets about themselves.

Their bodies are not only the bloodline of the Dark Protoss, but also have a more special meaning.

What is hidden behind that door is not what they can touch and see now, it is the biggest secret of the Dark Protoss.

However, Chris has made up his mind that even if her consciousness disappears completely, she will recapture the three artifacts of the Dark Protoss for Chris, so that she can have true happiness.

That is the meaning of her existence, Chris should be a happy, happy princess, all battles, all **** things are borne by her.

Because she is the prince, the prince who guards the princess. She paid the price for opening the door this time... Beneath the double tree, Ulysses rarely showed a shocked because he finally discovered something , something impossible, something that he could hardly believe his eyes.

"Moonstone, has this always been like this?" In order to confirm this, Ulysses had to ask his gem girl.

"Yeah, everyone is looking forward to this place. It is the glory of all the gem girls to be here." This is an eternal paradise. It is said that it has been the residence of the twin goddesses for a long time, and it is the holy place of all gem girls.

"Then, is it me, or the world?" Ulysses looked at the sea of ​​flowers around him and confirmed the memories in his heart again.

This world, this world full of flowers and filled with happiness, was clearly the world he had created once.

In that world, he can also be happy, and he can also be with many girls who like him, marry them, and get a perfect ending.

The name of that world is the Pure Land of Bliss. RQ

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