Demon Lord

Chapter 168: Mysterious necklace

Roddy's idea of ​​being a "dragon knight" is absolutely normal, because even the ruthless and rare "dragon" is classified as "Warcraft" in the system classification. m

Although the whole game only heard that someone met the dragon and never took the dragon as a pet, in Rodi's view, he finally found the reason why the "hunting monster hunter" was cut off by the game company ... without it, using "Warcraft" as Pets are simply InBa

The most common pets of Rangers at the time were "cats", similar to "steel-tailed leopards" and "iron claw tigers", followed by bears and wild boars. As "beasts", these pets were more or less This skill is close to you, similar to "Wild Charge", "Furious Attack", "Tear Wound" and so on, but most of them are physics damage skills, and in the later period, they become more and more tasteless.

But what is "Warcraft"? It is the beast slayer Myra that can use magic skills, the spit fire of the scorpion king, and Roddy has suffered a lot, not to mention other large variety of Warcraft on this big 6 ... their skills even completely covered " All the skills of the "Mage"

What kind of elemental magic, spiritual magic, light magic, and even the deepest space magic are available?

Compared to human magicians, once Level 3 Warcraft has a "magic crystal", it is equivalent to a magician carrying ten bottles of "magic potion", exaggerating that the gas burner has been replaced with Nuclear reactors and continuous combat capabilities have just broken through the sky-except for the "single spell category" defect, bringing such a pet is almost equivalent to bringing a magic turret out of thin air

I ca n’t help but think of Roddy here, even if he ca n’t find a “Dragon” to be a pet, just finding a powerful Warcraft is enough to make him jump several times in battle-even if it ’s just a control skill such as “Frost Nova” , His win rate in the face of the enemy can be improved by dozens of percentage points

With so many associations, Roddy almost smirked, but the tired old elf in front of him didn't understand ... Was that ruin worth the excitement?

But in the face of Roddy's question, Brudy still answered truthfully: "If His Excellency Roddy wants to go to the ruins of Wagra, it is enough to walk for two hours northwest."

Roddy nodded and thanked him, hoping to fly in immediately, but he remembered the snake king who had caused the tide of beasts and lived a long time, but still kept his heart tight and asked in a low voice: "So ... how much does the village chief know about the snake king Saga? "

"Dukal's magic pet" is just a vague concept, and Roddy has no idea how powerful this guy is.

"I am not sure about these things, Lord Roddy." Brudy has always been so polite to Roddy, but although he shook his head, his face showed some memories, and after a few seconds, he continued Said: "I only know ... Dukal priest summoned it and fought all the high elves to the last minute. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation, and when it came to me, I didn't know how strong Sakya was. But all I remember ... the entire city of Wagra, even the high elves and thousands of orcs who invaded, was destroyed by a fire caused by the snake king Sakya. "

Roddy raised his eyebrows ... how powerful Nima was, even a city was burned.

"And until now, the ruins of Wagra are still‘ forbidden grounds' in the eyes of our wooden elves, and have never been closer again for hundreds of years. ”

Dukar in Brudy's mouth is "sacrifice" rather than "demon hunter", apparently the name of this profession seems to have a lot of vagueness. However, such a message still puzzled Roddy: If Sakya is really in the "Ruins of Wagra", it may be very troublesome to find the inheritance by himself.

Judging by the scale of the beast tide alone, Sakya's strength is at least "h6 template" and level 3 upwards. And if the advanced professional o-level, basic-level Rodi encounters it, from any perspective, it is the end of the minute.

But Roddy is very clear that if the game's "mission designer" is not mentally disabled, it will definitely not deliberately create such obstacles. From the logic of the script, Sakura the Snake King is certainly not as difficult as it is imagined to be-maybe there are suitable terrain or props, maybe enough ways can be found, in short, Roddy wants to complete advanced tasks, absolutely not It would be simple to die with each other.

Thinking of this, he is even more full of anticipation for the powerful attributes of "The Demon Hunter".

"By the way, I always have a question ..." When Brudy saw that Roddy stopped asking questions, the old face appeared hesitant, and even wrinkles appeared, "Where did Lord Rhodes learn these words?" of?

where? Taskbar

Roddy was also a little embarrassed by such a question, because after the necklace was broken, he took up some professional tasks somehow, and these words did not appear elsewhere.

"I don't know too well. At first, an ancestral necklace was broken on my body, and then these words suddenly popped into my head. I didn't understand what it meant, but I probably knew it was an elf's text. Come here. "

This is almost true, and Roddy is not interested in making up anything else, and these things don't sound like anyone will believe it-but thinking about it in his heart, he now sees that Brudy frowned even deeper after listening to these words, even The voices became hesitant and shivered:

"What does that necklace ... look like?"

Roddy raised his hand and gestured, "The black stone doesn't look very eye-catching. It's so big, why ... what do you know?"

Seeing Brudy's old face flushed with suffocation, Roddy is stupid and understands that this necklace seems to be very promising, but he can try to remember for a long time, but he now remembers the original owner of "Lodi" after crossing. Almost forgotten, where the necklace came from has been completely forgotten.

He waited for Brudy's words, but the other person suddenly became dull and dull for a long time, and when he spoke again, the sense of distance that always existed between words disappeared: "I had no intention to speak to you. Since -Since ... hey. "

Brudy stopped talking, and finally sighed, and explained the plan of the "captain Kevin" in the mouth of the mercenary.

"Yesterday, these human mercenaries sent troops to make a road-seeking posture, and there have been several conflicts. If it was not for this guy you sent Hugo, I'm afraid we are still in the dark ..."

It is grateful, but these words seem to trust him too much. Roddy didn't understand what went wrong. He turned his head around [Prestige Bar], and now [Wood Elves (Elsa Village)] has more prestige. There is a big cut, only one third of the distance is left [respect]

Obviously, the necklace is a bit different, so that Brudy completely gave up on himself, and even looked at as a trusted partner.

He slammed a few words, but Brudy was reluctant to elaborate, but Rodi had no choice but to continue to think about advanced professional tasks-

I had to go to the Ruins of Wagra to think of myself, and by the way ... the mercenary regiment seemed to have Sakya the Serpent King as his target.

He sorted out the uncomplicated relationship in his head, and Roddy easily made a plan in his mind, but he also knew who was in charge here-looking up, Roddy narrowed his eyes and asked, " Although I am a personal person, the way these mercenaries are really shameful-just ... don't know what the village chief has to do? "

Brudy reached out and frowned his beard, looking like bitter gourd. The wooden elves have been hunting for a living. Where have they dealt with human mercenaries? Their entire ethnic group is very simple. Even the village chief, the kindness and docileness in his bones make it difficult for him to give too cruel orders.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of people living safely in the virgin forest. The so-called "ambition" and "ambition" are not related to them at all, and the unpleasant point is that the "small farmer's thinking" is serious. .

"I think ... we can only strengthen the village defense as soon as possible, repair some traps, and try to prevent the snake king from destroying our village ... if it does come, we have no other way."

Brudy sighed, but this made Rodi extremely incomprehensible: people are ready to pump you with a big mouth, what you call preparation ... is to put a face on a protective gear to let the other party continue to pump?

The logic of the wooden elves is really anxious ...

After all, race is different, and Roddy is not interested in understanding this idea-he was very impressed by the mercenaries who were in trouble, and the dark behavior of the bandits and the accidental confession fully illustrated this. What kind of "mermaid regiment" is it.

Thinking of Elsa Village as a "treasure land", Roddy didn't want to watch the elves lying down and hammering waiting for the Serpent King Sakya to come home and demolish the house.

"Village chief, I have a few words ... you should think about it."

Thinking for a moment, "Luo Dahuo" coughed, and sincerely stated his plan to Brudi.

On the other side, in the middle of the camp of the "Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment", the laid-back commander Kevin was humming the small song and grilling the fat venison.

It ’s true that he did what awakened the snake king Sakya, and lost five of his subordinates ~ ~ But as long as this task is completed and the magic crystal in this guy's head is obtained, Kevin will definitely be able to transfer it after he returns. The position within the "Viper Cross" sect is moving upwards ... what is a few dead for an arrogant guy who cares nothing about human life?

"Gallup, Gallup. It's a pity that you died on an unknown soldier, didn't you think? I will soon take your place."

So sighing, when he finished eating a deer leg, he patted his belly and got up and ordered the deputy head who came to report the information: "Tomorrow, I will send someone to lead the snake king to the elf . "

"Master Kevin, then you ..."

"I'll go directly to the Elven Village. Would you like me to teach you things like Warcraft?"

"I see, sir."

Kevin stretched his shoulders and looked at the starry sky, muttering to himself: "Rely on the magic crystal to make the sacrifice ceremony ahead of time, can a sect revive with an artifact?"

It was late, and a storm was coming.

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