Demon Lord

Chapter 204: False Eternal

The following text:

204 Chapter 204

Outside the basement of Kigg town.

There are three floors in the dim burial chamber, and the first two floors are filled with various books and potions without any restrictions. But if you continue to go down, you will have to go through a narrow, spiral staircase and pass through three gates with magical restrictions to enter the third underground burial chamber-this is Ansadin's "Magic Lab", It is also where he puts all his "family".

Thanks to the help of Viscount Transka and several other human nobles, "An Tu Hao" has a wealth of unimaginable people within a few years. Therefore, in addition to gold and silver coins, more are valued here. "Sirsil", "Mithril" and a lot of summoning materials.

This secret room is supposedly not open to any outsiders, but at this time Ansadin arched slightly, trying to squeeze a respectful look on his slack face, looking directly at the ground under his feet, facing the front. The figure sitting on the stone chair whispered something--

"When I heard the news of the accident, I immediately summoned the gargoyle to come, so that I can find you the first time ..."

"As for how to deal with these humans, I have gotten the list through a few days of investigation ..."

"With your presence, Augustine's mission will be successfully completed!"

Uh ...

Ansadin's expression and tone of "dog-legs" at this moment are completely different from the ruthlessness when he summoned and killed Roddy.

The "wither" Magda was sitting in front of him at this moment, seemingly closed his eyes, but in fact, he could see from the slightly frowned frown that he was in a bad mood at the moment.

More than a month has passed since the defeat in Hollier City, and his half of the body that was smashed by the city defense giant crossbow still maintained the terrible wound-under such a wound, he had no interest in listening to Ansadin's flattery and directly raised his hand to interrupt "I'm not interested in listening to bullshit, tell me ... how long does it take to recover?"

Even if Ansaddin used a high-level potion to solve a trouble for Magda, the pride of the "Wither" will not be changed by an owed human condition.

The class consciousness of identity and status is deeply ingrained in Tasman. In the eyes of the "Wither", Ansadin is a "junior" who is only a sentinel performing tasks in the Kingdom of Karen. There is no room for attention.

Therefore, he was not at all polite to Ansadin, and regarded the other side as "喽 啰".

大 "Master, repairing your body requires fresh corpses first, and if you want to restore your peak strength, you must find the most suitable match ... and also need a series of magic array effects and casting time, I ..."

"How many days will it take?"

He has no interest in Ansadin's plan, all he wants is himself-revenge! In the shortest time, he will hand-blade Roddy, this is his only goal!

"Maybe ... it takes ten days at the earliest." Ansadin's body bowed even lower, and the cowardice and fear in his voice were unabashed. "And, and this is still optimistic, sir, you see--"

"I only give you five days and do it now."

Magda narrowed his eyes and gave his time limit calmly.

"Master, this-no, no problem ... but in order to better restore your strength, now you need to treat the wound with a potion ..."

He was kicked by Ansadin, and he did not even dare to argue. He hurriedly lowered his head and took out the potion—this "absolute obedience" attitude obviously made Magda very useful.

The "Wither" is not blind. He knows how precious the same materials are in the room. Ansadin allows him to receive treatment here, which shows that the other party is not alert to him-so For the rest of the time, he accepted Ansardin's treatment of the wound very cooperatively.

After all this was done, Ansadin didn't ask a few extra words, bowed deeply, and then bowed back.

"Really acquainted."

Magda reached out and touched the treated wound, giving Ansadin his opinion.

On the other hand, Ansadin, who is "the acquainted", has completely disappeared from his previous atrophy, and is replaced by an undisguised joke ...

"The arrogant old thing, the more you live, the more you go back."

He is very clear that since the black crow found Magda's hiding place, the other party has stepped into his trap step by step--

Invite the other party to your most precious room to show "obedience", use the weak performance to relax the other party's vigilance, and ... make Magda think that his body needs a long time to repair.

All of this is actually a cover!

With the strength of Ansadin, repairing the body is entirely a matter of utmost care, but he is deliberately delaying time!

The letter to His Majesty Augustine has flown to the Tasman Empire with the Black Raven. If all goes well, when that Majesty learns of these stupid things done by Magda, he will certainly support his direct action to kill Roddy. !!

What about Magda? The introduction will only become an arrogant old man in His Majesty's eyes, I am afraid that it will not be reused in the future.

I'll wait for him to cure this old guy. I'm afraid the other party doesn't know that he has been used all over again. He loses his competitiveness in politics and owes himself a favor!

"A guy without a mind just can't get into parliament. What about his strength? Oh ..."

He laughed at Magda's stupidity secretly, Ansadin stepped back to the basement, but as soon as he walked into the room, his gaze suddenly--

"how is this possible?!"

On the desktop not far away, the 13-node magic circle that had originally flashed was completely dimmed.

Ansadin's eyes widened incredibly, and he quickly walked to the front of the circle and reached out to try to pick up the magic crystals in it, but the fingertips just touched the crystals, and the crackling sound of "click" sounded, and a spider web The cracks spread, and then the entire magic crystal became a pile of residue ...

This scene of represents 傀儡 death, the magic crystal encounters energy back bite, and destroys itself.

Ansadin's fingers hovered above the circle, and the original shocked eyes gradually covered the vulva, and the thin and slender fingers slowly condensed into fists. With the gathering of the power of the dead, all above the circle The magic crystal shattered and disappeared.

Then, without hesitation, he reached out and opened a wooden cabinet door—in the dim light, the "puppet statues" in them were almost piled up into a mountain.

At midnight, dense horseshoes rang out in Paarl.

The scouts had already stood in a neat queue on the school ground, Ruger stood in front of him silently waiting for Rody's order, while Carter was walking in the team, seriously performing his task as a "political commissar".

The Templars team next to the puppet looked a little scattered. Twenty full-time knights and twenty temple guards carrying huge battle shields rode on the warhorses, all of them making light appearances.

In the wooden house, Roddy inserted two scimitars into the scabbard, tightened the strap of the quiver, picked up the short bow, reached for Nokia, who was sleeping in the basket with his body in his back, and pushed it into the waist pocket, pushing the door and Out-

Akasha outside the yamen had waited for a few minutes, at this time when she saw Roddy, she extinguished the ring's light and followed. Roddy nodded and said hello, and then said, "If you encounter a battle, you must stay in the center of the team, don't let yourself be exposed, remember to save your life is the most important thing."


卡 Akasha nodded seriously and clenched the ring in her hand unconsciously.

Needless to say, the beauty priest once again misunderstood his thoughts-Roddy was now remembering how to deal with the undead mage's fighting style at the moment. The words just said were all because of the complaint in his heart that "healing" was too little. To ...

When he stepped in front of the team, Roddy looked around and realized that he had not seen Nata's figure, and she was relieved-he also understood that if Nata was in a normal state, she would know that she was not following her The reason to fight desperately.

For the sake of avoiding murderers, Roddy expressed his understanding. He also did not want this former "mentor" to follow his own to face unknown enemies. After all, these things have nothing to do with her. If it is involved Instead, I feel guilty ...

This is one of Rodi's few emotional emotions, but as he stepped into the army, he had suppressed this last trace of sensibility, and after Soderorol and others roughly explained the plan, he went directly to "all Order ".

But when he was about to ride on a war horse and follow him away, Nata suddenly came to herself, and said blankly, "I have only one question."

Nata's voice with a short bow on her back was indifferent. Her newly changed leather armor changed her image dramatically, but Roddy was not interested in observing all this, but frowned slightly, waiting for her next.

"If you die, who will save Elsa Village?"

Na Nata's words were too straightforward and sounded even harsh. But this is her personality ~ ~ Rodi has long been used to it.

He opened his mouth and wanted to give him a candidate, but when he spoke, he hesitated ...

No one wants to think about what to do when he dies, and so is Rody. But when Nata's question was asked, he suddenly realized that the promise he had made before ... was really difficult to achieve.

Yeah, if you die, it means that these people are basically dead. If so, who can help the wood elves? What's the point of helping them?

I can lie to others, but to Nata's "mentor", Roddy is unwilling to say a false word at this time-he shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't guarantee this promise."

After this sentence, Roddy was ready to answer the question, but who knows that the wooden elves in front of him did not have any unexpected look, but he was awkward looking for a horse to ride up, pulled the reins and joined the team Among ...

"This battle is dangerous and may die."

Roddy shouted at Nata in elf language.

"If I die and you live," Nata gently tightened her hood in the cold wind, and said calmly, "Remember your promise."

Between "selfishness" and "selflessness", Nata's choice is even more simple than Roddy imagined.

(To be continued)

PS: It has been revised for a long time. I have always been learning about characterization. At first I felt that it was language and expression, but later, I felt that there was not much to say, and the "power" was really interesting. It is especially deep to see the flames, and I still feel that my writing skills are still shallow and need to be tempered. The update time should start normal tomorrow. It's busy these days. Mother's Day has been with my family at home, so I finished the draft at 1:30. In the new week, I would like to recommend your support and monthly tickets for support!

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