Demon Lord

Chapter 217: Make big money!

To Transka consciously on the other side of the town of Kig, everything seemed to be going according to plan.

In the eyes of the Viscount, Soderlor, who had just obtained the "Baron", seemed to be a **** and rude "starter"-what does it mean to bring a group of people to threaten in front of the manor? Was I scared when I was?

Although there are a few fears in his heart, Tranka always suppresses this cowardly thought in time: Anyway, Lord Ansadin already knows their existence, then, he only needs to wait for the next They just have their heads raised.

"Several fools who only use force, only with so few people to demonstrate, if I am, I can bring as many as I can ..."

As he comforted himself, he turned his eyes out of the window: in the late autumn afternoon, there was a bit of solitude, the breeze blew up the fallen leaves, and the lush green space had turned into a withering yellow ... but while admiring the scenery, the man running in the garden and The passing figure made Trenca frown slightly.

"How does the housekeeper teach, and how can such subordinates appear in my mansion?"

He wanted to call someone to rebuke, but then remembered the fact that Steward Blake was dead, and his back was a little cold. After holding up the delicate tea cup and drinking up the afternoon tea, he planned to go to Ansadin to inquire about the news, but then suddenly heard the scream from downstairs ...

The sound of the vase falling to the ground followed, followed by cluttered footsteps. The guard shouted aloud, and the doors and windows were closed by a cricket, sounding as if something terrible had suddenly surrounded the mansion.

Tranca sucked his nose, always feeling a different smell in the air.

He stepped out of the spacious bedroom, and saw the amazed maid running towards him. They shouted, "Sir ... Viscount, many dead people are dead outside."

"What dead man?"

Tranka was startled, and then he screamed calmly: "What are you shouting blindly? Haven't you seen the dead? What's so surprising about the dead? Did anyone throw the dead at the gate of the mansion?"

"Not the dead ... they, they are alive"

The maids are also illiterate.In this era, the lower-level servants in the mansion are basically short-sighted generations, and they may not have stepped out of this town for a lifetime. They do not even know that there is such a creature as "dead spirit". So when they saw the wobbly skeletons, they were scared incoherently and completely lost their expressive power.

Tranca frowned. He guessed something, but he didn't believe it to be true. Turning his head and rushing back to the bedroom, he opened the window and looked over, just to see the scene where three or four skeletons threw down one of the subordinates alive, and one after another the screams of skulls came into view. Tranca changed his face instantly

"Mourning ... Knell Bell? Lord Ansadin he--"

The cold sweat started to emerge from his forehead, and Tranca shook his palm from the weapon display rack used for decoration, turning his head and shouting, "People, my guards are about to take all the people in the manor. They called me over now

The sound of a horse's hoof suddenly came, and the look on Transka's face changed again. After seeing the maids in front of them shrinking and dare not move, he cursed words like "a bunch of waste" and pushed open the bedroom. The gate ran downstairs--the first floor didn't enter the skeleton.Several guards were pale against the gate and saw Tranka rushing down.They just wanted to say a greeting, but there was a muffled noise outside the door. ring…

It sounded like the sound of the fall of the manor door.

"Damn ... is it Angmar's army?"

Tranka couldn't hide his panic anymore, turned and ran towards the bookshelf on the innermost floor of the living room on the first floor, reached down and pressed one of the humble books, disguised as cleverly as possible. Push the door open ...

"Impossible ... this is impossible ... how can Lord Ansadin fail?"

He held these words in his mouth, but cold sweat slipped from his forehead to the ground, apparently these words were just a certain wish in his heart-what "knell toll" means, he knows better than anyone

The secret door was pushed hard to open, and he flashed into the hole, and then used all his strength to close the secret door again-at this time, the sound of the door opening broke, and the guards screamed and fell to the ground, but then it sounded. It's not imaginary shouting and shouting, but only silent to suppressed footsteps, as if these guys who rushed in didn't need language communication at all ...

Tranka was too late to think about the reason, and he finally breathed out after locking the dark door with a click

"Saved ... saved ... these lunatics must not have come here ..."

In the dark environment, Tranca fumbled for the stone platform next to him, and inserted a prepared magic crystal into the groove of the magic circle on the side. In the field of vision, a narrow channel appeared under the illumination of magic lights.

Tranka ran down quickly, and quickly entered a room with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters-looking out, the rows of shelves were filled with all kinds of jewelry, gold coins, silver coins, magic scrolls And "hard currency" such as land titles, which are all the possessions left by the Trenca family after centuries of accumulation

However, at this time, he was not interested in paying attention to this, and went straight to the end of the secret room. He reached out and pressed another mechanism, opened another hidden door, and flew away along a newly emerged passage to start running ...

At the end of the passage is the backyard of a store that has been operating leather products for generations in the town of Kig. This store is a secret property of Viscount Transka, so he believes that his escape will never be discovered-as long as he can escape Here, I have the possibility of turning over

After more than ten minutes of running, Tranca finally gasped at the end of the aisle and opened the hidden door disguised as a closet. Fortunately, he was weak at the moment after he was born, but he was confident that he was out of danger, but was walking out He swears viciously in the back door: "Whoever I am, I will make you pay ..."

"Oh? I'm really honored."

Just after the words were spoken, a sudden response came from outside the open wardrobe.

At this moment, Tranka's entire body froze like a frost--under the strong light, the vision that had adapted to the dim environment was initially pale, and after a few seconds, the outlines of several figures in front of it gradually appeared ...

"Yes ... is you?"

Appearing in front of him, Roddy looked ridiculous.

"You actually-- oh ..."

Tranca opened his mouth to speak, but was pulled by Roddy's neck and pulled out from behind the door ...

With a bang, the Viscount was thrown to the ground like garbage. Just before he got up, the sword flashed, and his right hand, who was about to draw a sword, broke off with his wrists.


The screams sounded, but mixed with Roddy's unusually calm conversation: "Come, Akasha, come here

"My hand-ah-''

"Open the ring and take a look at his face, yes, just a click."

"You are attacking the nobles-you madmen, I ..."

Having said that, Viscount Transka suddenly trembled, and stretched out his hands to cover his face as if he were mad-although it was a "perfect" puppet, because his body had been eroded by undead spells for a long time, his body maintained normal human operation State, but still feel extreme pain under the "light" ...

"Well, confirm one thing, Akasha, close the ring," Roddy said to Akasha with a smile and turned his head, but the mild smile turned cold in an instant ...

The "defeat" of the Karen Kingdom was thought to be caused by the nobility's internal fighting and the orc's attack. But by this time, he could understand ... The biggest reason why this country has no room to resist under the disaster is the destruction of these undead

Without them, Karen would not have failed so badly

Without them, the heroes of the kingdom would not have died in incredible assassinations and internal fights

Without them, Mogla Village ...

Thinking of Neffi, Rodi, who had always been sane, lifted his leg and kicked mercilessly in the belly of Transka


At this kick, Tranka almost spit out his liver, opened his mouth and even groaned, and the only reaction in the body was convulsions ...

"Come, look at me, yes, that's it."

Roddy crouched down, stretched his head to straighten his head, and whispered, "You are not a real undead, so I have a lot of time to pry your mouth away. If you want to carry it, I welcome it."

Speaking of which, he grinned a smile that made Tranka shudder: "Akasha, come and give him a recovery operation."

The light of the divine spell fell, and Tranca curled up in pain, but the wound on the wrist stopped the blood-the divine spell was healing his body, but it was afflicting his spirit ...

"Lust for immortality? Enjoy what life means ..."

The two scouts dragged Tranca out, and the wailing echoed for a long time.

Roddy exhaled slowly, trying to calm the violent mood-after turning his eyes back to the closet, he immediately restored the player's nature, and whispered the harvest of this battle: "The Viscount's family, An Under the tyrant's house, how many good things can these two people add up to? "

Looking down to open the [taskbar], the two red-colored tasks of "Kill Magda (Completed)" and "Kill Ansaddin (Complete)" are impressive, and the experience value provided makes Rhodier simply smiled ...

"Hahahaha, it was calculated according to the advanced level 40, and it made a lot of money."

Akasha and Nata looked at Roddy, who was giggling after entering the back room passage, and didn't understand what he was talking about ~ ~ Roddy ignored the two confused women behind her and kept turning. Looking for the [battle record], but then found an amazing fact: almost everyone involved in this battle has been upgraded

Scouts such as Lugar and Carter have long been stuck at the critical point because of long-term training. At this time, after the battle, the collective blowouts were upgraded to two levels ...

In this way, the entire scout team has crossed the threshold of level 10 and has the ability to transfer jobs. This means that in the near future, their combat effectiveness will completely rise by one level.

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