Demon Lord

Chapter 304: Become god

Camilla, panting and rushing out of the smoke, didn't even dare to return.

The wall made of brick and stone was thin and paper-threatening in front of Belom, and the scattered ice cones penetrated the cold bone. Camilla jumped three times with her strong skill to escape the shame. The group's "Frost Ball" spell cast by the opponent.

"The third staircase ..."

She found the stairs in Roddy's mouth and ran up, and a tremor in her ears seemed to be fading away, but her brain entered a strange state at this time-the headache became more intense, but the physical state and Elements flowing around the body are more sensitive than ever.

"The far left ... the far left ..."

Walking across the stairs, Camilla found that she had reached the tenth floor, and continued to run according to Roddy's words. Camilla found that she had quickly left the fierce battlefield. She clenched the "intermediate mana potion" in her heart. At this time, other "irrelevant" questions are also being considered—

Why did he give me this potion?

The "holy congregation" is powerful, secretive, and rich, but it does not mean that all members have enviable benefits. Where is the "medium potion" is not a cabbage that can be donated easily, why is Roddy willing to believe in himself?

Even if there is a common enemy or target, you will not have such trust in Chengdu within an hour after you know it?

From simple contact, Camilla knows that Roddy is not an emotional guy, so I can't think of such a problem ...

The noisy fighting sounds have become an unclear echo.Camilla notices that the runes on the surrounding rooms and walls are still dim, and they don't seem to be activated at all. This is probably the true "purpose" of Roddy: Turing needs some time to restore control of the entire magic tower, and as long as he rushes to the top of the tower before him, he can successfully open some laws that the other party has not yet controlled. Array

But when this idea first appeared, Camilla noticed that there was a wave of elements in the front.She looked up and found that a figure wearing a robe appeared in front of him, and at the same time the staff in his opponent's hand had pointed at himself ...


Camilla immediately grabbed the deputy next to her, as if she was about to jump straight from the forty-five-meter-high place across the stairs, and the next second, a violent air wave blasted from where she had just stood Fly-through-Camilla hanging on the side of the staircase drank softly, and pulled herself back with one hand, and then pointed with the other hand toward the front. After the "ice cone" appeared, the shield and " "Light feather", and then chased the ice cone cast by him towards the attacker.


The ice cone hit the opponent's rushed shield, but this blow was just a cover. Camilla rushed to the nearest and raised her hand to press on the shield. The "flame impact" exploded directly, breaking the shield and taking it with the opponent. Blown out together

All this happened between the electric light and the flint. Camilla used her powerful "close-up spell battle" to kill the other directly.

The fireball technique that was added later slammed the opponent's head away, and Camilla frowned slightly, but felt that it was strange that she won so easily.

But she didn't have time to think too much, and continued to run up, but she met three high-elf mages who also wanted to stop herself, but the opponent's casting speed was terrible, her eyes were dull and her body was stiff. After the body quickly resolved the other party, it finally stopped and looked down with some curiosity.

Black blood, pale cheeks, these guys with high elf faces, at this time Camilla reminded one word: undead.

"How could this be…"

She knew that she could not stay, and after a few glances, she continued to climb upwards. Because of continuous battles, Camilla had to take a sip of "intermediate mana potion" to combat the burning sensation in her body. Later, she walked around the semicircular corridor and was going to the last step to the top of the tower.

The external shape of Pashal's Tower is a featureless cylinder.Therefore, Camilla standing near the top of the tower can fully see the outside through the window, but it is only a simple glance. The scene opened her mouth in surprise ...

Outside the "moat" of the fortress walls, thousands of figures gushed from the various buildings in the inner city like a tide, rushing towards Pashaar's magic tower together.

"A lot of enemies ahead of the alert"

"I don't know the front, west side, no, east side"

"Too much-there could be tens of thousands"


The information reported by the soldiers suddenly changed Soderlor's face-the undead's offensive was unfolding at the suspension bridge south of the fortress, Rugcart and others were desperately blocking the opponent with the soldiers. The sudden emergence of the enemy is really unconscious

If they were the helpers of the undead, the other party should have pressed everyone up in one breath, should they wait for their hard work here to resist?

"Pay attention to the suspension bridge on the north side, don't make mistakes"

Soderlor yelled at the soldiers. The bottom area of ​​Pashal's Tower was not small, but only two north and south suspension bridges were accessible. The suspension bridge in the north was raised, and the south was under attack. This hundred people under Roddy sounded a lot, but it was really stretched to fight, and also because of the small suspension bridge, Soderall let the soldiers rely on the reserve rotation and Akasha and others. Struggling to stop, even in the face of the onslaught of the undead, it did not fall into the wind, but ... if more than 10,000 people came outside, there would be no way to fight this battle.

He rushed to the edge of the city wall, only to find that the arrows that the undead had just fired had stopped completely, raised his head and glanced at it. Soderrollton cursed-"I x"

The Paxar Magic Tower is the core of the city of Elson, and its outer periphery is an inner city that spreads in a ring.Because of the need for war preparations, the nearest buildings are about 150 meters away from the magic tower moat. Looking at this time, countless figures appeared in the streets that extended to the distance in the field of vision.

It looks like this to the left, and it looks like this to the right. Soderlor ran a few steps towards the other side of the city wall, and then found that the entire Pashaar Tower was surrounded by countless figures pouring out ...

"What the **** is going on?"

He clenched the long sword in his hand and tried to force himself to calm down— "How long can we hold on to the suspension bridge?"

In this case, there is no hope for counterattack. Roddy's backbone is in the Pashaar Tower. Even if they break out, it doesn't make much sense, let alone the enemy has no "main force" at all. It is completely Overwhelmed by the overwhelming number, the one hundred people estimated that they would be drowned alive if they couldn't get out of the inner city.

Look, these people are dead.

However, Soderlor later found that the undead had also panicked and adjusted the formation. Apparently, the people were not in the same camp as them--Reverend Akasha was holding a gray staff and standing behind four or five shield soldiers Divine magic is released, but all the soldiers have apparently lost their morale ...

This disparity in troop strength makes people unable to raise any fighting spirit at all.

Soderol was ready to rush to the front.He stood on the wall and looked at the enemies who were getting closer, but then suddenly found a problem-these guys who came towards themselves, even All ... elves?

The appearance and clothes of the high elves are new to people in this era. Even the undead can see that these surging guys are those high elves that have been extinct in the legend-but carefully When looking at it, Soderlor and the necromancers in the distance were all in a look of expression.

They ... seem to be dead?

All the high elves who came over were walking silently, their eyes were dull, their steps were slow and firm, like the walking dead driven by a human being.

"Undead High Elf Undead"

Akasha's voice was inconspicuous in the chaotic battlefield, but the "Holy Light" cast by her illuminated most of the undead in front of the tower and the approaching high elves-zombies and skulls that kept coming up. They mourned because of the light, but the high elves in the distance did not respond at all, not even the speed of advance.

Afraid of the undead of the Holy Light?

This situation made Soderlor and Akasha more and more troublesome, and just as they were preparing to fight against the enemies on the south side suspension bridge, the ground of Pashaar's Tower shook slightly, and an invisible force suddenly appeared. Spread out ...


The metal hinge was sounded by the sound of shaking, Sodertonton turned his attention to the north suspension bridge that always pulled up behind him, but just saw the scene where it was slowly falling.

The suspension bridge went down automatically.

"... Damn, Team Four, go with me to the North Suspension Bridge."

And at the same moment, in the secret room at the underground core of Pashal's Tower, the Arcanists of the "Holy Society" were desperately fighting against the high elven arcanists who were encircling one after another-or that they were Do my best to resist the attack from Turing.

"Submit to my will, your body will be part of me"

"Assimilate with me and witness the moment when I become God"

The secret chamber echoed the words spoken by the high elves who were controlled, and the arcane spells in their hands poured out wildly, attacking the members of the "holy congregation" surrounded by a tide like ~ ~ Spark was just spiked just now, and it was completely off guard, and after confirming that the enemies in front of him were threatened, the remaining thirteen "Holy Order" Arcanists immediately began to fight back-and to their surprise, These high-elven mages controlled by Turing don't seem to be as powerful as they thought ...

The form of each arcane attack is extremely simple. Although the power is not small, it does not change any moves, and even the shield is not cast. It gives the impression that they are attacking by instinct with their eyes closed.

The Arcanists of the "Holy Society" clenched their teeth to hold the first salvo, but then they felt that the pressure had suddenly dropped a lot, which finally allowed them to see the hope of escape-killing more than ten people After the influx of high elves, they did not notice that the guys who secretly charged the magic crystals on the central instrument of the house were all condensing arcane energy, preparing to kill a **** road to escape from here.

However, at this moment, the floor of the secret room suddenly froze due to a force of frost.

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