Demon Lord

Chapter 348: That's too late

[Blade of Purification] is not so much a short sword as a slightly longer dagger. Compared to the heavy and huge "Blood Drinker" tomahawk, this weapon is obviously more suitable for single combat or assassination. —It has a faster attack speed, more flexible use methods ... and a higher "critical strike rate".

Although the attack power is not high, it is ultimately a weapon suitable for you. Ruby's attitude was clear enough to send something like this.

The Ring of Forgiveness was worn on the middle finger, and the dagger was hung on the waist. After looking away from the panel, Rody found that Lucy and Quentin were not far away from themselves, and looked nervously. Himself—He smiled and nodded, saying hello, but didn't say much in the past.

After all, he did not have a “good teacher” side. At this time, there were many things to be busy. Roddy was not interested in educating these younger generations. He stepped towards those lords who always supported the Roussillon family. It was a natural conversation. stand up.

"Master Duke is unwell and goes to rest first, but there are some things I want to talk to you about the goods trade of Wood Elves ..."

"Elson City is a fully-preserved high-elven city, it's southwest of the territory ..."

"If you are willing to open a business team, the profit is naturally much stronger than staying here, and it will even have a huge impact in the whole kingdom in the future."

"Of course, I welcome mages to study where the books are. There are six libraries in the city filled with Math books, and there are a lot of related documents ..."

"'The role of time static enchantment, let me explain briefly ...'

Elson City is an empty city. If you want to have enough residents and revive the economy, the first thing you need is population. Although the saying "To build a rich road first" is limited, it is still placed on Elson City. It is more reliable.After all, its location is too remote, and there are many dangerous Warcrafts in the surrounding forest.Although it is an expansion of the territory for the kingdom, if there is no one, all plans of Roddy can only be an air tower. It is impossible to achieve.

So his behavior at this time can be called "investment attraction": Hang up the appetite of the lords, and then leave the matter to Henry, a business-savvy guy to deal with it, and Rody's words soon made those who were originally in a mood The heavy lords raised their ears, and they listened to Roddy's promises to the five lords. They didn't say anything, but they were actually envious ...

But the wrong team will pay the price, at this time they did not expect Roddy to treat each other squarely-but unexpectedly, Roddy soon announced the news that "Elsa Village" will gradually be open to everyone, At the same time, Elson City also welcomes all caravans who are willing to fund and trade.

For dozens of sticks, be sure to give a few sweet dates. Roddy understands that he can't oppress these nobles all the time. Although he doesn't agree with the noble values ​​of "the interests are supreme", this doesn't mean that he will always hate each other ... use the other's greed to add bricks to himself. Its success.

As Roddy released the news one by one, the nobles who felt like a roller coaster finally breathed a sigh of relief-although this banquet was like a nightmare, they did not throw them all into the abyss. The final result is not "Everybody is happy", but it can be said that the sharpest contradiction between the nobles and Angmar is completely resolved.

Roddy got a large number of possible business partners in the future, the Duke was no longer stared at by many enemies, and the nobles had new goals. For the originally unstable Everta, everything was enough.

The dance music is still playing, but Roddy has no need to stay here. He left the venue and went straight to the Duke's mansion. After asking John the housekeeper a few words, he walked into Angmar's study.

Although physically weak, the Duke has been waiting for Roddy-after countless incidents, he has completely regarded Roddy as an indispensable "pillar" of the territory. And every time he saw this younger junior, he always secretly lamented the son who was on the wrong road ...

Not to mention skills, if Francis can have half of Rodi's consciousness, he won't be a traitor.

Roddy didn't know what the Duke was thinking, and he said casually after saluting: "The problem was basically solved, but Bishop Nova was very enthusiastic, and pulled me to tell a lot of things, as if it was' temple, the loss of the undead care?"

"No, they care about you-you don't know. Except Nova, there are already three or four bishops who want to pull you into your parish, and for this they have promised all kinds of benefits ..."

"What's this for? I don't seem to think of anything other than killing people in their eyes?"

Roddy did not expect this to happen, and was very surprised.

"To put it plainly, I want you to kill. The Rose Cross is conducting a large-scale siege of the pagans in the Brill Forest. After all the parishes have dispatched manpower, it naturally means that there is some controversy in it ... but at this time, the B The siege of the siege is almost coming to an end. "

The Duke's tone was casual, but Roddy's expression was stagnant ... This was the third time he heard news of sectarian war, but only then did he realize that the encirclement of the "Rose Cross", It doesn't seem to be a petty fool.

"Wait ... how many people did the church send out this time? Are there five hundred?"

"Far more than that. It seems that nearly 10,000 manpower has been invested in the early and late stages. It is said that more than two thousand pagans have been executed. Now they are looking for opportunities for decisive battles ..." Angmar was talking, and suddenly noticed Roddy's face A frowning expression, frowning slightly, asked, "Why, what's wrong?"

"It's not wrong, it must be something wrong."

Nata and her own words echoed in her ears, words such as "Viper's Scepter", "Bishop Goethe", "digging a pit" and so on, made Roddy immediately realize that the pagans ... seemed to be brewing a huge Conspiracy

This is by no means a child's play, and the behavior of the "Rose Cross" at this time is tantamount to moving towards the enemy's trap.

Having figured this out, Roddy immediately told the news he had learned, and said in a deep voice: "This matter must be notified immediately to the 'Temple, and let them change their plans,'"

The relaxed atmosphere in the study seemed to freeze for a moment, and Duke Angmar's face showed some incredible expressions. He took a deep breath, and then his voice murmured a little trembling: "What you said ... is true ? "

Angmar did not disbelieve Roddy's words. The questioning at this time seemed to be just the last chance left in his heart-seeing Roddy's expression, he understood that ... the situation was beyond his imagination.

"I'm going to inform Bishop Nova now."

Roddy didn't talk nonsense, he got up and went out, but he was stopped by Angmar in two steps-when he looked back, Roddy suddenly realized that the state of the Duke was very wrong, and he rushed forward to support the other, and the other Pulled the wooden chair by hand-Angmar was pale, his mouth was one and he wanted to talk, and Roddy didn't think about it, and put his ears in the past ...

"Sally, Sally participated in this operation, and she is now in Brill Forest ..."


The handrail of the chair pulled by the right was pinched off by Rodson on the spot. He only felt his head "hum" as if he was hit by a lightning ...

"The fastest time for carrier pigeons to pass the message to the temple is four days, but it takes at least two weeks to receive the message from the team ..."

Having said that, the old man's voice had shuddered unabashedly: "But Rubens told me that they will have a decisive battle within a week ..."

Roddy didn't know why Sally didn't stay in the "Temple" for training and instead went to fight against heretics. He only knew that Sally seemed to be stepping into the enemy's trap right now.

The sudden panic in his heart made Roddy's eyes a little lost, but then he regained his senses after taking a few deep breaths-the eyes that had lost focus suddenly became sharp and abnormal. He got up, but shouted at the outside: " John comes in "

He gently lifted Angmar to the chair, and then found that the duke was pale in astonishment at this time, and his lips showed a purple color, apparently a terrible heart-the housekeeper rushed in after hearing his shout. But he heard Roddy command out loud: "Go outside and call in Bishop Nova, the Duke needs divine healing

After a pause, Roddy added: "Tell the bishop that I have something to talk to him. Don't mention the status of the Duke."

Angmar waved John to listen to Roddy, who quickly nodded and rushed out of the study—and then, Roddy stretched his hands and caressed the Duke's back, and then straightened out the voice: "One week before the final battle, the enemy It ’s unclear whether the trap is real or not, we still have a chance ... "

This remark was completely "psychological comfort" to the Duke, but Roddy was not just talking nonsense. He immediately said: "I now have the priest recognized by the church. I am treated to the temple, and I can immediately look for the governor. Bishops, then influence their decision as soon as possible ... "

After finishing the words, Bishop Nova has rushed in under the leadership of the housekeeper. After releasing the healing magic, Roddy looked at Angmar who recovered slightly, but only said "I'm going now", There is no longer any explanation, and he turned and rushed out ...

Angmar, who was frail, watched as he disappeared into the field of vision, but there was no hope at all in his heart--even if Roddy created miracles time and time again, from here to the "Temple" of the Rose Cross there is enough One thousand and seven hundred kilometers, it is more than one hundred and fifty kilometers to the "Brill Forest". The middle road is extremely complicated and difficult. Even if you always ride a fast horse, it will take more than half a month to arrive ...

So what about Roddy meeting the governor? What about decision-making? When he gets there, I'm afraid the war is over.

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