Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 504: daily

"April 10, sunny.

The things to do have basically been done, today issued the last few decree, and then see if Everta can survive these difficulties.

Father, maybe you wouldn't think of such a change in this land?

You have always disapproved of the comprehensive treatment of sects. You always say that religion and politics are the same thing. I used to think that you were alarmist, but now it seems to me. Especially when I looked at these from the height of the lord, I always felt a little bit chilled-was this the Rose Cross I wanted to dedicate my life to?

Many people do not understand the establishment of the cabinet. It is estimated that this action of the pig (rose) (pig) (island) novel of Rose Cross will also make many people misunderstand, but as Roddy said, now , There is no energy to analyze the process, the only thing we can focus on is the result ... "

The handwriting gradually faded as the feather pen ran out of ink. Sally's fair fingers lifted slightly, thinking, instead of drawing ink, she inserted the pen into a silver pen holder. When the ink was getting dry, she closed the small book and shoved it onto the bookshelf aside.

After becoming a lord, Sally had the habit of writing a "territory diary". Unlike a personal diary, what was written above was her feelings every time she made a decision. This habit was left by his father, Angmar. When Sally was young, she always met her father to take out this book and read it carefully. Now it has been passed down, and the role is not mentioned for a moment, maybe it is a kind of father's Let's mourn it.

Speaking of which, Sally, now a duke, is quite different from a nobleman in the general sense-she simply delegates a lot of power to the "cabinet", although this makes the "duke" no longer what it used to be. The supreme decision-making power has greatly improved the efficiency of territorial policy implementation.

Unlike her brother who was solved by herself, Sally does not need a sense of accomplishment after power, because now she is facing threats from all aspects, whether it is the suppression of the royal family or the upcoming orc crisis, which can make " "Everta" continues to exist on the map plate, which is her only purpose.

"Master, the carriage is ready."

John Butler no longer calls "Miss", and Sally is used to that. Today, her schedule is tight and organized. Although things in the afternoon are just things to do, they are also "must-do" things.

"What about Titus and Uncle Wellington?"

"The two great knights and the Knights of Soderall have written from their respective territories, and all plans are in order."

According to the original custom, when the lord wants to gather the army, in addition to recruiting certain soldiers by himself, other sources can only be solved by other lords who have received orders-this method is not efficient, not to mention the quality of the soldiers is rare. In addition, they have never cooperated with each other, and fighting is usually no different from rogue fighting.

Now what the Efta Cabinet has done is to set up the "Army Command", with Soderol, Titus and Wellington as the "Army Command", which is specifically responsible for "conventional army" training and combat affairs, completely Abandoned past practices.

The "military power" is the most important thing for the lord, so the "commander" has not been left to others, but the three commanders have each divided the "war zone", and they have all the conscripts in the "war zone". Military training right.

This behavior definitely touched the interests of other lords, but because most of the lords have died in the city of Pakaro, the conscription rights of these vacated territories have been taken away without causing a lot of waves-after all, the "commander-in-chief" The post remained Duke Sally himself, enough to suppress those calls for rebound.

But the only thing that puzzled Sally and others was the strange title of "Army" ... Everta's southernmost point is still a hundred miles away from the coastline. There is no port in history and there has never been a "Navy Fleet" For one thing, I don't know why Roddy has to emphasize the "Army" ...

"Forget it, this wood always has some weird ideas ..."

Sally sat on the carriage and thought for a long time, but there was no answer in the end. She just remembered that Roddy felt that her heartbeat had accelerated when she was hosting a meeting at the Duke's House these days-and then she muttered in a little annoyed voice: "Talking in the bedroom I have to leave at night, I really hate hate ... "

She knew Roddy was a bit difficult to do with Akasha, but the thought of him seeing him running back to Elson City and not knowing when to see him again was uneasy in her heart.

But this mood disappeared when the carriage stopped, Sally sorted out her mood, got up and picked up a basket of bread prepared by the housekeeper-yes, the carriage stopped in the slum area, and she was It ’s here to give bread to the poor civilians.

Today, doing these things as a duke is naturally a "show" element, but Sally, wearing a priestly robe, still distributed the prepared bread along the street like many years ago, and then turned away not far away under the **** of the guard. monastery.

"Let the bishops wait a long time."

Naturally, as a priest, I did not dare to let the four diocesan bishops wait for myself, but as the Duke of Everta, this was a manifestation of the identity gap-Sally has gradually learned the means of these details, so Faced with several elderly people, including Bishop Benjamin, her smile, although calm, was faintly strong.

"Speaking of which, Lord Duke came earlier than expected."

The dean of the monastery rushed out to greet him, but he was not the protagonist today-the four regional archbishops behind him were the main objects of Sally's conversation.

The next meeting naturally focused on the future treatment of "Rose Cross" by Everta. To be honest, fostering religion is not a good choice for the rulers, but if this can break the "barriers" of the royal trade blockade, then Sally will have nothing to worry about. In particular, the royal family's secret connection with the "Viper Cross" long ago made the "Cross of the Rose" invisible, and now they can suppress this group of pagans in the name of Lord Ephta, and both sides naturally rejoice.

The meeting went smoothly and the atmosphere was always friendly and enthusiastic. Because it was late afterwards, Sally had dinner with several bishops. Naturally, the discussion at the table no longer continued with the previous topic, but instead turned into small talk. Several bishops talked about the methods of the pagans and talked about the brutality of the orcs. Occasionally, Bishop Benjamin also asked about the relationship between Sally and Roddy, with more comforting elements.

Instead, Sally listened to them talking about the topic of undead, and suddenly sighed: "After this battle, I found that the undead spell seemed to be far more powerful than the magic and magic of the same level in terms of physical defense."

"That's the effect of using bones as a material, but their method is really evil."

"Someone wanted to improve the magic, but apparently I haven't heard of anyone who succeeded. In fact, sometimes I have to admit ... certain evil spells are indeed more effective than magic."

The bishops in the region have high vision and naturally will not blindly deprecate the undead spells. What they should admit will admit, but they will sigh when talking about "improvement"-since the advent of divine magic, they have not experienced too much change. Like magic or necromancy, it has reborn thousands of times over hundreds of thousands of years.

"Speaking of which, I'm still curious," Sally casually fiddled with dessert, as if inadvertently asking, "Is it possible for a priest who uses divine magic to master the necromancy spell?"

"It was delusional, never seen in history."

Benjamin shook his head and looked at several other old bishops, some of whom added: "The power of the necromancy spells is mostly negative, repels the divine spells, and masters both powers ... I'm afraid the body can't support Live down first. "

"So it is."

Sally changed the subject with a smile, but her eyes narrowed.

"It failed again ..."

A flash of white light faded after flashing, because of subtle errors in spells and gestures, Akasha's "Bone Spear" failed with the fragmentation of the cast material "White Run Bone".

Such failures have occurred more than forty times, so that the ground beneath Akasha's feet is full of white bone stubble-of course, these spelling materials are made by rabbit bones, so even if "bone spear" is successful Release, the power is estimated that even the leather armor can not be worn,

With a sigh, Akasha decided to end today's spell practice, and then began to carefully record the process, phenomenon of spell failure and her next improvement plan ...

This "experimental record" has been written with three big words, but for Akasha, who is eager to learn and very patient, these are just a few skins of "necromancer". Although she can cast low-end spells like "bone wall" through research and improvement, she always finds that she can't find the direction after researching-although she can understand some superficial ones by casting those scrolls and books Necromancer spells, but obviously this simply does not allow her to have an intuitive concept of the complete "necromancer spell system", and she cannot do in-depth research such as "putting one example against another".

Obviously he is a priest, but unlike the wizards in the Kingdom Church, he does not reject "necromantic spells". Akasha cannot say what kind of mentality he is, probably because the "necromantic spells" are more powerful and better. Combining divine magic can better enhance your control of the battlefield ...

Until now, she hadn't found her strange intimacy with this spell inside.

"Help me clean up."

As a priest, "Necromancer" is naturally not her "main business". So after writing the spell record, she said hello to the "High Elf Mage" who had been standing at the door, and the latter came in silently to clean up the stubble. Akasha went to another room for divine prayer and divine practice, and then left the spell training ground and headed out.

The area of ​​the magic training ground is very large, but the construction of the magic school in Elson City has just begun. Many people's literacy is a difficult problem, let alone "spell training", so basically no one else can be seen here. However, when she came out, the echo of ping-pong-ping echoed in the quiet venue. Akasha didn't need to look at it and knew that Naifei was practicing practice. She was already familiar with this, but just glanced and continued to move forward. .

The impact of the war on Nafis was everyone's eyes, and Akasha was not surprised by this. Walking along the semi-circular corridor, you can always see the towering Paschal magic tower in the center of the city.

"That woman ... is always busy."

Thinking of Camilla who always works in the magic tower, Akasha murmured, apparently she did not like the other party's smart and capable style. In her mind, since Roddy was the owner of the city, everyone else had to obey unconditionally, but every time Camilla had to quarrel with Roddy on some issues, and sometimes even made Roddy back. It made the little pastor particularly upset-but that was just a few words. She also knew that she didn't understand anything about city construction, and she did her best with her heart.

Today, I will go to the tailor shop in the east of the city to order a few sets of clothes for Roddy before taking it ~ ~ Akasha thinks so, turning at the crossroad in front, passing through the flashing inner city The door, waved his hand to the Undead Guard to let go. After confirming the position of the Tailor Shop in the outer city, he was about to move forward, but suddenly heard a buzzing sound behind him-Akasha naturally understood that this was the sound of "building open", Continued without looking back.

But after taking a dozen steps, the sound didn't seem to stop, Akasha looked back in confusion, and was completely stunned by the scene in front of her ...

There are more than a dozen circular structures around the Pashare Tower. At first, Akasha didn't know what they did, but when you saw these egg-shaped buildings rising from the ground and floating in the air, Later, she suddenly realized that ... the backing of the city is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Eighteen "Magic Alert Floating Towers" slowly lifted into the air and stopped at their respective predetermined positions after a few minutes. The tallest minaret is 450 meters above the ground. After the constant "Eye of Arc" spell array is activated, the blue virtual shadow forms a rune giant eye overlooking the earth. And the floating tower, which is the furthest floating, is located over ten kilometers of farmland outside the city walls-in other words, the alert range of Elson City has more than doubled.

Their appearance has made all the residents of this city miracle-like.

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