Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 506: miser

In these days after the "cabinet" was established, the pattern of the Karen Kingdom has not changed on the surface. On the contrary, the news that the royal banquet invited the envoys and the floating battleships to shake the scene thoroughly stirred up people's emotions.

The eyes of the civilians then turned, and the topics of the streets and lanes were no longer inseparable from "Everta", as if the series of decrees were nothing but formalism with thunder and rain. The farmer continued to do farm work, the tailor continued to sew clothes, the blacksmith continued to make iron, and the world has not changed much.

Even the people in Hollier City did not feel that there had been any major changes in the past few days. Although I heard that the orcs were about to attack, the city did not see any signs of busy training or gathering lords from top to bottom. The only thing I could understand The "Rose Cross" sect has been speaking too frequently and cultivating believers recently.

& nbsp [猪] [猪] [岛] 小说 www.huhu.m; However, as the whole kingdom gradually restored its former quietness, Elson, located at the westernmost point of the country, was definitely called “Every Day”.

Not to mention the city, the large amount of farmland cultivated just outside the city in a short time is enough to be breathtaking. The "field" is a top priority for the city and even the country. The food production of Everta has been lower than that in the southeast, and because of the lack of convenient transportation, the wealth level has always been slightly inferior, and famine may even occur during bad years.

This is naturally the most obvious shortcoming of the territory's "bucket".

Now, Elson seems to be trying to make up for this shortcoming. He changed the system of fixed taxation for farmers' farming, directly ordered the planning of the land area, and hired a large number of farmers to settle and cultivate outside the city in the form of "share"- — That sounds good, but what about it?

Thousands of farmers couldn't help sighing as they looked at the fields: they didn't worry too little about the fields, but they made their decisions too much.

Theoretically speaking, if all the newly cultivated farmland is planted and harvested smoothly in autumn, let alone feed the city of Elson, it will be easy to "feed back" the entire Everta!

However, this is only a theoretical value, because there is no water conservancy for supporting irrigation at all. In the eyes of farmers, such development is a complete waste of land and has no solution ...

However, when the floating tower relied on arcane power to make artificial rain, all pessimistic farmers were completely dumbfounded.

On April 13, the first "large-scale artificial rainfall irrigation operation" in the history of the Karen Kingdom was launched under the auspices of Roddy. The rainfall lasted for an hour and the area covered all the cultivated land after sowing. From the floating tower relying on energy to draw river water to the end of spraying, all the processes were recorded in the "Elson City Floating Tower Improvement Proposal" and became valuable experimental data.

And the farmers who witnessed the whole process looked at the floating tower stupidly, and they were completely unaware that they were wet ...

Because the rainfall range is controlled very precisely and there is almost no waste of water, people in the city do n’t even know about “artificial rainfall”-compared to irrelevant things, they are more “incapable of keeping up with the times” "Sighs witnessed the rapid growth of this city.

The "rail transport ship" originally used by Gao Gen for the rapid transportation of city defense materials was launched under the command of Roddy, and the line from "Army Factory" to "Outer City Operation Zone" was fully opened. In Roddy's eyes, this is actually an "intercity light rail" that looks like a ship. It relies on urban energy and travels a total distance of five kilometers with a single carrying capacity of more than fifty tons, greatly reducing the original manpower and material resources required to complete it. Transportation mission.

More importantly, it can transport some huge instruments that cannot be carried by ordinary carriages-such as the "exploration drill bits" that are more than ten meters high, or some "magic crystal cannons" that have just come out of the oven.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of transportation is really out of step with the times. Even every day, many people wait for hours beside the stone track covered with magic lines, just to catch a glimpse of the huge transport ship passing by in front of ...

"Goddess Sky is on! I bet that the most powerful wizards in the kingdom will not be able to do this!"

The reason why they were so sighed was that they found that similar tracks were almost all over the city, and even two or three of them extended out of the gate. If this huge city could turn on all "rail transport ships" in the future, its transportation capacity would be unimaginable.

In addition, some admired mages and apprentices also entered the newly opened "Arcane Research Academy" after signing a contract with Roddy, and it was no accident that the "Arcane" system left by the High Elves Shocked.

When these pretentious mages returned, they found that they had been assigned to several R & D teams, and were named "Magic Props R & D Department", "Building Defense R & D Department", "Biological Agents R & D Department", etc. A different name, assigned a task that the city owner called a "research project" ...

However, this behavior made Camilla complain-

"The mage qualifications are mediocre. In my opinion ... letting them do research is a waste of time."

She flipped through the materials of these mages and the results of investigations over a period of time, her frowns were slightly fraught, and she was obviously not satisfied with these admired mages.

In fact, the mages in the kingdom who are able to mingle fame are basically piled up by prominent nobles on financial resources. It is difficult for this type of mages to run out of the house because of the conditions thrown by Elson City. So now the top ten of the ten or so mages are only "Elemental Division 6", and the scene has a sense of perception that "the strong ones are not enough, the tall ones come together".

"If the background of spells is completely blank, then this academy is meaningless, but now ... how to say," Roddy's gaze rose from the letterhead and books scrolling into the mountains, "... We are actually standing on the giant's On your shoulders, you also know how many years the arcane civilization of the high elves has been ahead of the current magicians, so even if they just sort out these things, it will be enough for Elson to lead the entire continent. "

"This simple thing costs so much money to find a mage ... oh!"

Despite this explanation, Camilla muttered with dissatisfaction because she was responsible for managing the city. Now she is in a state of "careful consideration" for any resource, wishing for a silver coin to be cut in half. Even though the "cabinet" decree has tilted resources to Elson City in large numbers, she still feels stretched to deal with the immediate crisis.

"Nothing can be done without spending money. This is actually a saving money. If you study from scratch, you know which day you can get these things out."

Roddy glanced over the virtual column list of the "Arcane Research Institute"-because the opening standard of "three advanced mages and ten mage apprentices" was reached, there are now six or seven projects in the "researchable" activation State, as long as these wizards contact arcane and conduct research step by step, these projects can last as long as three months, as little as two weeks, and can be developed sooner or later.

Don't think that these "theoretical studies" are of little use. In fact, the "Arcane Research Institute" is extremely important to all of Roddy's next plans: from "spell unlock", "magic arrow manufacturing", "enchant weapon recipes" that affect his personal combat effectiveness. ", To the" energy recovery law "that affects the strength of the territory, and so on, must rely on such" scientific research institutions "to develop and upgrade.

Roddy never thought that simply planting land, building ordnance, and developing military power would solve all problems. In fact, after experiencing the "high-tech" era, he understood that the impact of "high-tech" technology on a country is far more important than raising ten powerful military forces.

Take the simplest example: if there is a nuclear bomb in hand, the threat of Augustine and the Orcs is not a threat at all.

However, although the high elves far surpassed the human mage in the arcane way, they were not as powerful as nuclear weapons. Roddy also knew in his heart that although the civilization of this city can bring himself a technological lead, if it is self-defeating, it will be a matter of time if it is crushed by the wheel of history ... so he also began to establish Elson's own master training System, and strive to have sufficient talent reserves in the future.

"... Look, oh, Baron Godzka has signed two new orders for ordnance, which can alleviate the financial problems, huh-"

As an aide, Camilla has taken full responsibility for most of the territory's affairs, and at this time all she has done is report the results of the processing. And after Roddy didn't have to worry about the details, the energy was mostly on the strategic level-of course, his "strategic level" Camilla always didn't understand because she didn't understand that Roddy was in a pile of high-elven books Can find out what guides the development of the territory.

"There is also news that Charles II was receiving the envoys of the Kingdom of Rasiman in the palace, and did not know what these people wanted."

"The royal family has a lot of silly money, and most of the mages are wealthy. It is estimated that they want to talk about business."

Roddy responded casually, but Camilla glared at him and yelled, "Why does it sound like you're mocking me?"

This sentence, coupled with her slightly akimbo posture, inexplicably reminds Roddy of the hot female secretary who laughed at the boss-of course, the plot that came out in the otaku's mind seemed a bit unfit for children, he coughed twice, Grin smiled: "No, no, don't forget that I am also a mage now."

Camilla also realized that she looked very ladylike with her hips on her hips, and put her arms down without any traces, trying to restore the solemn and serious posture of the past.

However, she felt that her heartbeat was inexplicably speeding up. Obviously, it was just a manifestation of some deep inner emotions. This kind of emotion is beyond words, but it always makes people do many things that are difficult to control.

However, Roddy looked down and smiled without realizing, and continued: "Well ... if you have the time to collect a detailed profile of the Kingdom of Rahman, I am curious about their political structure."

Roddy was actually a little confused. Because in memory, for such a long time from 590 to 597, he hardly had any impression of the "Lasiman Kingdom". The only thing that touched me was that someone sent a "post" to predict that the new version of the 599 Expansion Pack must be related to "Rasciman", but it specifically said what I had long forgotten. The only thing I remember is The man clamored for "Faye will rule the world" ~ ~ I will sort out such things, but you still have to look at the eyes first ... yes, the news returned yesterday, the exploration sent before The team still did not find the veins suitable for mining, but a team near the Gondola Mountains found some white 'moonstones', but there was no profit in selling such things ... in my opinion, there is no need for mining. "

Camilla is a mage herself, so she knows that "Moonlight Stone" is not a high-end commodity, because only some unpopular spells will use it as a casting material, so there is not much demand for it in the market.

But when she was about to report the next message, she saw Roddy suddenly reach out and interrupt: "Is there a river where the Moonstone was found?"

"Huh? Let me see ..." Camilla had an amazing memory and recalled the contents of the original letter without flipping through the letter: "It was found beside a stream in the mountains and was bare by the river bed."

Her words fell, and she saw Randy fist excitedly: "Have it! Let's make it now!"

Looking at Roddy, who looked like a child, Camilla couldn't help rolling her eyes again— "Cut ... the mage is mostly a fan!"

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