Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 552: Assault


Volume Two [Under Tide] Chapter 552 Attack

After several calibrations, the "53" weapon can accurately grasp the landing point. With the "detection and scan" skill actively used by the floating tower, it is no problem to clear the enemy within any shooting range.

The entire set of actions takes less than three minutes, and no extra human labor is required except for the consumption of the magic crystal. For Roddy, the orc in the cold weapon era came to fight Elsen City, reminding him inexplicably of his time in China and North Korea Helicopter throws a spear into the primitive tribe.

The gap in civilization is a gulf that is insurmountable. The use of magic crystals and energy weapons has made the high elves stand at the peak of the world. As far as Roddy's current understanding is concerned, the high elven civilization has actually entered the world from the convenience of life, the value of force and the use of world resources It is similar to the level of the Earth's industrial revolution.

With the press of a button, hundreds of powerful orc wolf cavalry died instantly. If this kind of thing is told to the Royal Family of the Karen Kingdom, it will definitely be ridiculed. However, Roddy is not surprised at all. He used Detective Scan again five minutes after the explosion, showing that there were fewer than thirty orc wolf cavalry alive and most of them were seriously injured.

And he ignored these surviving orcs, jumped down from the floating tower, and prepared to have dinner to celebrate the opening battle.

Said to be a celebration, in fact there were only six people at the dinner table: Melinella, Camilla, Akasha, Nata, Nafi, and Roddy. Rodi did not intend to let Rasiman's mages know about the orcs' war, so he didn't mention it at all, just closed the door to celebrate for himself--

"I hope everything goes well for the next battle, toast!"


"Cheers! Huh ..."

He held up the crystal goblet, and the ladies on both sides of the long table followed to raise glasses. Except for Nefee pouting and holding the juice, everyone had a light smile on his face. After all, this kind of battle is too easy. "The gangsters in the chatter and laughter" disappeared the atmosphere that was slightly tense, and made everyone at the dinner table chat a lot.

However, they all said that "three women and one drama", including the ghostly Neff, and the five beautiful women of different sizes sitting together were very 罗 Rodi brought a lot of "happy troubles." After a simple congratulation, all kinds of weird topics popped up one after another, and only a few words, Roddy gradually distinguished the "small camp" between them.

Among all people, Melinzela has a crushing trend on the topic-leading ability with her profound knowledge and strong strength. This also caused Camilla, Nafi and Akasha to have to stand in a team to deal with.

Nata is basically a saw-necked gourd, except for taking care of the food in front of her, she will only answer the questions that Roddy occasionally asks.

Neffi was the youngest, but did not show the coquettish willfulness that any child would have. Maybe war and these special experiences made her mature prematurely, and she looked serious and serious when she talked about magic problems with Melincela. It was carved like a mold with her mother.

Akasha sat next to Roddy, not talking much, and occasionally asked questions about the undead. When she saw that her eyes were darkened, she held the little priest's hand and told him to pay attention to her body. Then suddenly Feeling a bit cold around him-when he glanced around, he saw that others were still talking about themselves without changing the face ...

Maybe it's just an illusion?

"So, what about the orcs?"

Camilla fought several times against Melinthia, but repeatedly lost. Even if she was unwilling, she could only shift the subject to Roddy: "I do n’t seem to know Elson City in Orcs. The presence."

"Then let them know, and try to seduce as much as possible," said Roddy, who couldn't drink much wine, and had to change the same juice as Neffei after half a glass. At this time he shook the crystal glass and said: "Sauron You may have control over your subordinates, but it wo n’t be so easy after the battle rolls out. Fools will be hooked if you set a few traps. It ’s fine for you to take responsibility. ”

Camilla nodded, but gave a calm glance at Merinthella. The latter turned his mouth sharp and asked, "Speaking of ... what about your knights? When you met that big guy with you on the glacier plains, those knights made great contributions, but I came I have never seen them here. "

Seemingly mentioning the experience of fighting side-by-side with Roddy, Mira naturally knew that she was responding to herself in disguise, but she could only bite her lip and hold up a glass of wine, and did not know how to respond.

Rordy didn't realize these details, and replied: "Sodroll they have been in Parr, and now the war is coming, naturally they have the task assigned to them."

"It's enough to deal with orcs with strongholds. Is it allowed to deal with the villains with swords behind them?"

Melincela stayed in Roddy's study room for a few days, and she had a little understanding of the territories, but Roddy smiled: "It is enough for the Dragonlance Knights to push the orcs directly. I wo n’t waste time dealing with the miscellaneous things. I ’ll go out next time and some of the cavalry will come to Elson, so if Houdini returns, you and Camilla must cooperate to drag him, do n’t Let him know about my departure. "

"Go out?"

Melincela's eyes lit up, but instead of asking immediately, she promised: "That's fine."

Then she turned her head and smiled at Camilla, completely intimate.

Akasha looked at the scene in front of her and silently sighed that the women were all actors, and immediately held Roddy's hand under the long table, feeling grateful for her original decision.


With the arrival of May, the nighttime temperature of Everta gradually increased, and the duration of the night was also shortening. At 6 am, a white touch appeared on the sky.

In the wilderness, a camp consisting of dozens of felt houses and tents was quiet at this time, and a large number of horses tethered to the outside declared that the owner of this camp was the sounding horses in the southeast of Everta.

Originally, the "ring horses" were mostly barren, and their homes were difficult to fix. But as more villages were plundered and more people joined, these self-confided ringing horses became more confident. Up to now, there have been more than 100 horse thieves and more than 300 slaves in this camp. Most of them are women with good looks and servants who are willing to wait for the horse thief to find a way to live, which makes the scale of the horse thief unprecedented.

They believed that there were no more nobles who were willing to organize private soldiers to clear themselves up.

Until the early morning of May 1, they thought so.

A slight horseshoe awakened the night horse thief, and by the glimmer, he immediately found a dark shadow in the wilderness that had been approaching two kilometers ...

Horse thieves are generally vigilant, and anyone who sees the silent but hesitant sound of a horseshoe can realize that the person who came is not good.

"Yes-there are enemies! There are enemies! Boss! There are enemies here!"

An altered shout rang through the camp, causing a commotion. The days of licking blood with the knife head have passed a long time. Most of the horse thieves have the habit of staying calm. After the alarm was issued, thirty or forty people rushed out of the felt room with a machete. .

Known as the "big boss", Hans was also the first to rush out. After stepping on the war horse, he immediately found a dark shadow approaching from the distance, and immediately recognized that the other party was a private army led by the aristocracy.

Looking at it in the past, there were only thirty or so people, and they even felt a little sparse when they were lined up.

"It's just a bunch of guys looking for death, brothers, rush up! Don't keep your hands!"

Hans shouted a few words to improve his morale, and horse thieves rushed to join the team one after another. After seeing the number of people gathering next to him more than 50, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then led the team to initiate the charge.

In the dim light of the rising sun, the two sides began to accelerate at about the same time. The oncoming rumbling of the hoarse horseshoes suddenly made Hans feel an unspeakable sense of oppression.


"Hiding arrows!"

Near the 200 meters, the sound of the crossbow passing through the air sounded instantly. Hans responded very quickly, shouting while hiding on one side of the body, "hidden in hiding", the elite horse thieves beside him rode, and made exquisite evasive moves in response to the arrow rain.

When Hans climbed back on horseback, the team was downsized by only seven people.


The final sprint distance flew by, and Hans' wielding machete had found his oncoming opponent, but at the moment, he and the horse thieves in the first row were stunned ...

Because the oncoming knights not only held the icy rifle flat, they all wore matte black armors-until now they have confirmed that they are metal armors!

Horse thieves hurried out after warning ~ ~ Few people wore leather armor, while the other side was fully armed, cold mask-type helmet and full body armor made them like a group of moving iron cans.

Wrong ... heavy cavalry can't charge so fast!

Hans, who was born as the leader of Earl Milnor's personal soldiers, knew the armor very well, but he didn't have time to think too much at the moment. At the moment when the two sides met for a short time, he yelled, turned away from the rifle and cut it accurately A knife!


What made Hans stunned was that the long knife that might have been cut at the neck of the opponent was blocked by a sudden pop-up round translucent shield, and then the heavy blade bounced straight!

A metal collision and humming sounded at the same time, and the two sides bumped into each other's heads, but the horse thieves coming from behind found out that the companions in front fell like rows of wheat harvested by the sickle, and the other side looked The seemingly thin cavalry formation continued to push firmly!


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