Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 528: Tracking: Demon


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 528 Tracking: Demon

In Roddy's plan, they will first find the "Lamb" villages outside Tasman and adopt a straightforward "beheading" tactic. First, they will sever the control of these humans by the undead, in order to win some human support.

Roddy thought he had achieved this goal by hand, but now this scene gave him a stunned sense of empty-handedness: even the object of "beheading" is gone, should he be rectified?

"Nata patrols at a low altitude. Others search the village and stay alert."

Now that the soldiers are strong and the horses are fully equipped, Roddy speaks with full confidence. He waved his hand into the village along with the team. The cavalry squads were scattered, and the small village was roughly screened in half a minute. The barbarian soldiers in the rear marched unhurriedly, divided into front, middle and back three sections, while Roddy, Akasha, Melincela and the ten high elven magicians were in the middle position. Although the number of barbarian soldiers is not large, there are large men such as Irwin who are wearing full armor to block them back and forth. This infantry square can be called a mobile "steel fortress". The ordinary cavalry can never break through.

Under such an exploration, the group did not encounter enemy attacks. But Melincela and Akasha immediately realized that there was a problem here after entering the village-there are many corpses in the village, most of them belong to the villagers in simple clothes, and there are nobles in luxurious clothes and equipped with weapons Private soldiers died in the square. Above the corpses, a faint green mist had not yet dissipated.

"It's a plague!"

Merlin Sera frowned, reminding, and Akasha next to her had already lifted the scepter and began to chant prayers-this scepter was specially obtained by Rodi from the "Rose Cross", although not Achieving the "epic" quality is a rare quality in the "elite" category. The increased "purification" quickly eliminated the rancid smell in the air, and also purified the knights who returned in batches one by one. Prevent them from being affected.

"The person who casts the spell is not terribly powerful. This is a low-level plague. The effect has almost disappeared after a day." Melincela cast a few spells at will, and even Roddy could not identify quickly. Then she felt the change in element density around her, and walked towards the center of the village, pointing to a local road: ē This should be the original casting location. "

Roddy searched for it, and at one glance, he found that the dead body on the ground belonged to the undead, and the penetrating wound on the other side was obviously caused by low-level "bone spear"; the aristocrat wearing luxurious robes also had a lot of footprints, The soldiers also died of beatings by farm implements-with these signs, it is not difficult for Roddy to guess what happened.

"So ... these farmers rebelled and killed the nobles who managed them? But what happened to this undead mage?"

Merlin Sera's brain turned just as fast, but she didn't know what would happen to Tasman in the future like Roddy, so she didn't understand why there was an undead mage who had cast "Plague" and was killed.

But Rody frowned, slowly clearing his thoughts.

He knew that Tasman had "civil strife". But that was four years later. At that time, Tasman had launched a large-scale invasion of Karen's land. The civil strife in the "backyard fire" forced Augustine to withdraw all the undead army to suppress it. It took three months to complete Completely quelled-At the beginning, some players organized a team to enter Tasman and stepped in, and the series of live broadcasts of the unrest in the civil society had also been pinned for a while ...

The civil strife, which should have occurred four years later, erupted earlier at this moment. The main reason is apparently that Roddy's continued obstruction of the plan to destroy Augustine led to the undead warrior's early war.

Thinking that he had completely changed history, Roddy had a sense of accomplishment beyond words.

"What to do next? Continue to find the village?"

"Perhaps we're going to change our original plan, we should--"

When Roddy didn't finish talking, he heard a sharp whistle from the rain curtain. He immediately turned his head to lock the reachable duck circling in the sky, and arranged to the surroundings: "The cavalry team will follow immediately, the second battle ready!"

There are five types of Nata's arrows. Now this one is the arrow representing "found three or less enemies." Naturally, the entire team does not need to spend a lot of time to go around and siege. But it wasn't long before the sound of the first arrow fell, and the second short howling arrow sounded again.

Rodi and Melincela looked at each other, realizing that Nata might have encountered mochi, and hurried away in the distance.

Flying in the rain is far more difficult than usual. Not only is everything wet and slippery all around, but even the field of vision has become extremely poor. If you had not started the "Eagle Eye" on the carry-on necklace just before the investigation, I'm afraid she would find it difficult The humble figure outside ...

As a ranger, Nata is very clear about her current responsibilities: find out the enemy situation, and warn. So she marked out the whereabouts of this suspicious guy with Ming Ming arrows for the first time, and was prepared to hover to lock the opponent's position, waiting for the subsequent cavalry troops to come to deal with the target.

She had been familiar with this process for a long time, but then she found that she had underestimated the speed of the other party's evasion-almost at the moment the cymbal arrow sounded, the guy lurking in the bush immediately responded.

The opponent hurried away toward the distance like a fish swimming in the water, and that lightning speed made Nata almost lose her target. She immediately grabbed Kodak and began to dive and fired a second arrow.

She was very clear: at the speed of the opponent's escape, it was too late to wait for the cavalry to rush here.

After reaching a low altitude, Kota Duck jumped down, and Nata jumped off immediately before landing, which made her figure stagnate in midair, and then landed lightly. This set of actions is seamless, allowing her to land directly more than ten meters behind the target.

As a wood elf, such a forest is absolutely "home" to her. After chasing dozens of meters to go out, Nata is surprised to find that the opponent's speed in the forest seems to be faster than her!

At this speed of escape, there is no way to aim at stopping the archery. If the two arrows fail, then you can only watch the other side escape, so Nata immediately decides to grab the opponent in a melee manner.

At this distance, she could clearly see the enemy's appearance: a human-like body and a tail close to her length make it look like a large lizard. The other side runs up and uses it. The lilac tail can not only maintain the body. Balance, you can also grasp the trunk like a tentacle, and quickly change the body's center of gravity and forward direction.

After all, Nata could not run such a four-legged "beast", but she was no longer a wood-elf hunter who was ignorant. The battle-fighting Xanata strode forward, the "Teng Leap" skill and "Sprint" started at the same time, and the shape seemed to approach the opponent as if it were ejected.


The enemies that noticed movement depended on the long tail to wrap around the trunk, and the huge inertia caused a fierce frictional sound, causing it to change direction by ninety degrees.

Nata's body can't be reversed like this, but she chooses to jump high, start "Teng Leap" again when she double-footed on the trunk, and activate the "Arcane Blast" skills on the boots!


The "Arcane Blast" enchanted by leather boots is a skill that Roddy has specially optimized for her. Its effect is basically equivalent to another "Teng Leap", but it has a wider range of applications and can even be used as an attack skill. And now, the huge momentum of its superimposition with "Teng Leap" makes Nata like a bullet to the enemies who have just turned and have time to accelerate ...

"Stop me!"

Nata, who has always been silent, screamed loudly. She crossed the distance of fifteen meters in the air, grabbed each other's tail, and then knocked the other person to the ground fiercely!


A piece of rotten wood was smashed by two tumbling lives. Nata resisted the vertigo and the pain from her shoulders, grabbed each other's arms and prepared to hold them down with anti-joint techniques. Unexpectedly, the skinny body had an unusual The strength and twisting force Nata almost bounced off.

She felt that she was facing a powerful carp, and she just wanted to change her position and hold each other, but she saw the guy in front of her turn and wave her hands, and her sharp claws crossed horizontally like a dagger.


Nata did not shy away, raising her left hand to support the opponent's attack-the strong dragon scale broke open the opponent's nails. This powerful defense obviously made the enemy stunned, and this brief hesitation suddenly made it strong. Take a punch with Nata!


The ranger Nata relies on the power of the equipment stack to be comparable to the orthodox knights who are about to advance. Therefore, the head of this hit almost turned around and hit the ground on the spot.

Not waiting for the second punch to come, Nata found her arm was entangled in the other's tail-the force of dragging backward was beyond imagination, and even pulled her into a slap, and fell directly to the ground!

"Damn ..."

The other side didn't look at her, and he got up and ran to the distance. Nata reached out to grab, and the tail slid away from her fingertips like a loach. She didn't get up, decisively grasped the small angle bow specially carried on her back, and aimed at her arrow ...

An arrow passed silently from her side, the enemies running were enveloped by blue light the next moment, and half of her body was completely frozen when she fell to the ground.

It's Roddy's frozen arrow.

She slowly let go of the bowstrings. The next moment, Roddy was already beside her, and Nata, who was pulled up and still kneeling on the ground, said, "It's very decisive ~ ~ Good."

This sentence let Nata's tight expression finally relax, she knew that the enemy could not run.

Standing up, Nata saw that the guy who was still trying to escape was dragged in the air by Melinthela's hand spell. The mage shook his hands, and the struggling purple guy was forced into a regular "mummy" posture.

"Humanoid, powerful, fast running, and still has a smell of magic ... but this smell makes me uncomfortable."

Merlin Sera narrowed her eyes and her eyes were rare.

She is curious about this kind of creature. After all, the Dragons are not omnipotent and omnipotent. There are several humanoid creatures that are unknown. But Roddy on the side stood there for a long time without moving-because he was frightened by the prompt handwriting that suddenly appeared:

"You found a demon subspecies."

"You have acquired the passive ability 'Tracking: Demon'."


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