Demon Lord

Chapter 61: Miracle (End)

"I asked you ... have dinner?"

迪 Roddy's injured hand shook slightly and moved the bonfire a few times, staring at the barbecue above, his voice relaxed.

"No ... no."

"If you haven't eaten, come a little?"

Taking the meat off the bonfire, Soderlor could see that it was a lamb chop. Based on the surrounding scenes, he could almost conclude that this was what the orcs were looting from the village of Kerry-and after knowing this, he No appetite.

Roddy seemed to know his feelings, didn't ask again, took a bite on his own, his expression disappeared from the smile just now, when he stared at the bonfire, his eyes seemed aloof. He slowly chewed the lamb chops that were not delicious. After a long time, he continued to say, "Do you think it is not appropriate to eat this kind of food at this time?"

Sodroll did not speak, but it was considered a tacit consent.

"You went to Kerry Village first?"

"I just came all the way from there, there is no one left alive."

恩 "Well, the wolf cavalry never stays alive." Roddy nodded and continued to eat the lamb chops. "Speaking of it ... I feel like this has happened, everything has become easier."

Soderlor didn't understand what he was talking about, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Simple?"

"Yeah." Roddy pointed his finger at Kosana's unshaped body next to him, and then raised the lamb chops in Yang's hand. "You see, the thing is basically simple: the orcs want to eat, they kill, Tu Village, snatched these things. "

"And I don't want them to eat us and grab us, so ... come here to kill them and grab things back."

Roddy's expression was very indifferent, but the words in the mouth made Soderloor startled--

"This is the world. What is in your hand will always be grabbed. What to do? Either kill those who are 觊觎 or become such losers."

指 He pointed to the orc carcass on the ground, and sighed slightly.

呵 "Oh, what a simple thing."

Soderlor stood beside him, some didn't know how to talk, but his heart was shocking-"You mess with me, I'll kill you". Such a thing is simple, but it is not what I want to do. Can do it. Opposite is an entire wolf cavalry camp, but Roddy has only a scout squad of fifteen people. The result of such a collision is that the orcs are completely destroyed?

Ruger came over to report the situation. When he heard the result of the "three minor injuries and no deaths" battle result, he fully understood that ... the idea that he wanted to show scouting power in front of Roddy seemed really ridiculous. .

Fifteen scouts killed 33 wolf cavalry with zero death.

Such a thing, except for "miracle", Soderol and his subordinates could not think of any other words to describe. The only words left in the mind are "mountain Yangzhi", "worship worship", "five body throwing ground" Such words.

"Stop work, gather, go back to the village."

After Wu Wu had finished eating the lamb chops, Rody got up and wiped his mouth as if he had just had a working meal with his subordinates in a restaurant. When he turned to Soderlor and the scouts behind him, it seemed that he had just remembered the matter about the organization. He smiled and said: "Dear colleagues, welcome to join the Nolan Village scout team. But there may be something Soder Lord Lorr didn't tell you, I'll just mention it briefly. "

He cleared his throat, and the smile on the eyes of the "new members" became even more unpredictable under the orange light of the bonfire.

"In addition to patrolling the border and showing warning letters, we will always encounter some additional conditions, so when this happens ... can solve it by myself, I usually do not choose to go to the fortress to inform those knights."

"Do you understand?"

In front of the smoldering camp, Roddy lightly spoken words, so that these arrogant scouts felt a sense of captivating pressure for no reason. It also made them vaguely feel the paranoid self-confidence that was never shown behind the discourse.

Uh ...

The time passed, and unknowingly, it was mid-June.

The news that the border village was slaughtered by the orcs quickly spread throughout the territory of Everta, but as Soderroll had expected, except for the depression in which the lord Kirk of the village broke his teeth and swallowed, the rest remained The aristocrats have no intention of "revenge" at all.

It was enough to express anger verbally. Even Lord Kirk himself did not yell at his throat and said that he would seek revenge from the orcs, and the others were naturally happy. At the bar table, even the nobles in high society will lament the words "these orcs are abominable" and "it's almost bereavement", show their compassion, or blow some "if it is my territory Such an event, how must I be ".

Then, how should everything be?

Similar scenes were staged everywhere, and at a dinner in Holytown on June 17, Count Francis did not seem cold about such things.

Originally, it was just a simple auction. After several bottles of aging wine were sold for hundreds of gold coins, the communication between the nobles and the ladies was the main content of the banquet. The discussion about the "Kerry Village" incident was naturally brought up among aristocracy-

"I'm afraid Kirk will have lost a lot of taxes this year. Finks Village and Kerry Village, speaking of the orcs, they really pick a place."

听说 "I heard that the Fortress of Conceton sent a group to hunt down the orcs in the prairie. It seems that many orcs have really been killed."

"Master Baron is laughing again ... The fortress cavalry is okay, you and I really believe that they can catch up with the wolf cavalry and start?"

"Hehe, Lord Durant, I just heard it-if we are informed, we are waiting for you to say something to us."

The Earl, headed by the small circle, was called "Durant", and was regarded as a great lord under the Duke of Angmar. The territorial coverage was exactly on the northwest side of Everta, and Lord Kirk was his nobleman.

"Me? I have nothing to say. The guys in Conceton ran not far away. They should have run into **** and hit several wolves. It took them a long time to catch some, and it seemed like they would kill one when they came back. The wolf cavalry is like a team, such a thing is really out of their word. "

"Is this really the case? That wolf--"

"The wolf isn't fake, maybe the wolf cavalry suddenly changed his mind and left a few wolf that couldn't move and rolled back to their old den?"

说 Speaking like this, the nobles all smiled, too lazy to continue to investigate. It happened that Francis was walking by holding the wine glass, headed by Count Durant, who narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Speaking again, Count Francis, I don't think the scouting system established by the Luxi Fron family at the border seems to have any effect Ah, when such a thing happened, there was no resistance at all? "

This kind of problem is a bit harsh. Obviously, the lords on the border do not like the duke to install such a system in their territory. The scouting force is independent of the local lord ’s law. This kind of thing has always been controversial and contradictory. In the past, the Duke of Angmar could be suppressed by virtue, but now, the young Francis could not give these lords any attention.

So Durant's problem is, in a way, already the pressure on the Roussillon family.

"Oh ... Earl Durant said that there was actually a bias--the role of the scout itself was only a warning. When the disaster in the village of Kerry occurred, the scouts might have warned in advance, but the orcs were helpless. Powerful, no scout forces could escape. My people reported that the scouts had stubbornly resisted before their death ... Obviously, they were sacrificed to protect the villagers. Such acts should not be blamed. . "

I have to say that Francis's head is really good. A few words disproved the other party's point of view, and then used a "sacrifice" to determine the nature, so that the other party can no longer continue the topic of scouting-in fact, he naturally Qing Erchu, just can't say clearly.

伯 Earl Durant smiled and shrugged until there was no meaning to continue tit-for-tat.

I talked about the popular clothing this year and the jewelry work of a certain craftsman in the Southern Territory.

For now, although Francis had a smile on her face, she was no longer in her heart. The failure of the previous "transaction" with Sarota has buried a thorn in his heart. To be honest, when the "treason" is not easy, because whenever someone talks about the harm of the orcs, he feels inexplicable ... Those people are taunting themselves.

This is a common problem of traitors, anxiety, suspicion, and sensitive heart. Seeing everyone feels that the other party wants to expose themselves. Francis's mood is getting worse lately, and it's all because of his sister who is still alive.

He tried to find the mysterious man who saved Sally, but the direction of the search did not seem correct. He thought it was the hand of a noble guardian knight in the territory-this idea is actually normal, because no one thinks that a group of scouts can cause any storms-so these days, he has always used manpower Troubleshoot these noblemen's guards at ~ and every time I see some hope, the final evidence proves that I have not found the right person.

He's so upset that he was upset, and Sally, who was meditating in the abbey in Enron, made him even more unnerved.

I was in no mood to continue, Francis left the court early and returned to the Duke's Mansion, and just as he was going to enter his room, he was seeing the steward Alpha taking his dinner to his father's bedroom.

He looked at the room that he hadn't walked into for a long time. After all, he didn't have the courage to step forward to face his father. Although the young Francis could kill his sister, he felt the fear of his father in his heart. , But he has been unable to cross that last "threshold".

Uncle usurped? Francis didn't dare--maybe he would think like this for a while, but at this time, he didn't dare to imagine such a possibility after all.

He stood in front of the hallway for a long time and hesitated. But he found that the steward Alpha entered the restaurant and walked out not long after he entered. He was a little puzzled. He asked, "Father, he doesn't want to eat?"

The steward was still surprised. He was still standing here, and immediately lowered his head and whispered, "Master, he ... wouldn't like to eat anymore after only a little."

Francis's wrists moved, and it seemed as if he wanted to take the dinner plate into the room, but he finally restrained his desire and waved: "It's all right ... let the chef change some dishes next time, I— I go first."

I took a deep breath, and Francis went straight back to his room, but the young count, who was thinking about how to fight Sally, did not notice the gray light in the eyes of the butler behind him.

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