Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 588: New levels, new skills ...

Use data to metaphor: "Boratini" suspends seven floating towers for one hour of energy. If they are replaced by charged crystals and used in the law circle of Elson City, they will fly for a week. .

So Roddy thinks that he can build a "aircraft carrier" in the true sense. This is not only an indestructible fortress at sea, but also a mobile territory ... If there are more than a hundred floating towers around it, then a moving Elson What is the difference between cities?

If the "No. 53" weapon with a range of up to 30 kilometers is installed on this aircraft carrier, then what enemy can stop it in the face of the offshore battlefield?

Roddy has more ideas to disclose, but even if he simply elaborated the concept of "aircraft carrier", Houdini has been shocked to be stupid.

Rasiman has never considered a large-scale plan for the construction of a floating tower. In the final analysis, it is because of insufficient technology and insufficient cobalt and gold mines as raw materials. However, now that Roddy has the technology and strength, it is not true to realize this goal ...

So he immediately discussed various issues related to Rodeo throughout the afternoon, and finally reached a preliminary agreement. Houdini will assist Rodi in the construction of deep-water ports and docks in the future. If the "aircraft carrier" is put into production, he can give priority to the sale of related technologies Seaman.

As soon as this agreement was reached, Houdini could not wait to explore the coast suitable for the port. But Camilla, who was listening later, raised the most pressing issue at present: "energy" is not enough.

"At present, the speed of spar charging can still keep up with the consumption, but the magic crystal available for raw materials has slowed down and the price is slowly increasing ..."

"As far as possible, the essence of the water on the other side of the glacier plain should be taken a few more times, and the rest ... can only wait for the trade of the Rasiman Kingdom and us."

Roddy rubbed his eyebrows and saw Camilla Ramen uncomfortable, saying: "Is there anything that makes you hesitate?"

"It's Teflin's side. Many of the guys who are not working are starving. As a result, they have robberies and bullying. I don't know if this should be dealt with ..."

"Dispose according to the law of Elson City, and do whatever you want." Roddy sneered: "I'm the most annoying 'I'm weak and reasonable' **** in my life. Elson doesn't have the habit of raising refugees. I Don't wait for waste. "


Camilla nodded and reported a few things before leaving. Aside from studying for a day, Merlin Sela drank water, tired and didn't want to talk, and when she was fine, she stretched back to rest. When Akasha came over and asked Roddy what to eat for dinner, he realized that it was getting dark.

"Be light, I'm a little tired of the big fish and meat at the celebration feast."

"Ok, no problem."

Akasha was obviously going to cook in person, and Roddy knew she liked it, so she didn't say anything but just look at her, what seemed to be happy?

Considering that you have won such a big battle, everyone should be happy and it should be, and Roddy didn't bother to think about it. And when the study room was quiet again, Roddy finally had time to take a closer look at his gains this time.

With Houdini and Melincela's elaboration of the French profession, Roddy also has a more systematic understanding of [Elemental Summoner], knowing that some of his previous views were biased, so after the decision, the eight-digit number His experience value was quickly assigned by him, so that the upgrade prompt sounded together.

Although Roddy was sitting still, he felt clearly that a wonderful power was constantly washing his body. But when he finally allocated these experiences, he looked intently towards the [Status Bar] again, but felt a bit involuntarily.


Title: [Elsen City Lord]

Candidate: [Captain of the Temple Guard] [Last Hunter] [Pious] [Undead Slayer]

Blessing: [Mark of the Dragon Slayer] [Flame Affinity]

Basic occupation: [Legion Soldier] Level 21

Advanced Class: [Demon Hunter] Level 29

[Elemental Summoner] Level 17

Strength 258 (+336)

Dexterity 359 (+467)

Constitution 311 (+404)

Intelligence 303 (+394)

Spirit 263 (+342)

At this time, Roddy was only wearing a non-attribute robe, so these attribute values ​​are basically equal to the personal attributes in the "naked" state. In the brackets, the values ​​of the "Dragon Slayer" and "Elsen City Lord" are added separately. If Roddy puts on the full set of previous equipment, the attributes will increase several times.

At this level, it can be said that Evertane is hard to meet with rivals. The only thing that Roddy lacks now is the equipment that can't keep up after the level attribute soars, so he has decided to give Su Lun a new task and let him hurry to make more dragon skins to create new equipment.

Compared to the bare [status bar] when he first came to this world, Roddy's current achievements are definitely called "top players." Because he always occupies a dominant position in Tasman battles, Roddy has obtained the highest experience percentage bonus. These experience values ​​are too large, directly exceeding the sum of all previous battles and missions, which has directly improved Rody's overall level. More than twenty levels!

It's like, in the marathon, Rodi, who was originally running, suddenly got on a motorcycle, twisted the accelerator, and threw everyone away ...

Rordy did not run out of experience value, but reserved two levels of experience for the basic profession of [Legion Soldier] ~ ~ in case of emergency. However, after the basic class has been upgraded to level 21, the basic class talent points of the [Judgment of the Bone Throne] are counted. He directly invested 15 points in the "Weapon Mastery" series, and added the rest to the " Physical strengthening ".

The "weapon mastery" series mostly enhances basic damage or hits, such as "bow damage increased by 1% / 2% / 3% -1 / 2/3 points" or "two-handed axe crit rate increased by 2% / 4% / 6% -1/2/3 points "and so on, specialization items are very scattered. Rodi avoided the melee and chose the long-range series to add points. At the same time, he gained the passive skill of "Master Mastery of All Ranged Weapons Increases 5% Hit Rate" when added to point 10. At point 16, it was also a talent tree. The last level of the passive gains the passive skill of "Grand Master Controlling Long-Range Weapons Permanently Increases Damage by 15%".

The "body strengthening" points brought a certain percentage of strength and endurance improvement to Roddy.

Basic career advancement will also acquire skills, but the skills acquired at this time seem to be a bit sloppy, because the skills of advanced occupations are far stronger than them, so Roddy glanced at them and left them in the list bar.

He then opened the "Hunting Hunter" skill column. A large row of new skills was flashing the icon. Roddy opened it one by one. The skill description just let him read it for a long time.

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