Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 597: South Coast (bottom) ...

So after a few days of exploration, he did find three places that are suitable for building a port-the so-called fit is actually relatively speaking. The terrain here is not gentle, and there are almost no decent beaches, so there are only three fishing villages in the entire north of Everta, and the rest is barren.

After such an investigation, Houdini sent a signal to the "Poratini" docked a few nautical miles away, and signaled to send a boat to pick him up. After all, it would take some time for Roddy to finish the work in Hollier City, and he would supply a batch of supplies to the ship before talking about it.

But he didn't expect that the attendant who came by the boat also brought a letter from the parliament, which was full of harsh criticism, which suddenly made Houdini's face gloomy—he did not expect that Ballena College kept giving The speaker put pressure on him, at this point he even reached the point of "ultimate ultimatum" to himself!

The letter was obviously sent after the Speaker was bored by Mr. Ballena, because the words above were full of offensiveness, and even wrote "Polatini is not a plaything of Houdini alone and must be returned as soon as possible. Flight, otherwise the parliament will be warned ".

If the threat from the Academy of Ballena is not much, then the signature of Mr. Curry of the Brunka Academy at the end of the letter is completely angry with Houdini ...

Even the core members of the academy are involved in their acquaintances ... the big Bronka Academy, even the courage to say "no" is gone?

Houdini felt like he hadn't been so sullen for years. He frowned and stared at the bread in his hand, only to find that he had no appetite at all.

"Are you going to fall down ..."

He slowly got up, the robe was windless, and his accumulated mood was vented directly toward the sea in front of him with huge magic power-under the afterglow of the sunset, a large sea of ​​seawater rose into the air!

Without skill or chanting, Houdini simply relied on this method to vent his anger.

The magic power of the Magister can be called vast, and the entire coast feels as bare as a low tide. Hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater were taken by magic into the air, making Houdini feel the heavy pressure, but this kind of stiff feeling was exactly what he needed. Exhaling, finally let the sea water fall back.

The impact sounded like a thunderous thunder, and echoes echoed in the bay canyon.

The whole process was only one minute, but Houdini felt a lot more relaxed. He exhaled slowly, calmly breathing, turned around, but saw a dozen students stunned and waved: "It's all right, keep eating."

He wanted to return to the tent early to rest, but the apprentice beside him suddenly said: "Master Houdini, just now ... there seems to be something weird under that beach."

Houdini hadn't noticed anything on the beach before, and frowned when he heard the words: "What did you see?"

"It's a regular line ... just a little further away from the coastline, where ... can it be traces left by something, or ... remains?"


Turning his head to the sea that had been calmed down, Houdini couldn't help feeling a little absurd: Could he have discovered something new by happening to vent his anger?

The scene in Elson was still hot.

The villages and towns outside the city have begun to have scale. After the orc prisoners of war were divided up in batches, they were sent to different places to do labor, but they have to admit that these guys are one of the top three in power compared to humans, and they are very efficient in working. .

After the first few days of dismissal, the food for these orcs has been upgraded by a comprehensive level-said to be elevated, but only to maintain normal levels. But this alone, the orcs obviously have a lot less complaints, and they don't have as many complaints when they work.

Teflin, who lives in a segregated area of ​​the city, has stabilized these days. More than six adults have chosen to go out to work in exchange for remuneration, and the situation of starvation because of laziness has completely disappeared. Because of the opening of the classroom, many talented Tifflins were assigned new jobs. After the overall salary increased, their living standards quickly got rid of their initial distress. Now at least every family can eat enough, and even Can save surplus food.

Food crops outside Elsen are growing well-or better than farmers have never seen before. In this era, they mostly cultivated wheat, rye, oats, and buckwheat. It was not yet harvest time in early June, but good-growing oats had been harvested in advance, and wheat was the finest and slowest growing. The crop, at this time, is also gratifying, making farmers smile all day long.

With the expansion of logging and the construction of new towns, several villages have also expanded rapidly. Under the supervision of the city of Elson, the spar-powered arcane urn completed the most onerous re-cultivation task, quickly arranging the fertile land into a piece of farmland. It is foreseeable that, at the end of the war, Everta Elson will soon become the region with the highest grain production this year.

Because of a series of "talent collection" orders issued by Roddy, now the guys found have come to Elson City with a look of ignorance. However, currently Roddy is not here, and Camilla can only entertain and arrange these guys who look nothing special-some of them are young men who have become bards, and there are helpers who have been in the smithy for three years. There are also hotel bartenders who have been displaced by the war ~ ~ In short, these guys are not outstanding, and they are not very mixed. After all, people with stable jobs and livelihoods can hardly agree to come to a strange city to survive. Camilla knew this, but did not show any impatience. All of them arranged temporary work and waited for Roddy to return to explain their whereabouts.

Recently, Melinzel has not been as boring as she used to be, but has locked herself in a luxurious laboratory specially prepared for her by the Tower of Pashaar, thinking about how to break through the first of the "Elemental" Road threshold. Nefie is in a good mood recently, and has been fantasizing all day about what to prepare if she goes out with Roddy, but she is reprimanded by Camilla for a few moments. The little girl feels that her mother is in a bad mood these days, so she hid in Reading in the library, I occasionally read the popular novels of the High Elf period, but I also enjoyed it.

Nata walks around the barracks every day. She is now also incorporated into the "Elsen CIA" department, but because her character is not suitable for leadership, she currently hangs the name of "Deputy Captain of Operations", salary level and Power is three grades higher than a group of Teflins being educated and trained, but is not responsible for directing the group.

She often practiced archery at the barracks campus, so she always met Nora, who returned after the class. The latter greeted Nata when she met for the third time. The Wood Elf Ranger was quite surprised, so she simply talked to the other party. A few words—both of them are not very talkative, but it seems to be really “no fight and no acquaintance”. Nata, who basically has no friends, finds that Nora has many similarities with herself, so the number of contacts later It gradually increased, although the words were still not much, but barely called "friends."

But compared to others, Akasha is undoubtedly the best.

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