Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 798: Arrow Hall

Roddy was at this angle right next to Kardashian's left arm, and whispered to ask if there was anything wrong with her wound. The latter looked at him cautiously, and his heart was tight. Although he felt his arm was not a big deal, he turned to his mouth and said, "I still feel a little pain."

"Then go home later, I'll change your medicine."

"Okay, come back ... home."

Kardashian suddenly felt that the words seemed to be a bit pun, and the words trembled slightly. But when looking at Roddy, she found out that the guy was searching for something on the screen projected by the watch. She glanced at her and found that Roddy was looking at the "wound dressing guide".

Does this guy have a straight head ... is he really saying that literally?

Kardashian naturally did not know that Roddy was still with a "lonely life" temperament at the moment. She thought about it and thought that this guy should have no other meaning, after all, his memory has not been restored ... No, even if he recovered ?

What are you thinking?

Her thoughts were a bit chaotic, and she even forgot about the purpose of coming out today. Glancing at the pile of bags that Roddy was carrying, she couldn't help but secretly tongue out: She also said that she wanted to help Roddy restore her memory, and she patronized shopping for herself, but thought that it was all bought by her, Card Dai Shan narrowed her eyes and couldn't help laughing ... hey, my mood is so contradictory!

She shook her head, and suddenly realized that this was the terrible place of "space prison": Even if she was an "outsider", she was almost lost in this too-realistic world, let alone Roddy?

You have to find a way!

Thinking like this, the waiter brought the small bill for checkout, and Roddy got up and carried three big bags together with Kardashian out of Haidilao.

After dinner, it's just over seven o'clock. For the imperial capital's weekend, nightlife has just begun at this time. When walking down the escalator layer by layer, the eyes behind Kardashian's sunglasses couldn't help searching around, and finally locked on an advertising sign on the ground floor.

"Do people here not sleep at night?"

"Saturdays and Sundays are generally holidays, so everyone is used to having fun."

"Then let's go back so early?"

At this point, the two took the escalator back and forth, and Kardashian leaned forward naturally, pressing her arm on Rody's shoulder and pointing at the distance: "I see a lot of fun in the basement Ah, there is even an arrow museum! "

Roddy looks a little weird. He feels that Kardashian suddenly pointed out that he would go to the archery. It seems that there is no plan after all. "Archery" is also one of the few hobbies that he has cultivated in "Cracked Earth". When assisting, he has already started to try to cancel all assists, relying solely on his archery to fight monsters.

And the place where he carried out a lot of shooting training was the “Kishu Arrow Hall” located on the basement floor, which Kardashian referred to. Roddy is a member here and basically comes three or four times a week.

"That ... sister, why are you interested in archery?"

"Because I find that I don't know much about the entertainment places here," Kardashian Zhenzhen said. "I have never heard of billiards, darts, or Internet cafes, but I am a good player at archery. Look?"

Roddy immediately waved his hand: "I don't dare, your arm hurts. Change it."

Kardashian felt warm, but insisted: "Will I see your archery, then? The bow here looks so strange, I want to see it."

However, Roddy eventually agreed, and the two came all the way to the Arrow Hall, because at weekends, the Arrow Hall, which was sparsely populated on weekdays, had a group of two people waiting in the rest area.

Roddy doesn't like the crowded environment, but seeing Kardashian's cheerful look, he naturally relaxed his tolerance ... after all, it's not the time to go out and walk around alone.

He admits that he has a good opinion of this inexplicable beauty, but it needs to be explained that Roddy's memory at this moment is almost insulated from the girlfriend who had talked to school at school, and it was "Crack" at this moment. In the second year of service, I didn't know Nei Fei, let alone another person such as Sally, Akasha, and Camilla.

Although he knew "Nata", the immortal wood elf "ranger mentor" did not leave much impression on him. Therefore, at this time, the otaku Roddy is still the silly boy with a low emotional intelligence. Many ideas only dare to move around in his head, but the way of expression is very clumsy.

Roddy, who came in with a big bag, was completely a passerby in the eyes of others, but Kardashian who came in behind was completely in another world. Even with a hood and sunglasses, she became the majority in the arrow museum. Focus of eyes.

With a height of nearly eighteen meters and a perfectly proportioned figure, coupled with the curves outlined by skinny jeans, most people secretly regarded her as a big star to go out and play, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't tell who it was.

Roddy and his boss are familiar. After saying hello, he took Kardashian to sit beside the line, and the latter naturally couldn't sit still, got up and wandered around, and knew everything in the "Arrow Hall".

The general arrow museum is mainly "experience", because most people are fresh, and basically use 16-24 pound domestic recurve bows provided in the museum. The targets used are all ten meters away, don't look too far away, but for novices, it is already good to be able to hit the target for the first time.

At this point in time ~ ~ Roddy has not yet transferred to the "ranger", but a lazy pve player, but in order to practice archery, he has already set up the most senior member in this arrow hall , I have been here for more than a year, and the level of theory has been separated from the "10 meters" and has entered the "18 meters" of intermediate levels.

The use of the 18-meter track requires assessment, and the standard is also very simple: 12 arrows in one group, five groups of 60 arrows, and 10 targets in the ring, a total of 600 rings can reach 500 rings.

Normally, players who use the "recurve bow" in the museum can basically pass the audit for one month, because these bows are all "shooting bows" with their own "quasi-star", which is more difficult than "hunting bows" in terms of difficulty. "The bow hunting is much simpler, and it is judged by the naked eye. Shooting the crossbow requires only the action, and the aiming star is aimed at the 10th ring.

Roddy only qualified for the "18 Meter Road" three months ago. This is because he used the "hunting bow" from the beginning. The purpose is naturally to have a better role after the Ranger is transferred to Ranger. Hit rate.

At present, Roddy is still a little far away from the "Master". Last week, in the 600-point test match, he only scored 452 points in the bow hunting group. Although it didn't look high, the "Bow Hunting" was unpopular. The museum ’s “18-meter hunting bow” ranking also counted in the top ten, and you can see his name on that big screen as soon as you enter the door.

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