Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 833: Corsius

But after all, Roddy is faced with a problem: Although the power of the artifact is strong, it is strange to him after all. This is like a young child wielding a hundred pounds of iron hammer, completely unable to freely retract. But since the buff will disappear within a minute, the only thing he can do is to solve everything in front of him as soon as possible!

The "jazz" in a suit seemed to have anticipated this, and his eyes glanced calmly. Roddy felt the breath behind him like an abyss, and Rody, who already had the power of the deities, immediately understood that the other party was also a deity!

The "deputy captain" did not see anything, but the action was abnormal and decisive: the halo above his head disappeared, his body was paralyzed, and a light ball went straight to the sky. Obviously, the deity's "integrated" intention Escape directly here.

But the "jazz" action was faster than him. Between the raising of his hands, numerous huge barriers flashing white light appeared in the sky, which slowed down the speed of that photosphere. At the same time, Roddy, like tacit understanding, firmly condensed all the power that he could control, and rushed towards the sky without hesitation.

He did not release any spells, but his body hurried across the space. If according to the laws of physics, Roddy's body will inevitably generate a lot of heat due to friction with the air, and sound blast and water mist will be generated when the speed of sound is exceeded. In fact, his clothes are not even shaken by the wind. Appeared because at this moment Roddy had directly contacted the "laws" of the world.

The state of "divine deities" is not understandable by ordinary people. It can even be said that Roddy "jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements" at this time. After breaking away from the world and becoming the power of the world, Roddy's vision, The level of wisdom and thinking has become extraordinary.

He firmly approached the light sphere trying to escape, and there was no "jazz" sweating in his forehead, nor Kardashian falling not far away.

The pure but unmatched power condensed at his fingertips, but after approaching the light sphere, his gaze looked into the sky farther away.

Touch rules to understand them and master them

Then, wipe out the enemy from this world.

Roddy's eyes have lost focus. He still continues to move forward. The forces condensed in space have produced a large white lightning because of constant collisions, and time covers everything.

"You broke the rules!"

An unfamiliar voice was struggling aloud, but as the light bloomed, everything in heaven and earth seemed to come to an abrupt end at this moment.

The immense energy went straight to the sky, and suddenly disappeared into view after reaching a certain boundary line, as if it had penetrated some kind of barrier.

The thunderous thunder exploded, and the world almost turned into a dark cloud. The yoke between heaven and earth was completely broken, and everything became bright.

The 1-minute buff timing soon ended, and when the sky returned to the blue again, there was a flash of fluctuations in the sky. The effect of the "Viper Kiss" disappeared, Kardashian struggling to stand up, and Roddy standing on the ground. At the same time, the "jazz" with a calm expression returned to the original ordinary person.

Roddy reached out and touched his cheek: who in the eyes of others was an ordinary otaku living in the Imperial City, and after the power of the deities disappeared, he had completely become the appearance of the Elson Lord.

The desert dust is over, all I can hear is the sound of the propellers circling back. Kardashian, who was restored to human form when she was blown off before, ran back in a robe of elemental condensate. She did not know the situation. Although she no longer had the power of the Dragons, she still clenched her teeth in preparation for melee. .

"Jazz" glanced at her with interest, and said in a dragon language: "I never thought I would meet someone from my hometown here."

This sentence kept Kardashian in place.

Roddy already knew his identity, and his eyes recovered from the barrenness around him, respectfully saluting: "Hello Corsius."


In the violent coughing sound, Sally opened her eyes suddenly when the "Viper Kiss" was drawing energy, her entire senses were shielded, and boundless darkness confined her in a dark space. And when all the senses recovered suddenly, Sally was choked into her trachea by her saliva for the first time, and her face became a little white.

Her legs were weak, and she nearly knelt on the ground, but was supported by Akasha, who had eyes and hands. Sally, leaning against her, leaned weakly on Akasha, and looked a little stunned for a while. It took her several seconds to reflect where she was, and she said involuntarily, "What happened to Roddy and Roddy?"

The surrounding crystal wall showed that it was dark outside, but the owner of the magic tower never appeared. Sally looked around from side to side, but was frightened by Akasha when she retracted her eyes. The priest had always been a chestnut long hair, but at this time it turned out to be mostly white.

Her eyes were originally black, but now she is infiltrated like a silvery white ring. If it weren't for her frowning frown and some nervous words, Sally had almost treated the other person as an undead!

"Did you feel what Edith did not show up?"

"I don't see anything inside the prison."

Sally said, staring at Akasha tightly, which puzzled the latter, "Is there something on my face?"

The duke leaning in her arms reached out and held her long hair tied to her head. The dazzling white color surprised Akasha herself, but she didn't care about her condition at this time, she said : "I helped you sit next to me, your scepter?"

The two turned their heads toward the white scepter inserted in the core slot. The "Viper Kiss" looked no different than before, but when Sally looked down at her arms, she realized that the strength of the three vipers was weakened. A lot, it ’s even hard to achieve

At such a high price, I don't know what effect it has achieved. Edith didn't show up. She thought about it and still didn't take the scepter, so she sat next to her with Akasha's help.

"Thank you"

Akasha shook her head, signalling that it was not polite. Although it was just a normal movement, Sally touched both of them because of her white hair. They didn't know what to say for a while. After waiting a few minutes, Edith's figure finally appeared, and the latter seemed to be a little emotional: "He is alive he is alive"

This sentence caused Akasha to stand up abruptly, and the original look of Xiao Suo swept away: "Really?"

"I don't know exactly what happened, but when I entered the second time, I did see him not dead!"

Edith is also a bit ill. This is not simply because of Roddy's "resurrection", but because she felt the breath of two "gods" while observing this prison, and she also saw the power of the artifact. Dee even beat one of them!

She could not remain there to observe, but before leaving the Space-Time Tunnel, Edith could feel that this Space-Time Prison suddenly disconnected from other planes. In other words, those who controlled these prisons The Lord of Time and Space has lost control of it.

"What does this mean?"

After hearing these things, Edith asked Sally in a voice of excitement.

"This means that his battle with the oracle finally won. From then on, this prison will not be closed consciously. As long as Roddy can meet the conditions, he can come back safely!"

Edith's inference was reasonable, and then she saw a silver-haired Akasha with a look of surprise: "Magic attack?"

Neither Sally nor Akasha understood the word, and Edith thought about it for a second. After learning about Roddy's "death news", Akasha was only thinking of using the necromancy to resurrect him. A request to "bring him back" will be made.

After such a thought was deeply rooted in her mind, she was originally a "priest", and her views on the "divine magic" and "necromancy" changed because of the drastic changes in her mentality. "Magic invasion" is an extremely rare situation, which usually leads to extremely dangerous or even fatal results. Why can Akasha now look normal?

"Magic attacks can cause severe head pain and physical tears. Are you really okay?"

Edith suddenly felt that her knowledge as a great arcanist was not enough, and it was ridiculous to see Roddy and the deity. At this time, she could still meet the unscathed guy after the "magic attack".


Akasha shook her head. At this moment, she was extremely happy because of the news of "Rody's Survival." She had no intention to realize the difference. With excitement, she even opened her arms to hold Sally next to her. Surprised, instead, they took the initiative to surround her waist. The two men who were still facing each other in Elsen City were silently crying at this time. This scene saw Edith a little dumb. The words that I wanted to continue to ask didn't say anything. Export.

Roddy's two "wifes" felt a bit strange after they separated from each other, as if at this time they remembered that the other was a love rival, and they looked away a bit embarrassed. Sally coughed and asked aloud, "When can Rody come back?"

"I can only be sure that the way back is completely clear and there will be no hindrance, but I'm afraid it will depend on him when he returns."

Edith said he was relieved "I've never failed those spar"

This made Sally and Akasha smile at each other, because they both felt the contract spirit shown by Edith in the entire "rescue operation". Such a great arcanist was willing to stand on the side of Everta. Future development prospects are already conceivable.

"Wait so long, let's go eat and rest for a while. If Roddy comes back, I will inform you as soon as possible."

The atmosphere inside the magic tower has been a lot more relaxed. Akasha and Sally accepted Edith's advice. After polite farewell, they walked down the side by side and they left the "core room" each time. A few steps back and forth have never been so close.

Sally, holding the scepter and walking to the next floor, stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked at Akasha with a slight bow on her face and a smile on her face, and said, "Sister Akasha ~ ~ ? "

His eyes were raised, and the little priest looked over in confusion. When Akasha noticed Sally's serious look, she realized that she was so serious. I'm afraid she really wanted to treat herself as a "sister".

"I'll call you like that in the future, okay?"

Sally has seen the most aristocratic who can act. Those who do whatever they can to achieve their goals can be pretend to be flawless if they cry, so she is more white than Akasha's "magic attack" and even a white head.

Although "emotional" can't be compared, she finally understands that it is absolutely impossible for her to "confess".

"Well," Akasha did not hesitate, nodded, and said as she walked, "what would my sister want?"

Sally followed with a smile, and walked like a little girl by the side: "I want to eat meat! Lots and lots of meat! I ca n’t eat anything these days, starve me to death"

(End of this chapter)

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