Demon Resurrection: Unlimited Promotion as Opening Rewards

173. The World-Class Commendation Conference is a sensation all over the world!

The most sensational recognition ceremony!

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately responded!

"Yes! Commendation ceremony! We want to let the world know Su Li!"

"That's right, live online, live on TV!"

"When the time comes, let everyone know what Su Li has done!"

"Recognition...there must be a reward! We think about what is precious!"


At the meeting, everyone spoke their thoughts with smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, someone spoke up.

"By the way, we have to contact Su Li first! He is the protagonist of the conference!"

"Yes yes yes!"

"Did Long Guo contact you? You must have contacted the idea you put forward, right?"

When several people asked, Long Guo shook his head slightly and replied helplessly.

"We've been in touch long ago, but were turned down."




Several people were dumbfounded.

Some can't believe it!

Su Li actually refused?!

They all know that Su Li is indifferent to fame and fortune, but this...

This is a global awards ceremony at the same time!

"Yes, he refused."

Long Guo repeated it again and continued: "Although he refused, I still think that this commendation conference will be held! Whether Su Li comes or not, it will be held!"

"There's no other reason! We can't keep our heroes from being known to the world!"

"He is indifferent to fame and fortune and is unwilling to show his face, but we can't just bury his achievements!"

"We're going to... give heroes, hero treatment!"

A few words made the heartbeats of everyone present quicken slightly.

"Yes! That's right! We can't let the hero's deeds be buried!"

"This conference must be held! As long as human beings exist for a day, then Su Li's deeds will be known to human beings for a day!"

"Give him the best treatment!"


The power alliance council immediately made a decision.

End of the meeting.

In less than an hour, all the people found that a sentence appeared on various websites!

【8 o'clock tomorrow night】

Just five words!

Eight o'clock in the evening? What are you doing at eight o'clock in the evening?

If a website is like this, it can also be said that the website is going to launch an event, and everyone is like this...


Many people are confused and try to inquire about inside information.

The news made my blood boil!

The power alliance is organizing the venue and arranging everything!

Purpose: Tomorrow at eight o'clock, a commendation meeting will be held!

Conference Theme: The Silent Hero -- Su Li!

The gossip suddenly spread on the Internet!

Some people say: everything in the venue will be antiquities!

Someone said: The global live broadcast of this commendation conference, including the billboards of some stores on the street, will be broadcast!

Some people say: In the conference, all national leaders will come forward!



The people are waiting eagerly.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet!

Post bars, videos, chat groups, and discussions are all about tomorrow's conference!

"The Commendation Conference! I don't know if Su Shen will appear!"

"Definitely! How could I not show up! This is a global award!"

"Maybe, what if something happened to God Su? He never likes to be famous."

"What are you talking about? You must come forward, and then Su Shennb will be finished!"


The next day, starting in the morning, people found something different!

Banners appeared on the street!

The ads on the car are all changed!

No more commercials on TV, something else!

these things......

It's all about Su Li and the conference!

As people's expectations gradually increase.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Eight o'clock in the evening...

Coming soon!

In the moment of arrival!

Switch all TV shows at once!

Switch between all live rooms!

All businesses' publicity screens and TVs in shopping malls are also switched!

switched to...

A gorgeous venue!

The background color of the venue is splendid red, with golden flowers in clusters, and the decoration is full of ancient charm!

There are a lot of people sitting around, they are dressed in different clothes, you can clearly see the characteristics of each country!

And the center of the venue.

At this moment, an old man is standing.

The old hot crane has loose hair, his hands are on his back, and his voice is like thunder!

"Now, the Global Commendation Conference officially begins!"

"Subject...Silent Hero, Su Li!"

Thunderous applause!

The people are also frantically posting barrages!

"Su Li! It's God Su!"

"Su God I love you!"

"The grapevine is true!"

"Fuck fuck fuck!!! Su God!"


A large barrage ran rampant, and the old man on the stage continued to speak.

"Our world... the monster has recovered for nearly a hundred years!"

"In the past hundred years, there have been countless people who are worth remembering, but there is only one person who is the first in terms of merit!"

"That person is... Su Li!"

The venue was extremely quiet.

Everyone below is sitting upright with serious faces!

The old man is still going!

"To talk about Su Li's exploits, it's a long time ago."

"At that time, there was a mysterious powerhouse circulating on the Internet!"

"He is not for fame and fortune, he shuttles between dangers and saves everyone!"

"When he attacked the city with the demon beast of Jiangnan City, he solved the danger of Jiangnan with one punch!"

"He killed monarch-level monsters, then saved Jiangcheng, and then saved Kyoto!"

"He alone can be worth a million teachers!"

The old man's words seemed to bring everyone back to the past.

Bring back the time when Su Li was still a mysterious powerhouse when they saw it on the Internet!

The barrage is diffuse and somewhat sensational.

"I've been following Su Li since the very beginning! He was a mysterious powerhouse back then!"

"I paid attention to it relatively was when he rescued Kyoto."

"Ah, ah, I was in Jiangcheng at the time!"

"He was still my classmate at the time, and I witnessed his growth with my own eyes!"


The old man waited for a few seconds and continued to speak.

"Then the crisis broke out."

"The monster launches a general attack, and humanity is in danger!"

"To this day, I still remember the strength of that half-step demon emperor, and I also remember the appearance of Su Li at that time!"

"He killed the half-step demon emperor with the momentum of destroying the rot! At that time, everyone thought he died in the Tianwu Daoguan!"

The old man's voice is like thunder!

He didn't stop and started talking about other things!

Black planned everything, turned into a devil emperor, Su Li shot to kill!

The residual monsters sacrificed themselves, opened the cracks, let the strange monsters come, and Su Li broke the world with one punch!

The last thing he said came to the fore!

In front of everyone, as if the scene at that time appeared!

The blood of the people in the venue is bursting!

The people watching the live broadcast outside are also flushed!

"I still remember the picture at that time! The strange monster ran towards us and died instantly!!"

"I watched that video countless times! Su Shen is invincible!"

"Ahhhhhhh!! I'm so sorry! I hid at the time and didn't see that scene with my own eyes!"


The old man waited ten seconds.

Open your mouth slowly.

"So far."

"Because of Su Li, we have peace!"

"Now, Su Li was supposed to appear, but unfortunately...he refused."

"But I think... heroes can be silent, we can't be silent!"

As soon as the words come out.

The barrage exploded!

No one thought that Su Li... actually didn't come!

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