Entering the Demon Realm

“How do you know about cultivators?”

Jiang Feng frowned and asked.

The dark creature didn’t dare to hide anything, so it hurriedly replied.

“Because our ancestors had contact with immortal cultivators from the mysterious eastern country Huaxia. It was a long, long time ago. At that time, China’s cultivating civilization was extremely popular.”

When Jiang Feng heard the words, he almost knew it.

What this dark creature was talking about should be the period of China’s immortal cultivation civilization thousands of years ago. At that time, the cultivation of immortal civilization was indeed very popular.

Most of the immortal cultivation relics that exist today are from that time.

It should be that one of the ancestors of this dark creature had traveled to China, or some powerful immortal cultivators in China at that time traveled around to practice, came to the Western Continent, and had contact with them.

Jiang Feng didn’t care about these, he asked again.

“Are you called dark beings? What are you doing here?”

“Uh, actually we are not called dark beings, but if translated into your words, we can be called that.”

“We came here because the blood race suddenly lost contact with the Dark Council. We were sent to check it out. We happened to meet an adult who was practicing, so we stopped to observe for a while. There was no malice. I hope you will forgive me.”

That dark creature really knows everything, maybe it’s because he knows that he and others are not Jiang Feng’s opponents.

Jiang Feng still likes this kind of guy who knows current affairs and is a hero.

He nodded and said.

“Then you can go back and report, and say that the headquarters of the blood clan has been destroyed by me, and there may still be some branches of the blood clan. If you want to avenge the blood clan, just come to me.”

Jiang Feng said indifferently.

After the dark creature saw Jiang Feng, it basically guessed that the blood race might encounter a catastrophe.

But it was quite shocking to get the result from Jiang Feng’s mouth.Although the overall strength of the blood race is not strong, it can be regarded as a race that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, but it was wiped out just like that.

Although there are still branches, it is well known that the strength of the blood clan is directly linked to its bloodline.

The ancestor of the blood clan, the blood emperor, and most of the princes were all dead. Even if some blood clans survived, they were too embarrassing to use.

It is estimated that it will be completely wiped out by the Holy See in a short time.

Although the dark creature was deeply moved, he didn’t dare to show it at all, and could only speak respectfully.

“My lord is joking. If your lord destroys the blood race, it must be the blood race who offended you. The Dark Council will not make you an enemy because of this.”

I don’t know if what this guy said is true or not, but Jiang Feng doesn’t care.

He waved his hands.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve always been someone who doesn’t offend me and I don’t offend others. As long as you don’t provoke me, I will naturally not do anything to you.”

“By the way, when I was in the Elf Forest, I once killed a dark creature. It should belong to your family.”

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he ignored these dark creatures and walked straight to the back of the blood castle.

Cain, the ancestor of the blood race, said before that the entrance to the Demon Realm is under the cliff behind the blood castle.

Those dark creatures stood in place, watching Jiang Feng’s back slowly disappear in place.

A dark creature had already recovered from the paralysis caused by the electric shock, and said viciously.

“Boss, the third elder of the clan has disappeared. Before he disappeared, he said he was going to the Elf Forest. Now it seems that he must have been killed by that Huaxia cultivator.”

“We can’t just let it go, let’s go back and report to the clan elder…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked over by the boss.

“Don’t get involved with us if you want to die. You don’t know how powerful the Chinese immortal cultivators are. Even if we are hundreds of miles away, our conversations can’t escape his ears!”

This boss is obviously very familiar with cultivators, but he still thinks highly of himself and others after all.

Jiang Feng didn’t mean to pay attention to them at all.

At this time, he had already reached the cliff behind the Blood Castle.

Looking down, even with Jiang Feng’s powerful vision, he couldn’t tell how deep the cliff was.

Or, this is not a cliff at all.

It’s a crack in space.

The entrance to the Demon Realm!

“Huh… I hope everything goes well.”

Jiang Feng looked up at the sky and murmured.

Then he jumped off the cliff without hesitation.

Jiang Feng didn’t intentionally control his movement, the feeling of being suspended in the air hit his heart, and the strong wind hit his face, but it didn’t hurt Jiang Feng at all.

Soon, Jiang Feng’s figure disappeared into the darkness.

Jiang Feng only felt that the space in front of him was distorted, and a faint sense of dizziness hit him.

However, Jiang Feng was already used to traveling through space, so this little dizziness didn’t have much effect on him.

It’s just that the picture in front of me changes for a while, making it dizzying.

This situation lasted for more than ten minutes before it finally ended. Jiang Feng felt a sense of down-to-earth, shook his head, and only then could he see the world in front of him clearly.

The sky was gray and the sun, moon and stars could not be seen, just like the darkness before a storm.

However, the light came from unknown sources, so that this piece of heaven and earth would not be invisible.

Just like in rainy weather.

Moreover, there was an aura in the air that wasn’t considered stinky, but definitely made Jiang Feng feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Feng looked around and found that he should be in a desert at this time.

The land under the feet is dark yellow to black, and the surrounding area is very open. There is not even a tree or grass, and the vitality is very weak.

“Is this the Demon Realm? The environment is quite harsh.”

Jiang Feng sighed.

He doesn’t know much about the Demon Realm, it can even be said to be almost zero.

I can only take one step at a time and study it slowly.

“Let’s get out of this desert first. If we can find the local aborigines, maybe we can learn something about it.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself, and walked straight in one direction.

I don’t know how big this desert is. Although Jiang Feng didn’t rush at full speed, he ran nearly a hundred kilometers in ten minutes.

But this desert is still as far as the eye can see.

Jiang Feng tried to extend his spiritual consciousness, but he couldn’t reach the end.

Jiang Feng reckoned that this desert was probably much larger than some countries on the earth.

At the same time, he didn’t find a single monster along the way.

Except for the sound of the wind, it was filled with dead silence.


Jiang Feng thought about it, and decided to speed up.

Before that, his speed had been kept at one-fifth of the peak speed. It was because he was unfamiliar with the place and worried about any changes.

But now, in the past ten minutes, and after traveling more than a hundred kilometers, nothing happened.

Jiang Feng simply stopped slowing down and started to move forward at full speed.

At full speed, Jiang Feng’s speed can exceed the speed of sound by several times even without using magical powers to shrink the ground into an inch.

In a few minutes, he rushed hundreds of kilometers away.

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