Travel around

The Heart Demon Tribulation is very strange and special. No matter how strong your physical body is, you have no advantage at all.

Because the heart demon tribulation is to directly awaken the heart demon deep in your heart.

In order to successfully overcome the inner demon tribulation, a strong spiritual consciousness is the second priority. The most important thing is that the willpower is strong enough, and luck is good enough.

Anyway, according to what Bai Long said, many peak cultivators in the tribulation stage made mistakes when they were going through the last calamity of the heart.

Then, it turns intoThere is no chance of casual cultivation, and the consciousness will always be immersed in the world of inner demons.

Either you will become a lunatic, or you will directly become a living dead.

“Your talent for cultivation is indeed monstrous, and your cultivation speed is faster than I’ve ever seen before. You have strong luck and many means.”

“But in my opinion, the catastrophe of the heart demon is the most difficult catastrophe for you to overcome, because your journey has been so smooth and you have experienced too little. The more people like you, the probability of passing the catastrophe of the heart demon lower.”

These are Bai Long’s original words.

Bailong suggested that Jiang Feng should not rush to break through, but spend more time traveling around to increase his knowledge and sharpen his heart.

Only in this way can we better survive the calamity of the demons.

Jiang Feng knew that Bailong’s suggestion was indeed the most suitable for him and the best for him.

Section 573

But it takes a long time.

And now, the last thing he wants to do is wait.

He just wanted to enter the fairyland earlier and find a way to wake up Tangtang earlier.

“But have you ever thought about it, if you get stuck in the demon tribulation, you won’t even be able to protect yourself, so how can you protect your beloved?”

Bai Long said.

Jiang Feng was silent, and Bai Long’s words hit his heart.

That’s right, if he was trapped in the inner demon, it would be even more impossible to wake up Tangtang.

Instead of taking the risk to forcibly cross the tribulation, it’s better to break through in one fell swoop after preparations are made.

Unlike breaking through the bottleneck like usual, Jiang Feng didn’t have any pills that could increase the success rate of crossing the Heart Demon Tribulation. He could only rely on himself.

“Well, brother Ao, you’re right. I really haven’t experienced enough. I did rush it.”

Jiang Feng nodded.

He decided, next, he will go out for a trip.

To travel around, to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, to explore those so-called forbidden and dangerous places.

The most important thing is to sharpen his heart, so that when facing his own demons, it will be easier for him to stabilize his mind.

Moreover, Jiang Feng has another plan.

He wanted to find those passages connected to the Demon Realm, and then seal them all.

Because Jiang Feng was always worried that the demon world would try to invade the earth.

Even if the demon race above the level of the devil emperor cannot enter the earth, even if only the devil emperor enters the earth in a large scale, it will be a huge disaster.

Nowadays, there are very few strong men on earth who can compete with the Devil Emperor.

As far as the Huaxia Alliance is concerned, the only ones who can compete with the Devil Emperor are the two cultivators who advocate Wuji and Lao Qin.

Other countries and forces will not be stronger than the Huaxia Alliance.

Now Jiang Feng is still on the earth, but when he goes to the fairy world, and then the devil emperor of the demon clan invades the earth, what should we do?

Jiang Feng had been to the Demon Realm, and he knew very well how powerful those demon races were in the Demon Realm. If he really wanted to invade the earth, it would not be difficult at all.

So, what he has to do now is to seal all the passages connecting the earth to the demon world, so as to prevent the demons from the demon world from invading the earth.

After leaving the holy world, Jiang Feng told Qin Lao about his plan.

Qin Lao also agrees with this very much.

Then, Jiang Feng left Zhenmagus and started his travels.

First, he traveled in China, and it took Jiang Feng six months to visit the whole China.

If it’s just a hurry, of course it won’t take so long.

But Jiang Feng’s purpose is to travel, to increase his knowledge, and to sharpen his heart.

So, every time he passed by a place, he would stay for a while.

As an ordinary person, experience the customs of these places.

In the past six months, Jiang Feng has gained a lot.

It really allowed him to find several passages connecting to the Demon Realm, but they were all sealed by him in the end.

Compared with half a year ago, Jiang Feng’s method of formation has improved a few floors.

During the past six months, Jiang Feng didn’t just travel around, he was also comprehending the Fuxi Eight Diagrams.

Jiang Feng’s understanding is not too strong, but it’s not bad either.

In the past six months, Jiang Feng’s understanding of Fuxi’s innate gossip has deepened a lot. Relying on his understanding of Fuxi’s innate gossip, he can push back Fenghou Qimen.

It really is much simpler.

Combined with the array recorded in the Ten Thousand Formation Diagram, Jiang Feng didn’t need any array flags or magic tools at all, and he could arrange the array at will.

But if it is a magic circle that needs to run for a long time, it needs energy support to provide it with energy.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng has a lot of good things here, such as spirit crystals and magic stones.

Now that Jiang Feng has no shortage of pills and is assisted by the Qi of Primal Chaos, the effect of spirit crystals on him is almost zero.

However, Jiang Feng still didn’t use the spirit crystal. After all, almost zero does not mean it is really zero.

But those magic stones really didn’t have any effect on him.

Therefore, Jiang Feng used these magic stones as a source of energy.

Although the magic stone contains magic energy, whether it is magic energy, spiritual energy or the so-called chaotic energy, in fact, its origin is a kind of energy.

As long as it is energy, it has value for use.

Jiang Feng arranged a transformation circle by the way, which is to transform the magic energy in the magic stone into spiritual energy, and then use this spiritual energy to support the operation of the magic circle.

It’s just that kind of batch, that’s how waste is used.

After visiting Huaxia, it’s time to visit the whole world.

Compared to the peaceful China Alliance, overseas is much more dangerous.

Demons are rampant and heresy is rampant, but it is also very dangerous for others. Jiang Feng’s current cultivation base and strength are already at the top of the earth.It is impossible for anything to threaten his existence.

Of course, except for some ancient ruins.

It’s just that there are not many ancient ruins after all, and most of them are hidden. Even Jiang Feng may not be able to find them.

As for what was revealed, it has also been hollowed out over the years.

Jiang Feng only found a few common ancient relics, which were the weakest sect forces.

From here, Jiang Feng didn’t get many good things.

In the blink of an eye, another two years passed.

In two years, Jiang Feng also visited almost half of the world.

Not to mention, this kind of leisurely life is really comfortable.

No fighting, no danger, no tension.

However, it’s not enough to just have leisure. If you want to sharpen your mind, you must also have a sense of tension and crisis.

So, Jiang Feng returned to the holy world again.

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