Falling into the Wangchuan River

Although he didn’t know what dangers would lie in the Wangchuan River, Jiang Feng knew that he must not jump down.

Otherwise, it will be really troublesome.

But even though he still retains some sanity at this time, his body just moves forward uncontrollably.

It looked like he was about to jump off.

At this moment, Jiang Feng’s law of reincarnation suddenly activated automatically.

The power of the law of reincarnation surged into his body, and Jiang Feng immediately felt a chill in his heart, and the feeling of being out of control disappeared immediately.

He regained command of his body.

Jiang Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that his law of reincarnation still works quite well in this place.

However, before Jiang Feng could heave a sigh of relief.

A figure beside him suddenly jumped up and jumped off the bridge.

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Bailong?

“Damn it!”

Jiang Feng exclaimed, forgetting that Bailong was there.

I have the law of reincarnation to protect me, but Bailong doesn’t.

At this time, Jiang Feng didn’t have the heart to think too much. Seeing Bailong jumping down, he didn’t care about other things, so he jumped down.

When jumping down, Jiang Feng could clearly see the greedy expressions of the grudges who surfaced in the Wangchuan River.

It was as if two big pieces of fat fell off at this time.

Jiang Feng grabbed Bailong and wanted to go back to the bridge.

However, he discovered that the Wangchuan River below seemed to have an extremely powerful attraction, causing him to fall extremely fast.

Jiang Feng tried to fly back to Naihe Bridge, but he couldn’t fly at all.

At this moment, his cultivation seems to have failed.

became an ordinary person.

There is no way, Jiang Feng can only fall down with Bailong.

With a plop, it fell into the Wangchuan River.

The strange thing is that they didn’t splash a little water after falling from such a height.

Falling into the Wangchuan River, Jiang Feng wanted to swim away quickly.

But I found that my body was sinking uncontrollably.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t prevent this result.

It was as if he had fallen into a swamp. The harder he tried, the faster he would sink.

Moreover, the Wangchuan River is too cold, countless times colder than when Jiang Feng dived into the bottom of the Antarctic continent.

No, it’s not so much cold as cold.

The Wangchuan River was full of yin and evil resentment, and as soon as it touched Jiang Feng, it immediately penetrated into his body.

So even though Jiang Feng’s physical body is extremely strong, he still feels extremely cold at this time, because it is not his body that makes him feel cold, but his soul.

But what Jiang Feng was most worried about at this time was not being stunned, but the group of evil ghosts and ghosts around him.

Soon, those resentful ghosts all let out sharp ghostly howls.

One by one, like wolves and hungry tigers, they rushed towards Jiang Feng and Bai Longwei.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng didn’t dare to hesitate.

Almost subconsciously, he grabbed Bailong, and then took the initiative to sneak into the Wangchuan River.

But they moved very slowly in the Wangchuan River. On the contrary, those ghosts were as relaxed as fish in the water.

If it goes on like this, there is no way to escape.

“You guys forced me. Since I can’t escape, then kill me!”

Jiang Feng was also angry at this time.

No more hesitation, hesitation will lead to defeat.

“The sun is really fire, burn it for me!”

Jiang Feng let out a loud roar, and suddenly, red-gold flames burst out from his whole body, illuminating the pitch-black Wangchuan River.

But Jiang Feng’s face was a little ugly, because he found a very bad situation.

His true fire of the sun has been greatly suppressed in this Wangchuan River.

The yin energy in the Wangchuan River is too strong, but the real fire of the sun is the most yang and fierce attribute, and the two are mutually repulsive.

It depends on who is stronger.

Obviously, Jiang Feng’s real sun must be very strong.

But the problem is that the strength of the real sun fire belongs to the real fire of the sun, but Jiang Feng has not really controlled the real fire of the sun.The Sun True Fire he can manipulate is also limited.

Although he has practiced the Great Sun Golden Crow Treasure Technique for so long, the True Sun Fire he has mastered is far stronger and more numerous than at the beginning.

But at this moment, being suppressed in the Wangchuan River made him more stressed.

These evil spirits are already difficult to deal with, and his Taiyang Zhenhuo has been suppressed so much, Jiang Feng’s mood is not to mention how bad it is.


Therefore, Jiang Feng could only try to narrow the coverage of the real fire of the sun, gather it together, and exert its power as much as possible.


As soon as those evil spirits approached Jiang Feng, they were burned by the real sun fire blooming all over Jiang Feng, and screamed in pain.

But Jiang Feng obviously underestimated the resentment of these evil spirits. Although Jiang Feng’s real sun fire made them aware of the threat, they still continued to pounce on Jiang Feng without fear of the price of losing their souls.

Chi Chi Chi Chi…

Every evil spirit that pounces on Jiang Feng is like a moth plunging into a flame, and there is only one dead end.

However, Jiang Feng would feel even more pressure as every evil spirit jumped into the real sun fire.

Originally, the yin energy in the Wangchuan River was still strong enough to suppress the real fire of the sun, but now these evil spirits are not afraid of death and rush forward one after another.

Use his own resentment and yin qi to try to extinguish the real fire of the sun.

It is indeed difficult to put out a fire with a drop in the bucket, but what if there are thousands of glasses of water and tens of thousands of glasses of water?

Then it’s different.

Jiang Feng knew that if he allowed them to go on like this, sooner or later he would not be able to hold on.

Moreover, for him now, the biggest problem is not these ghosts.

Although there are many evil spirits and evil spirits, they are not a threat to him for the time being.

What Jiang Feng was really worried about was how to leave the Wangchuan River and return to the Naihe Bridge.

Being in the Wangchuan River, it was difficult for Jiang Feng to control his body, not to mention going upstream, even if it was difficult to go forward, backward, left, and right, it was easiest to dive down.

If you don’t want to go up, you can only be trapped here forever.

Even if you don’t get eaten by these evil spirits, you will have to be trapped here to die.

Section 712

“It doesn’t matter, let’s do it one by one. Only by getting rid of these annoying ghosts first can we have the energy to think about how to leave.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

But it’s not easy to deal with these ghosts.

because there are too many.

Jiang Feng didn’t even know how many evil spirits and evil spirits there were in the Wangchuan River. There were eight hundred evil spirits who died under the real fire of his sun just now, if not one thousand.

But in the end, it didn’t decrease at all.

If a group dies, another group will be added.

It’s as if it’s endless.

It seems that it is not easy to destroy them by killing them.

Jiang Feng’s brain immediately started to work quickly. Suddenly, he remembered a very important thing.

When he was on the Naihe Bridge just now, it was his law of reincarnation that helped him.

When entering the Yin Ruins and encountering a bottomless pit with ghosts hitting the wall, the law of reincarnation also played a role.

It seems that in this place, his law of reincarnation always works.

Maybe this time…

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