Demon Royal Family

Chapter 316 Blood Food

The Gray Dragon Mountains are barren. The leaves of the trees have almost fallen off, and the bare trunks are stuck on the ground.

The team was moving forward on the mountain road with mist all around, and the students stopped talking. There was an ominous atmosphere in the mist, which made these naive students nervous.

Ered asked: "Teacher Nodes, where are we going?"

Nodes glanced at him and said calmly: "Just follow me."

Screams could be heard from time to time in the mist, and the atmosphere was very mysterious. The students huddled together in fear, and Aled whispered: "Everyone be on guard, be careful of wild beast attacks."

At this moment, everyone smelled the smell of blood. There was a corpse lying in front, with various organs smeared all over the floor. This scene had a psychological impact on the students, and some of the timid ones vomited.

Suddenly, the "corpse" moved slightly, and a weak voice came out, " me."

"He is still alive. Please help the seriously injured."

The students gathered around, and Aired endured nausea and turned the seriously injured person over. The hideous wound on his abdomen was exposed to the air, as if scratched by a wild beast. The seriously injured person's face was covered with blood, and he said weakly: " help me."

"Get the potion out quickly."

"He's dying."

The trainees rushed to treat the injured.

But Norbert and Nodes stood far away, watching with cold eyes and talking in low voices.

"It looks like there's no danger."

"Then let's move on."

At this time, a third voice intervened, "The place you want to go is dangerous."

The two were startled. Nodes nervously looked at Ivo, who was approaching quietly, and slowly held the weapon.

Sure enough, there was something strange. Ivo's heart moved slightly and he said calmly: "Noble, tell me the truth, otherwise I can't protect you."

Norbert held down Nodes, who was ready to go, and said slowly: "Okay, we have a treasure map that points to a location in the Gray Dragon Mountains. We don't know how dangerous it is. We need some people to explore the way."

Ivo raised his eyebrows, "In other words, your friend treats his students as cannon fodder?"

Noble looked at Ivo warily, "It's safer this way, what do you think?" He valued Ivo's strength very much. In the plan, a strong man like Ivo was an indispensable part, and Ivo had redemption. Restricted by the identity of the author, Noble decided to tell the truth.

"It doesn't matter. You know my position. Protecting you is my only mission. I don't care about anything else." Ivo said indifferently, not worried about the lives of the students.

Norbert breathed a sigh of relief, but Ivo's indifference made him feel a little scared.

At this moment, a scream came from the group of students.

The seriously injured person suddenly jumped up and bit a student's neck. The student turned into a mummy within ten seconds. The blood was sucked dry, but the wounds of the seriously injured person were restored to the original state. He touched his lips There were blood stains on his face, and he said with a sinister smile: "Thank you for saving my life."

"It's a vampire!"


The students retreated in panic. The young vampire laughed loudly and approached step by step. He seemed to enjoy the fear of others and said loudly: "Become my blood food, you guys..."

Before he finished speaking, a big hand suddenly pinched his neck and lifted him up easily, like a chicken.

The young vampire felt that this arm was like steel and he couldn't break free at all. His face looked painful and he was almost suffocating.

The students looked at Ivo's back in shock. The terrifying vampire was in Ivo's hands and had no power to fight back.

Are wandering mercenaries so strong? !

Ered's face turned blue and white.

Ivo was holding the young Baron-level Vampire, thinking about how to deal with him. The smell of blood would attract more enemies. Maybe the elders of the Vampire had the ability to read blood memories or sense their own kind, and could not hide the truth about the murder.

The Gray Dragon Mountains are full of vampires and werewolves. If he kills someone, he will be hunted endlessly, and Ivo is not sure of escaping easily.

Ivo thought for a while and said: "I noticed that there are many vampires and werewolves in the mountains. What are you doing?"

"Adult trial..." the young vampire said with difficulty.

Ivo nodded, secretly thinking that it was indeed the case, and suddenly knocked out the young vampire with a punch and threw him away.

Since he didn't want to kill anyone, it would be fine to knock the other party unconscious. It would only be a day before they woke up, and they would have gone far away.

After doing all this, Ivo returned to the team silently, with no intention of explaining.

Regardless of what the students thought, Nodes said: "Keep going."

Ered said loudly: "This mountain range seems to be very dangerous, mentor, where are we going?"

Nodes still said vaguely: "Just follow me."

The students looked at each other with an ominous premonition in their hearts, but it had become their habit to obey their instructor's orders, so they put aside the strange feeling in their hearts and continued to move forward.

They met several groups of enemies along the way, including vampires and werewolves, but none of them could withstand Ivo's punch. They were knocked unconscious and thrown on the roadside. The more Ered looked at them, the more frightened they became, and he was sure that Ivo's His strength far exceeds his own estimation.

What made Ered embarrassed was that Nafi also took action. The raging wave of mana far exceeded his own. Thinking of his conceited performance in front of Nafi, Ered was so embarrassed that he felt uncomfortable all over.

Every time he killed an enemy, Ivo would always return to the team silently, as if he had expected it. Ered gritted his teeth and thought secretly: "This mercenary must know something, and we must pry the truth out of him."

A dozen older vampires gathered together. They were the "parents" who supervised the adult trials, and they were talking in low voices at the moment.

"A team broke into our training ground."

"Adult trials are sacred and cannot be disturbed."

"Many young people from the clan have encountered them, but they have not killed anyone."

"I have observed them, and one of them has a very strong aura."

" seems it's better not to provoke them."

"Humph, so what, in my eyes, that intruding team is just a bunch of delicious blood food."

"Shut up. The church is very concerned about the adult trials we hold. The head of the family asked us not to go too far and leave that team alone."

"Then let me negotiate with them." An elegant vampire said.


"By the way, keep the young people in the clan away from that team."

The same scene also happened on the werewolf side, and the werewolf "parent" also decided to contact Ivo's team.

The foundation of all this is based on Ivo's strength.

The two races attach great importance to this adult trial. If the intruders were ordinary people, they would have been killed long ago.

Only after showing the strength to crush the young race did the "parents" of the two races decide to negotiate with Ivo and ask him not to interfere with the trial.

Going deeper and deeper into the Gray Dragon Mountains, the atmosphere in the team was silent, especially among the students. Everyone looked tired and worried.

Seven companions had been killed along the way, and depressive emotions filled their hearts.

Ivo was very relaxed, following Norbert who led the way, and secretly sketched the terrain in his mind.

Nafei felt that the journey was a bit boring and said to Ivo: "Do you know the story of the Gray Dragon Mountains?"

"what story?"

"Legend has it that the Gray Dragon Mountains are listed as one of the dangerous places in Odin's continent, and a legendary mountain dragon lives in seclusion."

"Mountain dragon?" Ivo's eyes flashed.

"The mountain dragon is an alien species among the dragons. As its name suggests, its body is as huge as the mountain. Those giant dragons with a body length of more than a hundred meters are as small as ants in front of the mountain dragon. In the distant history, the mountain dragon once had the overlord With such a status, there is only one race that can defeat the mountain dragon, and that is the giant race."

Ender interrupted: "Are you talking about the ten-meter-tall giant subspecies we met in the college league?"

"You are wrong. The giant subspecies only has one thousandth of the thin blood of its ancestors. A true giant is hundreds or thousands of meters tall, as tall as a mountain. Its broad shoulders can carry the weight of heaven. The largest among them is A mountain giant, comparable in size to a mountain dragon.”

Ivo listened for a while and nodded absently. At this time, Norbert suddenly laughed and said, "Found it."

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