Demon Sage

Chapter 73: dream query

Sweet spiced herbs, special spices, due to their limited production area, it is rare to see sweet spiced herbs that are dried and ground into powder in the ordinary market. Most of them are directly sent to the upper class, and the nobles and capitalists cannot stop .

There's a reason why it's so popular.

Ordinary people only know that adding sweet spiced herbs to meat dishes, stir-frying or stewing, can add special flavor to food and increase appetite.

When people who are knowledgeable talk about this sweet spiced herb, they often mention another effect of it - sleep aid.

Simply adding the taste of food is a substitute. Other spices or seasonings can also be achieved as long as the ratio is correct. The key lies in the subsequent effect.

Mix the sweet spiced herbs into the soup and drink it, it will have a great sleep aid effect at night. Generally speaking, you only need to drink a small bowl to sleep comfortably, even if it is stormy outside. won't wake up.

This is better than any medicine for the upper class people who are busy with work and social events, and sleep very poorly due to heavy thinking.

Compared with taking medicine, drinking soup is always more acceptable, at least it will not make people feel that they are a disease patient.

However, the above two effects are still only one-sided.


Donald felt sleepy not long after eating dinner, but today's meditation and spell skills training was not over yet. Thinking of the tea Cann Antoine gave him, he made himself a cup.

The effect is really good, just take a few sips, the sleepiness will be dispelled, turn back to confirm that the door is locked, and take out the things from Ogoff from the place where you put your underwear on the lower level of the wardrobe, the talent scroll and the three bottles are good for meditation. Medicine to help.

This Tibetan method was learned from Miss Audrey Bartley.

Quick thinking, this is indeed a talent suitable for wizards, of course, just like the clock meditation method obtained before, it also has limitations.

The first condition is similar to the clock meditation method, that is, the existence of spiritual power must be ensured. The reason is different. The above mentioned is that the brain of ordinary people cannot accept the blessing of agile thinking. Forcibly activating talent will cause great damage. of brain damage.

This is like an ordinary vehicle with a supercar engine installed in it. This is not to improve performance, but to destroy the car.

Wizards are different. After meditation, their brains can withstand more, and they can distribute part of the effect to the operation of mental power, so as not to cause too much load, and they can also strengthen their thinking ability.

For wizards, this talent is undoubtedly very useful.

As for other conditions, under the premise of spiritual power, it is not so important. In the details, Donald confirms that it is not in conflict with himself.

The remaining key is how to make this potion. There are more than a dozen nouns in the material column and their final states when they enter the potion are different. No one step can be wrong, otherwise the final finished potion will not only have no effect, but may also be ineffective. Side effects will occur.

"So it seems that Sherlock must have been tinkering with the talent potion. Where did he get the formula?"

Transcribe the materials in the notebook he carries with him. Donald doubts whether he can collect the items on it now, as well as the utensils that need to be used. If those items are brought home, they will definitely attract the attention of Infinita. .

After all, in the eyes of others, Donald is a religious scholar, and he has nothing to do with scientific experiments.

Put away the scroll, and turned to pick up the potion on the table to help meditation, the conical glass body, and the top is a simple flip.

You can see that there is some light blue liquid in it, but the amount is not much.

During the transaction, Ogoff specifically mentioned the use of these potions. Take a sip before each meditation, about half a bottle.

Donald didn't think that the other party dared to deceive him on such details, he drank it without hesitation, and then took off his clothes and lay on the bed while the effect of the drug gradually started.

The scroll of the clock meditation method is in the quilt, and now he can't do a separate meditation without the clock drawing on the scroll, and he doesn't want to lie on the table all night.

It’s okay to do it once or twice. If he does this once a day, I’m afraid that while his mental strength is growing, his neck will have to protest first, and then he thinks of going to bed first, and then touching the meditation scroll.

In this way, it can be ensured that the sleep after deep meditation can appear directly on the bed, and the material of the meditation scroll is flexible and will not be damaged by unconscious body pressure.

Donald was convinced that he should not have the habit of nibbling on things in the middle of the night.

After about 3 minutes, the scene in front of me appeared illusory, and my eyes gradually closed...

The meditation time lasted 2 to 3 hours. After the end of the meditation, because of exhaustion, under normal circumstances, Donald would go straight to sleep, but tonight was different.

The moonlight through the windows provided a dim light in the bedroom. Donald never drew the curtains. He didn't like absolute darkness.

"Why can't you fall asleep?"

Looking up at the ceiling with his eyes open, thinking about this, he didn't even feel sleepy, and he wanted to sleep very much when he first went upstairs.

Meditation does not have a refreshing effect, but promotes sleep. This time should be when he sleeps.

The is because of the potion that enhances the effect of meditation?

Or is that refreshing cup of tea too effective?

click, click...

The sudden sound shocked Donald under the quilt. Someone was opening the bedroom door!

He didn't make a sound immediately, but kept quiet as much as possible. He rolled up the scroll in the quilt with his left hand and put it on the waistband of his trousers and covered it with pajamas. He reached under the pillow with his right hand, took out the pistol, and held it in his hand. He continued to sleep, and turned his head to look at the door. , squinting slightly.

The door lock crackled crisply.


"Grant... Grant?"

The tone kept increasing. Infinita walked from the door to the bed. The voice kept getting louder. By Donald's bed, she had returned to her normal speaking level.

There was no response, and Donald chose to remain silent.

Put something on the head of the bed, and turned to move the chair beside the desk. Taking this opportunity, Donald opened his eyes wider.

What does she want to do?

Infinita was fully dressed and had no weapons in her hands, so it wasn't a "night attack" in any way.

Turning his eyes, he quickly glanced at the things on the bedside.

The light was dim, and I could barely see that it was a square box with a large shadow in the center, and a small object I hadn't noticed before, with a rounded shape.

A peculiar smell began to linger on the head of the bed, Donald hurriedly held his breath, and at the same time quietly opened the safety of the firearm.

She moved the chair and sat down beside the bed. Infinita put the square box on her lap, as if she had pressed a certain button, and a rustling sound rang out.

"July 10, the 21st dream inquiry, begins."

Taking care of his own words, Donald on the bed suddenly panicked.

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