After their father left, Tianyuan Yuzui and his seven brothers and sisters opened the "instructions" left by their father. It was like a suicide note, and also like a terrible training schedule. More than a dozen pages of paper were densely filled with his orders to his children. It was still almost anti-human training. But it was also filled with other requirements. Let them learn firearms, develop newer departments to understand today's technology, avoid government searches... One thing after another was listed on it, with ridiculously detailed requirements. There was also a page left for Yuzui Xingshui. The content of this page was to lead the brothers and sisters to fight each other and finally select the strongest person. Although many contents have shown that the head of the Uzui family is trying to adapt his family to this ever-changing era, the ignorant and backward ideas have finally settled in his heart.

All of this is impossible to achieve.

Uzui Gyūsui, who has always been like his father, thinks that these are natural and has even begun to conceive specific actions.

But the eight children who were looking at the "will" left by their father heard that the house was getting more and more chaotic.

Bang bang bang! !


"Those who surrender voluntarily will not be killed!"


The dense footsteps, shouts, fighting and gunshots all came in from the mess outside.

The children in the house immediately raised their vigilance, grabbed weapons in their hands, and were ready to fight at any time.

Uzui Tengen took off the two knives behind him and approached the door carefully, while inadvertently trying to block his brothers and sisters behind him.


The footsteps were approaching quickly. When Tengen Uzui looked outside, he saw that his relatives had been arrested and handcuffed. Some of them were already covered in blood.

They were arrested and escorted away.

At the same time, the police officers also noticed the house. At first glance, they saw the little guy who only showed a little figure to investigate the situation.

Tengen Uzui hurriedly retracted his sight, blocked himself with the wall, and said to his brothers and sisters in the house:

"Be careful, we have been discovered!"

The police officers outside the house looked at their companions:

"Here should be those children."

"They look very alert, be careful, don't hurt them."

As the police officers approached, the children also became nervous, listening to the footsteps, ready to attack unexpectedly at any time.


The door made a slight sound.

The children, who were only seven or eight years old, rushed up with weapons one by one as if they had received an order to attack.

"Be careful!"

A police officer shouted hurriedly.

But they had never expected that several children could have such combat awareness and ability. Darts and swords came together, and the police officer in the front accidentally got his arm chopped.

He hurriedly grabbed his gun and retreated, aiming at these children at the same time.

For a moment, the police officers who originally just wanted to take them to the orphanage all became cautious.

At the same time, they were secretly surprised. What kind of cruel training did these children who looked less than ten years old go through to become like this?

But these children are just children after all. They were soon picked up one by one and shouted to let me go.

They didn't have enough knowledge and only thought that this group of people were the enemies who destroyed their family.

These restless little guys were taken away.

When they grow up, they will inherit the property, but now they must find a guardian.

These children who have received the wrong education since childhood need a new family.


Muzan, who had just finished reading a new book by Xiang Kai, let out a sigh and looked at the situation of his ghosts.

Then he found that the father of the sound pillar was arrested!

Muzan: (; OдO)

The children of the Sound Pillar family have now been sent to an orphanage.

Muzan suddenly had an idea.

He rushed to the orphanage.

The facilities of this orphanage are not very good, but it seems that it has just been established and there are not many employees.

These children who were sent here are very aggressive.

They refused to cooperate in anything and shouted that if they had the ability, they would let them go.

There were also a few children who kept their mouths shut and said nothing, with no expression on their faces.

But without exception, they were very vigilant.

The director and the employees looked at these children and were worried!

As soon as he sent away the people who sent these children, he saw a man standing at the door of the orphanage.

"Hello, you

Is there anything I can do for you?"

The director asked the staff to lead the children into the house, and he walked over and asked the man.

The man was dressed neatly and cleanly, and seemed to have some assets.

Are you here to adopt a child?

Wuzan smiled and looked very gentle:

"I want to adopt a child."

He said, looking at the children who were led inside by the employees.

Perhaps because the orphanage was newly established, although there were not many facilities, the surroundings were still brand new.

The director smiled when he heard this, and hurriedly led Wuzan inside.

At the same time, he also asked Wuzan some questions, wanting to confirm that Wuzan had no bad intentions.

As he walked in with the director, Wuzan found that there were actually many children in the orphanage that seemed to have few people in the yard.

What was a bit heartbreaking was that most of these children were disabled. Either mentally handicapped, or physically disabled, or had some serious illness.

Many people abandoned their children because they felt that their children were not what they wanted. And these poor The little ones were sent to the orphanage.

Even though the orphanage was built as well as possible, once you enter it, you will feel a dead silence and depression.

The director saw that Muzan did not seem impatient, so he took Muzan to see the children in the worst situation.

But to his disappointment, Muzan did not show kindness and adopt these children who had problems surviving.

There are countless tragedies in the world, and he can't save them all.

But he can let Maruoka Masahiro pay attention to it.

Moreover, social progress is the way to solve these tragedies from the root.

Then he took Muzan to the children who had just been sent here.

"What are these children called? "

Muzan knew that these little brats with vigilant eyes would not answer him.

It would be better to ask the dean.

The dean already had their information, and it happened to be in his hand. He flipped through it and handed it to Muzan.

Muzan took the information, looked through it and compared it, and then found Uzui Tengen.

He walked over, and Uzui Tengen was not afraid at all, staring at Muzan with an unhappy look.

Muzan squatted down and wanted to reach out and touch his head.

But when Uzui Tengen saw this, he immediately hugged his head, took a step back and stared at Muzan:

"Don't touch me!"

Muzan scratched his head helplessly, showing a gentle smile:

"Come with me."

Uzui Tengen looked unhappy, looked at Muzan with disdain and didn't say anything.

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