Feng Yu was cultivating at the waterfall, but on the way back, he was thinking about whether to tell the lord that he had taken in a genius boy.

"Do you want to tell me... After all, the current position of the water column Tomioka has not yet held the position... And

Tomioka's kid..." seemed to think of something, and then sighed and said: "Forget it, let it be, Tomioka's kid is also very powerful, but that heart knot..."

A month later

, Feng Yu spent this time practicing the breath of water frantically, and holding a real knife to break through the trap that Scales Left had set up recently.

At the same time, he also used the pet contract coupon on Xiaobai's body, Feng Yu could feel that Xiaobai's spiritual intelligence was getting higher and higher, and after Feng Yu ate three myelin cleansing pills, he felt that it had no effect on himself, so he left the remaining two to Xiaobai, which also caused Xiaobai's size to become bigger and bigger.

In this month, Feng Yu is either cultivating or masturbating Xiaobai every day.

The main reason is that after Xiaobai ate the myelin cleansing pill, the hair became more soft and delicate, and the feeling was simply amazing.

And because of the myelin washing pill, the fox smell on Xiaobai's body is getting weaker and lighter.

Every time I pet a fox, I think of how alluring the fox spirit was in the legend of my previous life.

Of course, as the breath of water became more and more proficient, Feng Yu's whole temperament became more calm.

It was also on a certain day that Feng Yu saw the dull and silent scales left recently, and after some inquiry, he learned that at this time, Brother Tomioka Yiyong had become a water column in the ghost killing team.

Feng Yu knows that this also means that the plot of this world is about to begin...

The sense of urgency in my heart also came up.

Although he said that he practiced with Xiaobai every day, the daily sign-in and lottery allowed Feng Yu to get a lot of snacks and knife swings that could be seen everywhere in his previous life.

This has also become a channel for the number of swings Feng Yu has gained every day in addition to the number of swings he has obtained from training.

Another month passed

, and Feng Yu used the number of swings of the knife to improve the physical fitness technique and the knife technique to Xiaocheng.

It took a total of 400,000 swings to swing the knife, and I watched the number of swings I had worked so hard to accumulate become before liberation overnight.

Feng Yu couldn't wait to pick up the knife and go to the ghost to cut a few knives.

Scales have also discovered the proficiency of Feng Yu's knife technique and breathing technique.

He solemnly said to Feng Yu: "Now that I have handed over all the things I should teach to you, it is up to you to do the next." "

Come with me..."

Feng Yu obediently followed the scales up the mountain last time.

He knew that this was the final test, that is, to split the boulder with the knife in his hand...

"Here we are, here it is..."

"As long as you use the knife in your hand to split this boulder, then I will allow you to participate in the final trial.

Scales said solemnly.

Rao is Feng Yu was also taken aback, and it didn't feel very big when he watched the anime in his previous life, but when he stood here, he realized that this boulder was so big.

It's like a small mountain, even if Feng Yu's height has reached 165cm, it's not enough to see.

"Master Scale, I can do it.

Feng Yu sorted out his emotional changes and said lightly.

After that, Scales left the scene and went down the mountain.

Only Feng Yu and Xiaobai are left here.

"Xiaobai, come here, let me touch you.

Stroking Xiaobai's hair, Feng Yu smiled on his face.

"Come, eat this.

Then Feng Yu took out the myelin-washing pill from his spatial package.

This pill was drawn by the lottery two days ago by Feng Yu.

Moreover, Feng Yu noticed that Xiaobai didn't seem to have any immunity to the Myelin Cleansing Pill, and the effect was still so good after eating several pills.

Now Xiaobai has grown into a large Alaska.

Every day, I go to the mountains to hunt rabbits, chickadees or wild boars.

Yes, it's a wild boar, and when Xiaobai dragged a wild boar a little smaller than it back one day, Feng Yu and Scales were stunned.

Unexpectedly, now Xiaobai already has the ability to hunt adult wild boars.

Scales left to think about it recently.

Maybe he also vaguely thought that it was Feng Yu's reason, but he didn't say it, or that sentence Everyone has a secret, not to mention that Feng Yu is still his disciple.

After Xiaobai finished eating the myelin cleansing pill, he began to stop playing and fell asleep quietly next to Feng Yu.

"It seems that the amount of food is really getting bigger and bigger, if you follow me out to kill the evil spirits, wouldn't it be very conspicuous... It's a headache

..."After touching Xiaobai for a while, Feng Yu picked up the knife in his hand and said softly: "The challenge is huge..."

"I didn't expect that I used seventy percent of my strength, but it was just a trace. "

It feels like iron ore... The shock of this rebound

...""It's so sour

...""It seems that you need to go all out...",

and then Feng Yu took a deep breath

, "Heha",

the knife in his hand fell, and

the "Cheng"

knife slashed into the boulder a few centimeters deep.

"It seems that you need to split this boulder, and you can only improve your sword skills to a great level..."

In this way, Feng Yu is cutting this stone every day, and every time he uses all his strength.

He could feel that he was getting stronger every day, and his knowledge of swordsmanship was getting deeper and deeper, and he was able to go further every time.

"Hahu, I'm so tired..."

Feng Yu lay on the ground and fell asleep unconsciously.

In his sleep, Feng Yu felt as if someone was calling him.

He opened his eyes, and he saw a pale orange boy wearing a fox face with a scar on the corner of his mouth, a yellow, orange and green tortoiseshell feather weaving, and a girl with dark green hair wearing a fox mask with a flower pattern on her cheeks on her forehead.

Feng Yu knew that these two were the real mushroom and the rabbit.

"Who are you?" asked

Feng Yu, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"My name is Rabbit, she is a real mushroom, and we are all apprentices of Master Scale, that is, your senior brother and sister. "

You're good, even genius, better than us. "

Well, thank you. "

Feng Yu still admires these two people very much, and he can sacrifice his life for the sake of his companions.

It's just that I don't quite agree with their philosophy, and when I don't protect others, I should think about myself first.

Feng Yu doesn't have the spirit of sacrificing for others.

But that didn't stop him from admiring them.

"Come on, come and train with me, if you win me, you will split this stone, and sparring is the fastest way to find your own shortcomings. With

that, a knife appeared in his hand.

He didn't use a wooden knife like he used against Tanjiro in his previous life, but he used a real knife.

"Is this a recognition of my strength?" Feng

Yu thought to himself.

But he also picked up his own knife in his hand and started to attack.

"I'm here, Senior Brother Rabbit, be careful,"

Feng Yu said softly.

As he spoke, his whole body rushed out,

and "Hmm"

Rabbit also began to pick up a knife and fight with Feng Yu.

While fighting with Wind Feather, the rabbit pointed out the flaws of Wind Feather.

"It's too slow, it's too slow, the knife is not strong enough, it's lazy, and I don't have the determination to kill me..."

But soon Wind Feather was defeated.

Feng Yu guessed that the rabbit's knife skills were estimated to have reached the end of the day.

Zhenhu on the side watched the sparring between Feng Yu and the rabbit, and couldn't help but sigh that Feng Yu was a genius.

In fact, they knew it from the moment Feng Yu worshiped the scale and left the nearest door.

It's only been less than half a year since Feng Yu joined.

reached such a record in half a year, which is already breaking the record of her and Rabbit.

Zhenhu thought to himself: "Maybe Feng Yu can complete the task that they can't complete..."

, "Senior Brother Rabbit, you are really powerful, hahaha"

Feng Yu laughed, although he was defeated, but he also found his own shortcomings, and it was very good to be able to get a master of sword skills.

There's no shame in teaching someone better than you.

The rabbit couldn't help but praise Feng Yu in his heart, but his appearance still remained indifferent.

"In the next few days, I and Makoto will take turns fighting you until you defeat us..."

Feng Yu whispered "thank you" into the air


"I will avenge you and fulfill your wishes..."


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