After bidding farewell to Tanjiro

, except for Feng Yu, everyone else's mood was heavy, and they were extremely worried about Tanjiro's safety.

Feng Yu shook his head, after all, only he knew Tanjiro's strength very well, and for this final trial, it was completely about sharpening his skills.

Those ghosts on the vine attack mountain are the little monsters who send experience, and besides, the only novice village boss hand ghost has been killed by him, and there is no way to threaten his existence.

Even if the hand ghost is still there, with Tanjiro's current strength, I'm afraid it will be easy to kill it.


"Master Scale, Nanako and Mihide will entrust you to take care of it for a while..."

Feng Yu said a little embarrassed.

Scaly looked at him recently, as if he had become accustomed to it, nodded and asked, "How many days are you going to go out this time?"

"No, no, Master Scaly, this time I plan to perfect the next move of the Breath of Light, after all, as a pillar of light of the Ghost Slayer Team, the Breath of Light is incomplete!"

"Although the breath of water is the basic breathing method alongside the four breathing methods of fire, wind, thunder, and rock, it is the most basic and easiest breathing method to learn, and I have already deduced it to the extreme realm, but I feel that the breath of light is more suitable for me, so I plan to perfect the rest of the moves in the next time..."

"I'm tired of it..."

Soon, after Feng Yu also explained to Mihide and Nanako, he came to the top of Mt. Sasigri alone.


" "Then I'll perfect my breathing method here..."

Xiaobai jumped into the distance and watched quietly, not daring to make too much movement.

I saw Feng Yu slowly pull out the ghost cut

, "One type, moonlight slash, two type brilliance... "

There are only five moves at the moment, but they are all small in range, and they are all only secondary moves..."

Defense...... Dodge the speed direction and set off..."

After determining the direction, Feng Yu recalled the introduction and moves of various breathing techniques in his previous life, and the ghost cut in his hand gently picked it up.

His breath adjusted to the rate of light breathing, and he saw that the blade of the demon cut began to appear with a pale yellow light...

The explosion of the terrifying power of "Boom Boom",

centered on the wind feather, the originally dense trees had already become bare, leaving only smooth cuts, and the trunks fell to the side.


On the other side

, Tanjiro had already followed the map to the foot of Fuji Attack Mountain, and he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the vine attack flowers blooming all over the mountain.

Tanjiro was not attracted by the shock in front of him, and followed behind everyone one after another, walking up the stairs step by step, and came to the square.

The entire square was now filled with people who had come to participate in the final trial.

Just as Tanjiro looked around at the appearance of the people participating

in the trial, "Bang!"

A burst of applause came from the high platform in the distance, attracting everyone's attention.

Two girls looked very similar, one with white hair and the other with black hair, both holding a yellow lantern in their hands.

It was the two brothers and sisters of Hinashiki who were born in the house "Thank you for gathering here tonight to participate in the final selection of the Ghost Slayer Team, this vine attack mountain, imprisoning the evil ghosts who were captured alive by the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Team...""Surviving in

this place for seven days is the qualification for the final selection

!" "Then I wish you all a smooth journey!"

The two brothers and sisters of Hinashiki

gave everyone a bow, and everyone knew that it was time to go up the mountain.

Tanjiro took a deep breath and followed everyone step by step towards the mountain.

The further you go up the mountain, the more you can feel the cold and dark atmosphere, as if there is no trace of life.

Tanjiro ran quickly, but he didn't let his guard down at all, and one hand was on the scabbard of the Nichiren knife at all times.



, there was a hint of squirming in the depths of the darkness, and

Tanjiro suddenly stopped,

"This smell... It's a ghost!And there

!" Tanjiro suddenly pulled out his Hinawa sword and made a defensive state!

"There... It's going to come from there

!" "The smell is too strong to tell where it is..."

The smell of the demon irritates his nose all the time, but he can't see the demon figure, he can only hear the movement around him getting louder and louder

!"Oh no, it's the back!"

Tanjiro suddenly rolled over and jumped into the distance, dodging the demon's attack

! "Ahahaha!".

I saw a hideous-looking figure with a long tongue exposed to the air, and a demonic figure with a constant thorn appeared from the smoke and dust.

"Humanity ... Delicious humans

!" The demon pounced on

Tanjiro again, the demon was fast, but Tanjiro was faster!

" All Episodes: Water Breath, One Type, Water Surface Slash!" "

Blue and white ripples appeared, and the head of the demon was cut off in an instant.

Seeing that it was turning to ashes, Tanjiro bowed, and then continued to run in the direction of the east.

"Anyway, let's spend tonight first, after the sun rises in the morning, the demons can't come out to move, and the body can rest well

!" "So hurry up and move in the direction of the rising sun!"

Tanjiro kept hurrying on the way, just wanted to reach the easternmost position as soon as possible!

If Feng Yu knew that Tanjiro was going to go east now, and instead of being a hard steel demon, he would choose to get up, and he would definitely be beaten up

! Feng Yu: "I trained you to be so strong, I didn't let you develop obscenely!"


In this way

, Tanjiro relied on the strength of everyone in the distance and survived the final trial of seven days unharmed.

When Tanjiro was still in a state of blindfold when he picked Yugang in the square, he didn't expect that this demon in the final trial was so weak, and he could kill the demon with just a light knife every time, which couldn't help but give him an illusion that he himself had become stronger or that the ghost of the final trial was too weak.

After selecting Yugang, Tanjiro was also assigned his own crow.

This time, there were obviously a lot more people who passed the trial, and perhaps it was because Tanjiro, a powerful trialist, drew his sword to help them when he saw them in danger.


At the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Team, a crow with a blue scarf around its neck flew in front of Yaoya Shiki.

"That's right... Thirteen people survived, which is excellent, and my children have increased, and I don't know what kind of swordsmen they will become..."

When everyone saw Tanjiro return to Sasagiyama, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Tanjiro, you're finally

back!" "It's good to be back!" Everyone

was there, but there was no trace of Feng Yu, and after Tanjiro inquired, he learned that Feng Yu was originally practicing the breathing method in the back mountain.

didn't bother his thoughts, and obediently waited for the arrival of his own Nichilun knife in the wooden house.

A month passed quickly

, which also meant that Feng Yu had also been on the top of Mt. Narrow for a month, his hair was a little messy at this time

, and the entire mountain top had been devastated by him, bare everywhere, deep pits could be seen everywhere, and not even a single weed was missing.


"After a month, I finally perfected all the moves behind

the breath of light...""It's just that the last move is a little difficult...""

Breath of Light, One, Moonlight Slash: Swing an extremely fast pale yellow sword

breath from the blade, Breath of Light, Type II, Radiance: A strong light emits from the blade, and at the same time, it has a burning effect, and

the breath of light・Three-Type: Light's Guidance: Perception move, spiritually linked to light, similar to the pig's Beast's Breath Seven Spatial Perception

Light's Breath, Four-Type, Redemption emits a little fluorescence from the blade, which can solve the body's mental interference and attack

Light's Breath Five-type Light's Flash: Similar to my wife Shanyi's Thunder's Breath move, but faster, but without the lightning damage of Thunder's Breath, Light's Breath

, Type Six, Light and Shadow Accompanying: Divide into eight clones of light, each with the pinnacle of its own strengthOne Strike

Breath of Light, Type Seven, Mystery, Flash: Reach the limit of its own speed, and use the speed of light to dodge enemy attacksBreath

of Light, Type Eight, Annihilation: Condense a huge amount of energy, fold your hands and sweep forward with all your might, inflicting a devastating blow on enemies in your path.

Breath of Light, Type Nine, Holy Light Domain: Casting a move creates a field in which the self's power is greatly increased, and enemies in the field will take scorching damage.

Breath of Light, Type Ten, Storm of Light: Quickly swing the knife in your hand, and a light blade will form at the blade, and at the same time, a huge storm of light blades will be formed at the same time, with a strong pulling ability, and enemies in the storm will be attacked by countless blades.

Breath of Light, Type Eleven, Wing of Light Slash: Swing the blade quickly, and at the same time unleash countless blades of light to attack the enemy, Breath

of Light, Type Twelve, Auxiliary Light, and Jade Box Light: Wrap up the other sword types, using this move will coat the blade with a layer of pale yellow glow, increasing the damage of the sword style.

Breath of Light, Type 13, Dawn: The final form of Breath of Light, with high casting conditions, requires another person who can breathe Light, and cast it with the Redemption of Type 4 to form a huge ball of light, just like the sun of dawn, and at the same time has the same effect as the sun's rays, a move that damages a large area!".

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