In Shanyi's memory, he climbed the tree like this at the beginning, refusing to train, and below him was his master Mingzhu Mulberry Island...

It's just that the fear in his heart makes Shanyi dare not look at the spider brother, just a peek, he is extremely scared, and at the same time, the human who has become a spider below is slowly climbing up the tree.

"Da baa!" Shanyi

covered his face in fear and grabbed his hair, but he was soon stunned.

Because that handful of hair actually fell out!Recalling

what happened at that time when Brother Spider said just now, Shanyi couldn't help but look at Brother Spider.

It doesn't matter what he looks at

, in Shanyi's eyes, the spider brother's human head and blood-red eyes directly scared him to sleep.

The spider brother saw Shanyi fall asleep and couldn't help but wonder if he had come to kill the ghost.

"If your head hits the ground, you'll die, it's really incomprehensible..."

The sleepy

Shanyi fell straight down, and suddenly the breath of Shanyi, who had fallen asleep, changed

, "All Concentrations, Thunder Breath, One Type, Thunderbolt Flash!" I

saw Shanyi take a deep breath with his eyes closed, turned over and

jumped directly, and fell on the trunk of the tree, and with a force on the soles of his feet, he jumped in front of the spider brother with the help of the trunk as a jumping point.

"Spotted Venom!" Brother

Spider spat out a mouthful of purple venom towards Shanyi.

But Shanyi's body turned slightly, and he dodged the venom attack.

I saw that the venom fell on the trunk of the tree, and in an instant, it was corroded into a large hole.

"I actually twisted my body in the air and dodged the attack, and compared to just now, it was like a flexible movement

!" "Brother Spider showed a surprised expression on his face

, and saw Shanyi who had landed on the ground and began to hold the hilt of the knife again

, "All Concentration, Thunder Breath, One Type, Thunderbolt Flash!" "

Catch him for me!".

Brother Spider yells and orders the man who has become a spider slave to attack Shanyi, while he continues to attack Shanyi with venom.

Shanyi's move needs to be charged, but due to the interference of the spider slave, his move is interrupted, and he can only keep jumping to dodge the attack!

The spider brother soon discovered Shanyi's abnormality

"He's been keeping the same move since just now, hehehehe, can't be wrong, this guy... It's just one

move!" Brother Spider laughed wildly, in his eyes

, Shanyi was already a dead man!"Hehehehe, this guy is really good at bluffing, obviously so weak, he can still be a ghost hunter, at this time, your body can't move because of the toxin!"

Sure enough, Shanyi's hand holding the knife was constantly trembling, as if it was stiff.

What Brother Spider didn't know was that at this time, Shanyi was already constantly recalling the conversation he had with Mingzhu Kuwajima when he was training...

"Cultivate to the extreme and become a blade stronger than anyone else!" Shanyi's

body moved, directly dodging the attack of the spider slave and the poisonous phlegm of the spider brother!

At this time, Shanyi remembered what his senior brother Miyue said to him...

But the toxins in his body make his body weaker and weaker!

"Inject me with more venom!" shouted

Brother Spider, and the spider slaves swarmed up, shooting a mouthpiece out of their mouths and attacking Shanyi.

But he was dodged by Shanyi again, but this time he dodged, but it made him spit out a mouthful of blood directly

! Shanyi half-knelt on the ground, supporting his body with the knife in his hand, and

countless spider slaves kept flocking to Shanyi!

until it covered his entire body.

Brother Spider hung upside down in mid-air and let out a loud laugh.

But before he could be happy, a powerful momentum erupted directly from Shanyi, who was covered by the spider slave, and shook away the spider slave who was crawling on him! The momentum on

Shanyi's body was still getting stronger, and lightning flashed around him

, "What's the matter, that guy... The air is shaking..."The

powerful air currents directly shook the spider brother from the air.

Directly Shanyi raised his head, his eyes had already become blank

, "Thunder Breath, One Type, Thunderbolt Flash, Six Links!" The

soil on the soles of Shanyi's feet was instantly shattered by the powerful momentum and floated into the air!

Brother Spider was directly shocked by this powerful force, and his eyes looked at Shanyi in horror.

The lightning was getting stronger, and the spider brother saw that the situation was not good, and directly controlled the spider silk to escape back into the air.

At the same time, he kept spitting out poisonous phlegm towards

Shanyi and attacked, "Zizi!" Shanyi's body directly turned into a lightning bolt and quickly dodged

, "The person disappeared!"

Brother Spider only saw a yellow lightning bolt on the ground constantly moving, and he couldn't see Shanyi's body clearly at all!

"There is danger!".

The spider brother felt a bad premonition and jumped back to the spider hut on the branch, dodging Shanyi's attack.

But soon, Shanyi jumped

directly on the spider silk hanging in the air, and directly attacked the spider brother at a faster speed! I saw that his figure had turned into a yellow lightning, and he directly stepped on the spider silk for six consecutive flashes!


The spider brother only saw a lightning bolt rushing towards him...



broke through the spider hut under the full moon and jumped away, still holding the posture of drawing a knife in his hand, but the head of the spider brother had been separated from the body!

The head of the spider brother continued to fall to the ground in the air, and the blood at the broken point was sprinkled in the air, forming a beautiful arc.

"Am I beheaded... By that guy—"

Brother Spider's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Shanyi, who was also declining.

"I... I'm actually... "


Brother Spider's body and head landed on the ground, and Shanyi landed on the Spider Hut.

"How could there be such a thing, it was actually a guy who couldn't move because of poisoning..."Brother

Spider shouted unwillingly, but soon turned to ashes.

All that was left was the pocket watch he had held in his hand before and fell to the ground, constantly spinning.

Make a "drip" sound.

Shanyi slowly opened his eyes, at this time he was no longer able to move, blood was still gushing out of his mouth, and he stared blankly at the full moon in the sky.

"I had a dream... It's a happy dream... In the dream I am strong, I have the ability to protect the weak and those who are in trouble... I'm always helping people... Grandfather...... Thanks to you, I'm so strong..."

"It's just... Right now...... I'm dying... Grandfather...... Goodbye..."

Shanyi felt his eyelids getting

heavier and heavier, "Quack!"

A crow cry directly attracted Shanyi's attention, only

to see a golden little black slowly fall

, a figure also jumped next to Shanyi at this time, and then took out a pill from his arms and put it in his mouth.

Shanyi didn't have the strength to resist, and he couldn't even see the appearance of the person who came.

It's just that under the effect

of the pill, the poison on Shanyi's body is constantly disappearing, but the feeling of weakness is still entwined around the body.

Then the man took out another pill and put it in Shanyi's mouth, and

at the same time said, "I didn't expect that I actually cut off the butterfly ninja..."

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