That undisguised greed made

Tanjiro directly angry, "You guy, I won't give you your beans!"

Tanjiro shouted angrily.

At this time, Inosuke on the side saw Tanjiro blocking in front of him, and finally came back to his senses and slapped his head with both hands.

"Bastard, I had such an idea!"

Inosuke said.

"Kentaro, let's cut this guy under the knife together!"

Tanjiro glanced at Inosuke and then turned his head to look at Youdouzi, his heart seemed to have made up his mind, the knife in his hand instantly clenched, and his eyes stared at the tiredness resolutely.

A smile appeared on his tired face, and he didn't care at all that Inosuke and Tanjiro made an attacking move.

"What a pity

!" Tired said slowly, and at the same time, spider silk appeared in his hand

, "Inosuke, here

!" "Bang!"

The white spider silk was instantly controlled by the tired fingers to attack Tanjiro, and after the spider silk passed, it was all cut flat!

The powerful force directly cut a large tree into two pieces, and the smooth incision showed the sharpness of the spider silk.

Tanjiro pushed away your beans, and the two soldiers of Inosuke were tired of besieging together in two ways.

It's just that I'm tired and just looks at the two of them lightly, and the spider silk in my hand is like life, which can always force Tanjiro and the two of them not to attack half a step, but can only keep dodging.

It wasn't long before the two of them were running out of breath.

"Little brother, I'll discuss something with you... That sister of yours... Hand over your sister

to me, and leave it to me obediently!" Tired stopped his attack at this time, and stretched out to Tanjiro and said.

"Kentaro, we can't get close to him like this!" Inosuke

shouted, his face constantly showing an angry expression, but soon he didn't have a chance to catch his breath, a spider silk attacked instantly, and Inosuke could only start dodging the attack again.


!" Tired's eyes began to become unkind when he looked at

Inosuke!"Go to death!"

I saw that Tired attacked the spider web-like steel wire directly towards Inosuke, the speed was so fast that Inosuke was directly stunned, and the silver-white spider web was close in front of him, according to this distance, Inosuke couldn't dodge at all! The spider web attacked

with a force that destroyed everything!

Time seemed to have stopped, and

Inosuke's hands were shaking!"I'm going to die...""

Inosuke!" Tanjiro shouted, "All Concentrations, Water Breath, Three Types, Flowing Dance!"

Tanjiro's figure instantly appeared in front of Inosuke

, "Water Breath, Pick One Type, Wind and Waves!".

The absolute defense realm of the water breath unfolded, and I

saw that the spider silk was resisted, but although it was resisted, the powerful force was still constantly attacking the blue and white realm! Tanjiro gritted his teeth, only he knew how powerful and terrifying the power of this spider silk

was! "Inosuke, you go quickly!"

I saw that the blue-white realm was constantly cracking under the erosion of the silver-white cobweb,


The cracks in the realm are getting bigger and bigger, and only Tanjiro can hear that the realm is about to be broken!

Inosuke didn't have time to come back to his senses, and was directly pushed away by Tanjiro, seeing that the cobwebs that could cut people into pieces were about to fall on Tanjiro's body.

At this moment

, a figure with long hair, a pink kimono, and a black haori coat stood in front of Tanjiro

! "No!"

Tanjiro shouted, but it was too late, and the spider silk fell directly on Youdouzi's body!

Countless blood gushed out of your bean's body, and Tanjiro was protected intact behind her, and the blood floated out of the air and splashed onto Tanjiro's face.

The tiredness of controlling the spider silk with five fingers was also shocked, and he couldn't help but put away his attack, his eyes widened, and his whole body began to tremble!

"You beans!"

Tanjiro quickly caught your beans who were about to fall to the ground, and then picked her up and ran into the forest under a big tree to hide.

"You're a bean, you're a bean, you're protecting your brother, I'm sorry

, I'm sorry!" Tanjiro's eyes began to overflow with tears, and the worry on his face overflowed.

"Whew... You...... You guys...... Such a bond... It's really... I'm so happy!"

The tired face showed extremely greedy desire, and he didn't care about Inosuke on the side, and began to slowly walk towards Tanjiro.

"The wound is so deep... My wrists are about to break... Hurry up and get better... Get better quickly..."

Tanjiro carefully joined the wrist of the passage due to the injury.

"Uh-huh!" You

Douzi let out a painful groan

! "No!"

Tanjiro's mind suddenly flashed an idea, and he felt like he was rummaging through his arms!

Under the healing power of the elixir and the ghost itself, the wounds of the bean began to heal continuously.

"Great, useful! Thank you, Brother Kazeha!"

Tanjiro saw that the wounds on your bean's body were constantly healing themselves, and his face showed a happy expression.

"Brother and sister... Sibling...... This is the real brother and sister..."

Although tired wondered what the pill Tanjiro fed to You Douzi was, he saw Tanjiro's expression of great concern for You Douzi.

"It's clear that my sister is already a ghost, and it is really an enviable fetter to be able to do this!" tired

at this time, I was so happy that I even forgot about being harassed by that nasty guy before, but on the contrary, I began to thank him from the bottom of my heart, so that he could see what his real family looked like.

"That guy didn't lie to me, this is the real family

!" "I want it so much!" tired

and felt his heart beating constantly at this time, his chest was constantly rising and falling, and his emotions were getting higher and higher.

"Little brother, you come out first, let's talk!" tired

calmed his mood, still planning to greet Tanjiro in a polite form.

Tanjiro didn't respond to him, and at this time he only had the injured Douzi in his eyes, and he couldn't listen to the tired words at all.

"I, I'm really moved, seeing your bonds, I understand the meaning of real family, which makes my body tremble constantly, I think there are no words in this world that can describe this touch!"

"But you still have to be killed by me, feel very sad! If it turns out like this... But there's only one way to avoid this... That sister of yours... Hand her over to me so I can spare your life!" Ti

held out a hand again and invited.

"I don't understand what you're saying!"

Tanjiro said, hugging your beans tightly.

"I want your sister to be my sister, starting today. Tired

said lightly.

"How could I agree to such a thing!And your beans are not objects, she has her own thoughts and consciousness, so she won't be your sister!"

Tanjiro said in a hoarse voice.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about it, I'm better than you at maintaining the bonds! That's the fetters of fear, I'll teach her the fate of resistance!"

"There must be a limit to joking

!" Tanjiro shouted angrily

, "Using fear to bind and bind is not a family bond at all, and if you can't adjust your misunderstanding of the bond, you won't be able to get what you want!"

"You're really noisy!"


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