After You Douzi turned her head to endure the blood of the ghost, everyone present was shocked, including the immortal Minoru Chuan.

Because he knew very well how tempting his blood was to demons, and even the scars on his body were caused by this.

"What's wrong?" said

Yaoyashiki, who felt that the atmosphere was a little quiet, and couldn't help but ask.

"The female ghost You Douzi turned her head away and ignored it, although she was stabbed a few times by Lord Immortal Chuan, even if the bloody arm was sent to her eyes, You Douzi still couldn't help but bite it..."

"Then that's enough proof that Your beans won't attack humans.

Sanyashiki said calmly.

It's just that Immortal Chuan still has an unhappy expression on his face, as if he is angry because You Douzi resisted the temptation.

Seeing that You Douzi held back, Feng Yu also let go of Iguro Xiaobane's wrist and stood quietly to the side and looked at You Douzi.

"Tanjiro, even so, there will still be people who are dissatisfied with Youdouzi, so you have to prove it, from now on, Tanjiro and Youdouko will fight as members of the Demon Slayer Team, and they will contribute!" said

Yaoya Sanyashiki solemnly.

Hearing this

, Tanjiro hurriedly prostrated respectfully on the ground,

"What does this feel like... The whole person is relaxed..."

"The voice... Is it because of this person's voice, does it make my head flutter

?" Tanjiro couldn't help but understand, feeling the lightness coming from his body and head.

"You go and defeat the Twelve Ghost Moons, so that you can be recognized by everyone, Tanjiro, and what you say will have weight.

Yaoya continued.

The white clouds in the sky are dotting the blue sky, and the wind is constantly drifting into the distance, as if it is Tanjiro's mood at this moment.

"I... I'll be with you beans... Let's defeat Onimai Tsuji without misery!"

Tanjiro stood up, and at this moment he felt an infinite power.

That's the approval from Yaoya Sanyashiki

! the recognition and expectation from the supreme leader of the Demon Slayer!

"You Bean and I will definitely be able to do it, swing the knife and cut the chains of sorrow!"

Tanjiro shouted.

All the pillars were looking at him, feeling the will from Mt. Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro can't do it now, so let's defeat a Twelve Ghost Moon first.

A kind smile appeared on the face of Yaoyashiki.

Tanjiro's face immediately turned red, as if he felt that he was bragging.


The honey glass of Ganlu Temple at the bottom also blushed, holding back her smile, and her face couldn't help but bulge, round and red.

"I can't laugh, no, no, no, no..."

"Of course, these pillars in the ghost killing team have outstanding talents, and with their painstaking training, they can improve their strength, and after life and death, they can defeat the twelve ghost moons. "

That's why the pillars are respected and courteous, Tanjiro, and you have to pay attention to the tone of your wording!" said


When Tanjiro heard this, he immediately straightened his sitting posture and nodded in agreement.

"And Shimi, little Bane, don't treat the children down there too badly. Hearing

the name of the delivery house, the two of them instantly bowed their heads respectfully and said, "Obey." "

That's the end of Tanjiro's business, you can leave!"

Sanyashiki Yoya motioned for Tanjiro to leave with your beans, but at this time, Butterfly Shinobu raised his hand and said, "Then Tanjiro Kamado, let my Butterfly House take care of it."

Yaoya nodded, a smile appeared on Butterfly Shinobi's face, and then clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's bring the two of them

over!" Goto and another hidden member ran over and shouted respectfully, "It's rude to pass in front of you!"

Then he picked Tanjiro directly and ran out of the courtyard as quickly as he could.

Although the other member of the female hidden group was afraid that Youdouzi was a ghost, she still let Youdouzi enter the wooden box, and then carried the wooden box with Goto and ran towards the butterfly house.

"So, the Pillar Meeting is now on!" said

Yaoya Sanyashiki.

Soon, Tanjiro ran back and shouted, "Wait, please let my head hit that scarred man!"

and behind Tanjiro was Goto and another female member, who kept stopping him in his tracks.

"I'm going to definitely take the account for her stabbing your beans... Definitely going to pay it back

!" "I definitely didn't break the team rules by headbutting him, absolutely not!"

Tanjiro struggled and shouted.

Goto and another hidden member pressed on him continued to stop him.

Seeing this, Feng Yu couldn't help but feel a faint pain in his brain.

"Let go of me

!" "Shut up, don't make a fuss!"

Tanjiro struggled to his feet, but what Tanjiro didn't know was.

Shitou Muichiro quietly picked up a thumb-sized stone, and then with a flick, he directly knocked Tanjiro unconscious to the ground.

At this time, the whole courtyard returned to calm.

"Please don't interrupt the lord!" the

stone in Shitou Muichiro's hand kept throwing upwards.

"I'm really sorry, Lord Lord, Lord Kasumi-sama!" Goto

and the two kept kowtowing and apologizing.

"Alright, hurry up and get out of here!"

said Shitou Muichiro.


Goto replied at the same time, and then quickly picked up the fainted Tanjiro and quickly left the place.

"The pillar is really terrible

!" "I'm almost scared to pee my pants

!" "It's all my fault for this guy, I'm being scolded

!" "I can't forgive him!"


Along the way, Goto and the two complained bitterly.

On the other hand

, after Tanjiro's farce was over, the Pillar Meeting went on smoothly.

Under the mild sun

, Feng Yu stood aside, quietly watching the chat between Yaoya and the other pillars, nothing more than where there was a ghost or something, or about the situation in the ghost killing team...

Feng Yu looked up at the sky, and only sighed that he couldn't get rid of the nightmare of the company's meeting when he came to another world!

Feng Yu didn't have anything to report, just stood aside boredly, waiting for the time to get off work.

Finally, a few hours later, the Zhuhe meeting officially came to an end

, but when Feng Yu was about to leave, he was left alone by the delivery house!

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