Wu Miao's face became very ugly, his face was bruised, and his blood-red eyes looked coldly at the lower strings below.

The old lower string was crawling on the ground, and he almost stuck his body to the ground.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of each lower string, and the fear in his heart continued to magnify.

"No matter how

much we say it, we can't do it...", the new lower string said in his heart,

"Even if we say it, we can't help it, can we


"Oops... He was able to read my thoughts..."

At this moment, the fear in the heart of the lower string ghost was infinitely magnified, and he did not expect that Wu Miao would be able to hear his inner words.


Wu Miao shouted angrily! The

new lower string ghost looked frightened, only to see that one of Wu Miao's hands directly turned into flesh and blood tentacles, and the yellow eyes that opened were infinitely terrifying.

The new lower string ghost was directly arrested

, "No... No, Lord Wu Miserable, please forgive me..."

The lower strings who were lying on their stomachs did not dare to raise their heads, and everyone's hearts continued to amplify with the screams of the new lower string ghosts.

"I beg you to spare me, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry!"

The sound of begging for mercy kept coming, and Wu Miao's face was indifferent, looking at the lower string ghost who was constantly begging for mercy on his tentacles like he looked at an inconsequential garbage.


Blood dripping on the rest of the lower strings, the smell of blood, the blood red, the fear!

The breath of the new lower string ghost is completely gone

! He is dead!


Wu Miao's tentacles burped, but Ling's new lower string had just climbed to the position of the Twelve Ghost Moons, but he never thought that he would end up here as a snack by Wu Miao.

"Why is this happening... We're the Twelve Ghost Moons... Why..."

The fear in the hearts of all the lower string ghosts took over their entire bodies, staring blankly at the pool of blood in front of them.

Except for Nightmare's calm face, as if nothing was his business.

"Are we going to be killed... Obviously, it finally turned into the Twelve Ghost Moons..."

, "Am I more terrifying than the ghost hunters?"

Wu Miao felt the fear in their hearts and said coldly.

"If you're so scared, don't stay here

!" "Ah!"

Another new female lower string was devoured by the innocent tentacles, leaving only a pool of blood.

"If this goes on... It's going to die... I'm going to die..."

, shouted in Kama's heart.

Then leaned back slightly,

"I'm going to die... It's going to die... I'm going to run away... I'm going to

run away...""No matter what you say, you're going to be eaten..."

"I'm going to run away!"

After making up his mind, Kamashi jumped backwards and quickly fled from this place.

Wu Miao didn't pay attention to it, just looked at it coldly, and there was no change in expression on his face.


the pipa sounded

, and the space changed again, and the escaped Kambu was teleported back again.

"How could it be!"

Kamashi was shocked, and the fear of death continued to sweep through his body.

"Are you trying to escape?"

said Wu Miao coldly.

"Bang!" The

terrifying tentacles directly devoured his entire body, watching the mass of flesh and blood being digested under the devouring of the tentacles.

"Hiccup!" the

tentacle hiccups again.

Blood red, blood red all over the ground, this is a slaughterhouse, and it is also a place of torture and slaughter.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and there were only two people left on the lower strings.

One is the second string, and the second is the second nightmare.

Nightmare's face was calm, not knowing what he was thinking, but his face was full of horror.

"So, do you have anything else to say in the end?" said

Wu Miao, looking at the two of them coldly.

"I can still play for you, and if you're willing to give me some more time, I'll be able to come in handy,"

he said hurriedly.

"Specifically, how much time do you need, how do you use it, and what can you do for me with your ability now..."

"Blood... If I could be rewarded with your blood, I would adapt to your blood and become a more powerful demon to fight for you.

Roller reassured.

"Why do I have to listen to your blood, you are so brazen, what are you!" Wu

Miao's face was gloomy, obviously angered by this request.

"No... That's not true...... I—

" Lun Yu wanted to continue to explain, but was interrupted by Wu Miao

, "Enough, I can't go wrong, all the decisions are up to me, what I say is absolute, you have no right to refuse, what I say is right, you give me orders, of course damn it!"


screams rang out again in the Infinite City, and the blood on the platform pooled into a river and flowed down the ground.

"What do you want to say in the end!" said

Wu Miserable, looking at the nightmare that was staring at him blankly.

"You're right, my mood is like a sweet dream, I can be blessed to be able to die by your own hands, I am so happy to hear the wails of other ghosts before they die..."

The miserable in his eyes is incomparably great at this time, and he is willing to give everything he has, even his life.

Wu Miao looked at Nightmare coldly, as if he was startled by him.

He didn't move, he thought.


, a huge tentacle descended from the sky, forming a tail thorn that pierced Nightmare's neck.


With the infusion of blood, Nightmare finally fell to the ground, his body trembling, his limbs twisting, and his body undergoing terrible changes.

Nightmare continued to roll on the ground in pain, and Wu Miao smiled,

"I appreciate it, I will give you a large amount of my blood, but you can't bear a lot of blood, and you may die because of it, but if you can bear it, then you can gain great power, and then work for me, kill the pillar of the ghost killing team, and if you can kill the ghost hunter wearing flower card earrings, I will give you more blood." "

No miserable transmitted the appearance of Tanjiro to Nightmare.

Then the sound of the lute sounded, and the

Infinite City changed again...

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