Before dawn appeared, a black shadow flashed over the butterfly house and landed on the window where Tanjiro and the others were sleeping.

"It's morning, get up!" shouted

Tanjiro as he opened his eyes and sat on the bed, looking at Raven suspiciously.

"It's dead!"

Inosuke said groggyly.

Shanyi sat on the bed without opening his eyes

, and said in a daze: "Is there something wrong?" Seeing that the three of them had gotten up, the crow said solemnly: "The casualties of the infinite train have expanded, and there are more than 40 people whose whereabouts are unknown.

"Infinity trains,"

Tanjiro muttered as he looked at the crow.

Then it's a quick time to get up and pack up...

The sun rose, and the black figure on this side of the Narrow Foggy Mountain

came to the front of Wind Feather like a yellow lightning.

"Master, master, the Infinity Train mission you brought to my attention is about to begin, and today Tanjiro will go to rendezvous with Kyojuro in Purgatory!"

Xiaohei shouted.

Feng Yu opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"Is it coming so soon... It's just that Butterfly Shinobu hasn't woken up yet... It's a little inseparable..."Feng

Yu couldn't help but worry as he looked at the butterfly with a painful face.

Yesterday, I had already seen that there was something wrong with Butterfly Ninja, and I was going to wait for her to wake up, but now the plot of the infinite train has begun.

According to the prophecy of Yaoya Yashiki, it is very likely that an accident will happen to Kyojuro in Purgatory...

"Damn, just pick

this time..." At this time, Xiaobai on the side saw Feng Yu's embarrassment and said: "Master, you can go with confidence, it's good to have me and Grandpa Scales here to watch her..."

"Master, if you don't feel at ease, you can leave a few of the previous pills for me, and if she is not in the right state, I will feed her!" Xiao Bai's

four tails kept swaying in the air, and he looked like he would just leave it to me.


door opened, and Scales walked over to hear the sound for the next time.

"What's going on?" asked

Scales Zuo, puzzled.

Feng Yu glanced at Butterfly Shinobi, and then truthfully told the mission of the Infinite Train, and indicated that there may be a lot of changes in this mission, and he wanted to accompany Tanjiro and the others to go together, but now Butterfly Shinobu has not woken up yet, and is in a dilemma.

Scales left didn't know that Feng Yu noticed that something was wrong with the butterfly ninja's state, although he was a little puzzled why Feng Yu was worried about the butterfly ninja, but seeing his expression, he also vaguely felt that it might be a real thing.

"You can go, Butterfly Shinobu here, I'll just watch it!" said

Scales Zuo.

"And me, Grandpa Scale, and me!"

Xiaobai jumped onto Scale's left shoulder and rubbed his head against his cheek.

Scales scratched Xiaobai's chin like a kitten, and then held it in his arms.

"Well, there's you!" Seeing

that Scaly Left Jinji also said this, Feng Yu didn't postpone it, so he took out the Ning Shen Pill from his arms and handed it to Scaly Zuo Jinji's hands.

"This is the Tranquility Pill, as long as the butterfly bears something wrong in her sleep, or wakes up in a sluggish state, feed it to her.

Feng Yu said solemnly.

"I see!"

said Scales.

Then, Feng Yu came outside the house, jumped on Xiao Hei's back, and flew in the direction of the Infinity Train.

Here in the butterfly house, after Tanjiro and the others packed their luggage, they began to say goodbye to everyone one by one.

The first thing Tanjiro found was Aoi Kanzaki, who was still drying the sheets and quilts she had changed.

"Miss Aoi Kanzaki, I'm going out to complete my mission, thank you very much for taking care of me during this time!"

Tanjiro said with a smile.

"Well, you're leaving, although we haven't been together for a long time, it's nice to meet you, please keep up your good work and be careful along the way!"

said Kanzaki Aoi.

"You're so busy and taking care of us, thank you very much, let us improve our strength to fight better!"

Tanjiro looked at her and smiled.

"Don't thank me, I'm just lucky to survive the selection, and in the end I'm just a coward who can't fight because I'm timid..."

Kanzaki Aoi said with a gloomy face and a gloomy head down.

"There's no such thing, Miss Aoi who helps us is already very powerful, I will take Miss Aoi's will to protect more people and kill more ghosts!"

Tanjiro said softly.

Then he quickly left

, "Then I'll go, I'll be injured in the future, so I'll ask you to take care of it!" A gust of

wind blew, as if comforting Kanzaki Aoi's heart with Tanjiro's gentle words.

Kanzaki Aoi looked at Tanjiro's departing figure and whispered

, "Thank you, Tanjiro..." Tanjiro

trotted all the way, but he didn't see Chanel's figure.

Finally, I thought about it and came to the usual training venue.

Looking from afar, sure enough, the quiet figure was sitting in a familiar position.

"I've finally found you, Chanel!"

Tanjiro shouted waving as he ran.

Chanel looked at him quietly, a quiet smile on her face.

"We're leaving, thank you very much for this time,"

Tanjiro said with a smile.

But suddenly the atmosphere suddenly seemed a little awkward, because Chanel didn't speak at all, just looked at her quietly.

He then took a coin out of his bosom and tossed it into the air.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Tanjiro looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Seeing the reverse side of the coin, Chanel said, "I just followed the master's instructions, and I have no position to accept your thanks, goodbye

!" "She spoke to me!" Tanjiro


"What did you just lose, is it money?"

Tanjiro asked in surprise.


Chanel said again, but then continued.

"It's also written on

the front and back, why do you want to throw it, and it can flip in the air...""I didn't receive instructions to throw this to decide, just now I was deciding whether to talk to you or not, the front side is not to say, the back side is to say, because I threw the back side so I will talk to you, goodbye!" "Why don't you

make your own decision? What does Chanel Humi want to do?"

Tanjiro asked as he sat down next to her.

"Because everything is fine, I can't make my own decisions!" Chanel

said with a smile.

"I don't think anything is good in this world, it must be because your voice in your heart is too quiet... But it's also important to follow the instructions..."

Tanjiro pondered for a moment, then asked, "By the way, can you lend me that one?"

Chanel looked at him, nodded, and put the coin in Tanjiro's hand.

"Thank you

!" Tanjiro took the coin, then got up and walked into the distance, looked at Chanel head-on and said, "Okay, I'll use this to decide this time

!" "Decide what?"

Chanel was puzzled

, "Decide to listen carefully to your inner voice from now on!"

"Ding" coin was tossed into the air by Tanjiro,


It's not good, I'm throwing too high, front, it must be positive, positive Chanel must obey his heart from today on!"

Looking at Tanjiro's appearance, Chanel's heart seemed to be touched.

"It's coming, it's the one!"

Tanjiro watched as the coin fell, and then continued deadly.


it, got it!" Then he ran to Chanel excitedly

, "Look, Chanel!" Tanjiro's hand slowly moved away

, and Chanel suddenly became nervous,


Which side is it... From the moment it fell, it was blocked by his hand..."

"It's the front!" After the hand was removed, the obverse of the coin was also revealed, Tanjiro shouted, and then he held Chanel's hands tightly and said, "The heart is the driving force of people, and it will become stronger and stronger!" Chanel

looked at him in shock

, but Tanjiro said next: "Then I should go, there will be a time later!".

In the end, only Chanel, who was still surprised, was left stunned.

"For... Why do you

throw the front..."Chanel shouted "I watched him throw the coin, he didn't do anything..."

Tanjiro heard Chanelhu's voice, stopped, turned his head and said with a smile: "It's accidental, and even if I throw the tail, I will keep throwing it until the head!"

Listening to Tanjiro's words, Chanel's

heart was completely shaken, and Tanjiro at this moment left a deep mark in her heart.

"Well, take care!"

Tanjiro smiled and ran away.

Chanel looked at the coin in her hand and fell into deep thought.

In the end,

Tanjiro finds Zenitsu and Inosuke, who are taking on the final challenge of blowing gourds.

I saw the two of them pick up a gourd as big as a person and blow violently, and then the explosion spread.


said Kiyoshi Terauchi, then took out a box of bento boxes and handed them them.

"Please defeat many, many demons..."

"Well, we will!"

Tanjiro said.

Nanako on the side stood aside and watched them quietly, her hands clenched into fists.

"Nanako, you have to take care of yourself too, wait for us to come back!"

Tanjiro looked at Nanako and shouted

Nanako stood beside the three of Terauchi Kiyoshi and said goodbye to them.

"I'm going to be sad if I leave, you're going to be sad!" Shanyi

said with a bitter face.

"I won't be sad at all! Mr. Shanyi must pay attention to his words and deeds when talking to girls, and don't be so frivolous..."The

three of them said in unison.

"How can this be!Woooooooooo

I will—" Nanako's face turned red, and then she quickly said, "If I don't come back soon, my strength will surpass Mr. Inosuke

!" "Hum

chirp!" Inosuke spewed out a white air stream and shouted, "Bastard, how could I lose to you this little bit

!" "So, take care, everyone, let's go!"

Tanjiro laughed.

Then the three of them set out on a journey.


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