The train rumbled and started, and Kyojuro walked up unnoticed.

When the train inspector checked the car, he saw Kyojuro through the glass on the door

!"Who the hell are you!"

The inspector shouted nervously.

Wrapped in a purple cloth wrapped in a bento, Kyojuro said, "Obviously, I'm a bento seller! Would you like to buy one?"

The inspector explained, "No, this train is going to the garage." "

Well, I do, but I heard that the Infinity Train is also there, so I've got something to look for it!"

Kyojuro said.

"Infinity Train... However, it's no longer in the garage.

"It was taken to the repair shop this morning to refurbish the equipment, and that's it,"

the inspector pointed toward a brightly lit spot.

The train moved slowly

, "Aligado, then I'll get off here!" Kyojuro

came to the rear of the car, and the strong air currents caused the yellow haori on his body to sway constantly.

"Autumn bean sack! get off here?" and

when the inspector reacted, Kyojurou had already jumped up with a lunch box in both hands and jumped steadily onto another track.

Step by step, I walked into the repair shop, and finally saw the infinite train parked here.

"The Infinity Train, I see, although it is very thin, but the breath of the ghost still remains.

Kyojurou said as he looked at the train with the word "infinity" written on it.

"Wait, that guy over there, it's forbidden here!" said

the maintenance director as he approached Kyojuro.

"Hello, I was commissioned by the Railway Administration to deliver bento to the people here!" said

Kyojurou with a righteous face.

"Hey, here's the bento guy!" shouted the

factory manager, and soon the staff began to gather, all with smiles on their faces.

"You can take one and give it to Ah Chen's kid who is resting in the engine room!"

the factory director picked up a lunch box and handed it to the employees on the side.

"Yes, master!"

the employee took the lunch and left.

"Why was the Infinity Train transferred here?" asked


The director smiled

, "There is no problem with the body, but the world says that this is a train that can eat people, and we are unwilling to do so, so we are sure that it will start again, and now we want to do our best to repair it and get it back on

the road!" "On the road?"

asked Kyojuro.

"Yes, the train will leave tomorrow night, that's why everyone will be like this..."

Before the factory director could finish speaking, a frightened shout came and interrupted everyone.

Kyojuro also felt the breath of the ghost, his demeanor changed instantly, holding the Hinawa knife on his waist, and ran quickly in the direction of the scream.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts!" reminded

the crow.

Kyojurou soon came to the place of the incident, and the employee who had delivered the lunch box before sat on the ground, constantly retreating, looking at the terrifying figure in front of him in horror.

The demon slowly turned around, and there was still a person in

his hand, "Let go of the person in your hand!" said

Kyojuro, the Hinawa knife on his waist had been pulled out and ready to be called.

"Yo, it's a ghost hunter, it's so arrogant!"

the demon looked at Kyojurou and laughed, but was soon stimulated by the smell of bento on the ground.

"What does this smell like!"

and then stomped on the bento in disgust.

"After I became a ghost, I was disgusted with human food!" said

the demon.

"It was done by someone I know, and I can't forgive you for doing this!"

Kyojuro said.

"Your blood smells bad too, little ghost!" said

the demon as he leaned into the boy's ear, and the boy's body began to bleed as his fingers continued to strain.

"If you're a delicious human, I'll eat it, and if it's a bad one, I'll torture them all night!" said

the man-slasher with a smile.

"Unpleasant guy..."

Kyojuro's fingers stuck in the hilt of the knife

, "If you're not reconciled, then you... Try to cut me!" The

tattoo on the slashing demon began to glow blue, and then like a ray of light, it continued to pass by Kyojuro's side, as if it was provocative.

The employees who rushed to the scene were all startled by the slasher and ran outside.

But Kyojuro stood quietly in place, and after the slashing demon stopped, the Hinawa knife came out of its sheath and slashed towards the ghost.

But it was easily dodged.

Seeing this, the slasher also jokingly said: "I'm sorry, I'm holding this little ghost, you must have a hard time cutting it, or kill him first!"

"Save... Help me,"

the boy said bitterly.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out!"

Kyojuro said.

"You can't do it... Yesterday too

..."The Slasher smiled proudly

, "I just tore another woman to the cool..."Looking

at the Slasher's words, Kyojuro replied: "I see, I know how fast you are! But don't be too confident, I originally thought that you ran away last night when you noticed that we were coming, but it seems that you can't even sense us like this, just the speed of escape, you are indeed very fast!"

Last night's victim, we have quickly sought medical attention, and I believe that she will recover soon!"

"Cut, even if she is saved, she has lived in the shadows for eighty percent of her life. The

slasher laughed.

"I'm not going to let that happen, and even if it's an incurable trauma, we'll spend more time healing it!"

Kyojuro said.

But the slasher still had an arrogant face

, "Just let your hypocritical face show me how powerful

! I'll kill that woman again!" "You can't do this kind of thing, she's been hidden by us

!" At this time, the slasher looked at the bento on the ground and said, "You just said that your friend did it, then I'll kill her

!" "I'm very happy to see you unhappy!hahaha!" If you want to save them, get to the station faster than I do!And before then, I'll kill this guy first!"

The slasher shouted, and the claws in his hand began to "



the slasher quickly turned into a blue light and escaped from the station, then quickly moved along the railroad tracks.

After bandaging the boy's wounds, members of the Demon Slayer Team rushed over.

Then Kyojurou also began to run quickly towards the track!

"Concentrate on breathing..."

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