Under the darkness of the night, the three figures shuttled quickly through the forest, and with each step, the powerful force could make the soil fly under the soles of their feet!

A strong wind also howled, and the momentum of the red, yellow, and blue trio was like a ray of light in a state of extreme speed.

"Breath of Light, Seven Shape, Mystery, Flash!" "

Wind Feather's speed instantly increased to another level, and his speed reached the extreme, and the speed of light generally gradually caught up with Black Death.


" Black Death Mou scolded secretly!

"Breath of the Moon, Nine Shapes, Descending Moon, Connecting Faces!" Black

Death Mou reflexively stopped, waved the evolved ghost blade, and continuously carried out intricate and intricate invisible slashes in the air, countless staggered blade winds, enveloping Wind Feather, and at the same time, countless full moon blades were produced to temporarily block Wind Feather's steps.

Seeing this, Black Death Mou quickly ran in one direction again.

The Zodiac couldn't keep up with the footsteps of the two of them, and could only see the backs

of the two of them!"Breath of Light, Type Ten, Storm of Light!"

Countless light blade storms were released in the ghost cut of the wind feather, colliding with the blade wind of the Black Death Mou.

In just an instant, countless blade winds were disintegrated by the light blade storm!

There was no obstacle, and Feng Yu couldn't care about the nest behind him, and directly chased in the direction of Black Death Mou's escape.

On the other side

, Tanjiro and the others finally waited for the aftermath of the ghost killing team members and hidden members to clean up the mess.

"They're here!Come on!"

Tanjiro was spotted by the members of the Demon Slayer Team who had arrived, calling out to the hidden members in the distance and the medical staff of the butterfly house.

"Lord Yanzhu, how can this be!" The

members of the Ghost Slayer Team who had said goodbye to Xingjurou at the Infinity Train Station before were stunned when they saw Xingjurou's current appearance.

He didn't expect Kyojuro to be so badly injured, his arms were completely gone, he was covered in blood, and even his iconic haori was damaged

! Thinking back to the day before, he was still so energetic and insecure, but now he could only snuggle up in Tanjiro's arms, weakly waiting for rescue

! The members of the Demon Slayer Team cried!

In their eyes

Although Xing Shou Lang is Yan Zhu, he doesn't have any shelf, he treats them like he treats his juniors, without a trace of harshness, just like a big brother, giving them the greatest assistance when they are in trouble

!"Lord Yan Zhu, come and treat Yan Zhu!" All

the members ran to Xing Shou Lang's side in tears, forming a protective circle, their faces full of unbearable and sad!

Zenyi and Inosuke also stood beside them, and when the medics from the butterfly house arrived, they carefully helped the injured Kyojurou onto the stretcher, and then watched them leave.

At the same time, some of the passengers who were rescued before were also treated in an orderly manner with the help of human guards and medical personnel.

Looking at the infinite train rushing out of the track on the mountain in the distance, everyone was also full of emotion.

The front of the car was slashed off and crashed into a hill, while the body was directly smashed into the side of the tunnel!

The thick smoke of gunpowder in the sky obscured the sky and the sun, and countless trees were engulfed in flames, engulfing the entire forest.

Tomioka Yoshito slowly walked up to Tanjiro and asked, "What about

Kazeha?" "Brother Kazeha is still fighting demons!"

Tanjiro said.

Tomioka frowned and followed Tanjiro's direction, but he didn't sense any sound of fighting.

You must know that at this moment, he is also completely in control of the transparent world with the help of Feng Yu, as long as he wants to know the information, the world will give the answer.

"You guys heal well first!"

Tomioka put down his words and ran straight towards the place where Feng Yu had fought with Black Death before.

Recalling the power that was not like a human at the beginning, Tanjiro faintly began to worry in his heart.

"I hope nothing happens,"

Tanjiro muttered as he looked at the fish in the distance.


On Feng Yu's side, they are still chasing Black Death Mou, but the strength of the two is about the same, plus Black Death Mou stops from time to time to give a move to Feng Yu Yue's breath

! The distance between the two is always separated

! "Black Death Mou, you are really a coward! Not only did you lose to your brother, but you also lost to me! Do you still have a little strong spirit now?"

"You coward!" "You

will never be as good as your younger brother, Jiguo Yuanyi!"

Unable to catch Black Death Mou, Feng Yu's heart was also annoyed, and he couldn't help but taunt, trying to make Black Death Mou angrily stop running away and fight to the death with himself

!"This guy!"

Black Death Mou listened to Feng Yu's words, he could hear the mocking words, although he was extremely angry, but in order to save his life, he still held back his anger and didn't stop for a moment

! "It's coming! It's almost there!".

The sky has already revealed the fish white,

and the sun is about to appear! It is also close at hand within the range of the location set by Wu Miserable

!"Black Death Mou, the sky is about to dawn!Where are you going

to run!" Feng Yu shouted

! Black Death Mou did not respond, and continued to run



The sound of the pipa sounded in the ears of the two of them, and Feng Yu suddenly stopped, and in his perception, a powerful and distorted spatial force instantly enveloped the two of them

!"Not good, this is Naruto's blood ghost technique!Infinite City!"

Feng Yu was startled, but the powerful pulling force was constantly trying to bring him to a certain space.


Black Death Mou in the Infinite City was already under the control of Naruto at this time, and successfully entered the Infinite City, looking at the

familiar environment, the Black Death Mou breathed a sigh of relief.

"This power is too incomprehensible, no! I can't be sucked into the Infinite City, all the winding ghosts are waiting

for me!" "Breath of Light, Type of Land, Light and Shadow Companion: Divide into Eight Clones of Light

!" "The Eight Doppelgangers instantly split out and entered the Infinite City

!" "Here, everyone, kill him for me!" Wu

Miao felt the breath of Feng Yu and immediately shouted.

The ghosts below instantly made preparations

to attack!I saw that as soon as the eight doppelgangers came in, it was directly a big move

!"Boom, boom!"

The ghosts were worthy of being wound, and their reactions were also very fast, and when Naruto also reacted immediately, Feng Yu's attack was transferred to other places before it fell on the upper winding ghost.

Seeing the smoke of gunpowder in the Infinite City die, and sawdust flying all over the sky, the originally clean and tidy Infinite City has become like this at this moment, the corners of Naruto's mouth twitch slightly

! After releasing the attack, Wind Feather's clone also turned into nothingness

! "Bang!"

"Waste, it's all waste!"

No miserable scolding! The originally devastated Infinite City has suffered another heavy blow!

In reality

Feng Yu also successfully broke away from the pull of Wireless City and went into the distance.

"It's so dangerous, sure enough, it's full of winding ghosts, if I hadn't released my mental perception at any time, I would have been hit..."

I could only shake my head and sigh.

In the Infinite City, the upper string ghosts knelt in front of Wu Miao, only Black Death Mou and Tong Mo were standing, one was expressionless and naked, and the other was showing a harmless smile on his face, holding a golden lotus fan in his hand.

"Waste, waste, you're all a bunch of waste!" Wu

Miao looked at them and scolded angrily, his face bruised.


The fish white in the sky is getting brighter and brighter, but Feng Yu is not happy.

He quietly looked at the nest in front of him, and could only sigh inwardly.

"Have you really decided?" asked

Feng Yu without giving up.

Yiwoza nodded, and then looked to the side

, "Lianxue has been waiting for me for a long time, I should go!"

said Yiwoza dotingly.

The breeze gently ruffled their hairs, and beams of sunlight began to shine on their faces.

"It's been a long time since I've felt the warmth of the sun... I am a sinner, I have not kept my promise to my father and lover, and I have not guarded the Suliu Fist Technique, which is the most important thing for the good master, which is used to protect rather than kill

!" "I can't pay for my sins in this life, so let me make amends to everyone!" A

smile appeared on his face, and even though his body was constantly turning to ashes, he couldn't feel the pain.

In a daze, he saw his master and Lianxue, supporting each other, looking at himself with a satisfied smile.

He saw his master nodding to him, and Lianxue said with tears in his eyes: "Husband, welcome back!"

At this moment

, the Zodiac reverted back to the appearance of Koji before his death, and the sadness in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he hugged his lover who had not been able to protect well before his death, hugged him and cried loudly.

Feng Yu looked at them, his eyes slightly astringent, as if he had entered the sand.

"Goodbye, Koji!" Wind

Feather waved at them, finally watching them turn to pieces and disappear.

Feng Yu sighed, maybe the soul reunited with Lianxue, and with her company, they went to hell together to atone for their sins, which is the best ending for Yiwo.

Feng Yu sat on a boulder beside him, closed his eyes, and let the sunlight scatter on his body.

"Quack, master, I'm coming!" a

gust of wind blew, and a little black voice sounded in my ears.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Xiao Hei and Tomioka Yoshiyong, who had arrived.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood,"

Tomioka said, looking at him.

Feng Yu smiled slightly, didn't speak, and asked Xiao Hei to take the two of them back to the butterfly house to check on Kyojuro's injuries.


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