Led by the crow, Tanjiro and the two soon arrived at Kyojuro's house.

Before we arrived

, I could see a very wealthy courtyard house in the distance, and a young man in front of the door was sweeping the dead leaves over and over again with a broom.

"Brother!" Chijuro

shouted excitedly when he saw Kyojuro and Tanjiro in the distance.

"Well, it's Senjuro!" Kyojurou

smiled and nodded.

"Hello, my name is Tanjiro Kamado!" Tanjiro

waved in greeting.

The two walked forward slowly, but then a gust of wind blew

the broom in Chijuro's hand and fell to the ground, and the smile on his face turned into surprise and then sadness!

The placket of Kyojuro's arms continued to flutter in the air with the wind

, "Brother, you... Your hand..."

Senjuro's eyes were slightly red,

but Kyojuro said with a laugh.

"It's okay!"

"Why... Why is it that even such a powerful elder brother

..."Senjuro's head went blank as he looked at Kyojuro's fluttering clothes

, "That..."

Tanjiro wanted

to say something, and suddenly "Don't say it, this is all his own doing, he obviously has no talent and ran to be a swordsman, so he was cut off his arms and became a waste, it's really boring!"

Kyojuro, you stupid son, human talents are determined from birth, there are only a handful of talented people, and the rest are waste!

"Kyojurou is like this, so are you, Senjuro, obviously he doesn't have any ability, and he still wants to become a swordsman to fight ghosts

, and he is lucky to be able to pick up a fortune!" "Senjuro! you can't be like Kyojuro, look at his current appearance, how ridiculous it is!" Kyojuro's

father, Purgatory Maki Shouro, has a slightly red face, holds a jar of wine in his hand, and takes a sip from time to time, his tone is not good, and his eyes are full of mockery.

Kyojuro didn't speak, the expression on his face didn't change, and he didn't seem to pay attention to Maki Juro's words at all, but Senjuro lowered his head, and tears flowed down his cheeks.



Tanjiro really couldn't listen anymore, and stood directly in front of the two of them, glaring at Maki Jurou and scolding.

"You're going too far, please don't say that!"

"What are you, get out of here, don't set foot in our house!"

Maki Shourou scolded.

"I'm from the Ghost Slayer..." As

soon as Tanjiro finished speaking, Maki Juro's face changed instantly, and the wine in his hand also fell to

the ground, the wine jar became fragments, and the wine spilled on the ground, spreading little by little!

"You... I see...... You are...... The user of the breath of the sun!!"

Maki Jurou pointed at Tanjiro with a shudder.

Hearing the breath of the sun, Kyojuro also became interested, and his eyes kept staring at Maki Juro.

"Breath of the Sun, what are you talking about!"

Tanjiro wondered!

As soon as the words fell

, Maki Shourou rushed directly over, and a backhand pressed Tanjiro to the ground.

"It's so fast, it's not a layman's skill!" Feeling

the speed and strength of Maki Shouro, Tanjiro knew that it was not easy to press on this person.


, please stop!" Chijuro ran over and hurriedly stopped!

"Enough, Father, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, please let go of my juniors!" Anger

appeared on Kyojuro's face and he shouted.

Maki Shouro didn't listen

, and continued to press Tanjiro hard, Tanjiro was pressed by him and couldn't breathe, one hand was clasped, and he couldn't use his strength!

"Father, please let him go quickly, he's about to suffocate!"

Chijuro said anxiously.

"Shut up, it's noisy

!" Maki Shourou slapped Senjuro aside

! Tanjiro also seized the opportunity

, "You can stop me in moderation! Bastard!"

Tanjiro shouted, turned around, and kicked Maki Jurou.

But years of combat experience allowed him to quickly defend!

"What the hell have you been doing since you started, insulting your own son and beating him!"

Tanjiro asked sharply.

"You must... Look down on us!"

Maki Shourou shouted.

"Why do you think that, I don't know

what you're talking about, you're finding fault!" Tanjiro said, "Because you're a user of the breath of the sun, I recognize those earrings, and it's

written in the book!" As Maki Juro said that it was written in the book, Tanjiro

guessed what he said about Kagura, the god of fire.

"The first breath, the first breath, the strongest divine skill! And then all the breaths are derived from the breath of the sun, and all the breaths are just following the breath of the sun, and they are inferior breaths that imitate the breath of the sun! It's just fire, water, wind, and all the breaths in this world!" said

Maki Juro, pointing to the flower earrings on Tanjiro's ears.

"What is he talking about... Our family has been burning charcoal for generations to maintain their lives, and there is also a family tree, the breath of the sun... Kagura, the god of fire..."

Tanjiro looked incredulous.

"Don't think you're a user of the breath of the sun, so you can be so arrogant, stinky boy!" shouted

Maki Shourou.

But Tanjiro was furious, and he shouted,

"Where am I arrogant, do you know how much I hate my weakness now, my sister who watched himself become a ghost but couldn't do anything, and I couldn't do anything when I saw Mr. Purgatory standing in front of me... You're... Damn old man!

" "Don't speak ill of Mr. Purgatory!"

Tanjiro clenched his fists and rushed straight forward.

"No, father, he... It used to be a pillar..."

Senjuro shouted, but it was too late, and Tanjiro rushed straight up.

It's just that he was easily dodged by Maki Juro, but Tanjiro's strength is not weak now, and it can even be said that it is comparable to the pillar of the ghost killing team.

The two of them fought back and forth!

You made one move, one move and one move, and the fists hit the flesh, and the corners of both mouths were bloody.


Chijurou looked at the two of them, but he didn't know how to persuade him!

, "If the god of fire, Kagura, is really the breath of the sun, the strongest divine skill, why... Why can't I make You Bean turn back into a human, why can't I protect Mr. Purgatory, why can't I make this world better..."

"Why... Why is there still a person like you in the world, depraved, insulting your own children, beating your own children, you don't deserve to be Mr. Purgatory's father at all!"

Tanjiro shouted, his body speed increased, and the fist in his hand fell directly on Maki Shouro's face, knocking him to the ground.


Chijuro saw Maki Jurou knocked to the ground by Tanjiro's punch, and his eyes instantly widened and he was shocked, he didn't expect Tanjiro to be able to hurt his father.

And Xing Shoulang's expression was also slightly moved, and there seemed to be a trace of unbearability in his eyes!

Am I defeated by this kid... Really...... The user of the breath of the sun is powerful... Or am I old?"

the sun shone on his face, the sky was blue, and the soft white clouds slowly moved their positions under the action of the wind.

"It's okay, you've been great!

" At this time

, a gentle voice sounded in his ears,


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