The evil spirits that had sneaked away before on the vine attack mountain

were quickly hiding deeper into the dense forest.

"Damn... That girl... It must have something to do with those two... That mask is exactly the same... They're coming to clean this place again

...""I'm going to find a good place to hide quickly..."

, remembering that he had witnessed two trials of vine raiding the mountain, and every time a person with a fox mask came, the ghost camp would be cleaned...

In his opinion

, the people with fox masks must not be provoked, they are powerful, even if the whole vine attack mountain these old, weak, sick and disabled ghosts together, the final result is to be killed one by one!

He will never forget that the young man used himself as a guide, cutting his wrist to attract these hungry ghosts to kill him, and in the end they could not escape his knife.

These ghosts were like prey in front

of the young man, and their eyes lit up when they saw them! Since then, the entire vine attack mountain has been slaughtered by him, and there was only a period of time when the ghost hunters frantically captured the evil ghosts to replenish them

! He had asked those new ghosts, and they were all knocked out and captured at the same

time! Although there was a young man who killed very few ghosts last time, his strength was very strong, and a group of ghosts besieged him, and he couldn't resist a single sword!

"It's hard to persuade the ghosts who are going to die, they must have been killed by now... I'm going to run away..."Every

now and then, the demon would look back, worried about whether Nanako would catch up.

At this moment

, a young man appeared in front of the demon.

"Ahh Devil, damn it, die!" the

boy rushed up with his knife and was about to

attack him! The ghost took one look at him and easily dodged his attack

!"Damn it, get out of here!"

the devil scolded.

Then he turned around and continued to run away!

"This ghost is so fast... And why didn't he kill me? Are you afraid of me?"

"Hahaha, Uncle Ben is just amazing, don't run away from the evil ghost, I'm going to kill you today!"

The young man chased the evil ghost with a knife and shouted!

"You guy... You really are... Angered me!"

The demon saw that he had let the boy go, and he didn't even know it, and he chased after him, making such a big fuss!"

Or kill this teenager... And then eat him..."

As soon as the greedy thought came out, the demon suddenly stopped.

Then he looked at the young man who had caught up with him with a strange smile!

"Since you sent it to the door yourself, then I'm welcome!"

Then he turned into an afterimage and rushed to the young man in an instant.

"It's fast!"

the boy's eyes widened, trying to defend, but the sharp pain in his chest made him unable to move.

Looking down, he saw that

the demon's claws had penetrated his chest!

"How could this be... It's not what I thought—"

The boy's eyes widened, his eyes filled with horror, and then he died.

"Woo!" the

demon drew his claws and licked the blood with his tongue.


The smell of blood filled the entire forest!Countless

figures in the darkness quickly ran in the direction of the smell of blood


The demon that was gnawing on the corpse stopped and looked around suspiciously

!"Get out! This is mine!"

The demon shouted!

The demon figure who smelled the smell walked out, his eyes were full of incomparable desire, and the corners of his mouth were all drooling

!"Of course you have to share good things with everyone!" one

of the ghosts said greedily!

They had been tempted by flesh and blood to lose their minds, so they didn't care about the demon's territorial consciousness, and directly swarmed up, frantically eating the young man's corpse.

Watching them snatch their food in spite of their own warnings, he was a little helpless!

After all

, there were too many ghosts rushing up

, not to mention eight or nine

, and he could only admit it with one ghost in both hands!

"No, so many ghosts are gathered here... It's so big... I have a bad premonition... I'm going to run away

quickly!" At this time, the demon regained his senses, and his body kept retreating to

escape! At this time

, a

figure jumped directly onto the tree in front of him and blocked the direction of his going

! "So it's all here..."

Nanako fell from the sky, looking at the evil ghost in front of her with a smile on her face, holding the Hinawa knife, full of killing intent!

"How could you catch up so quickly!"

The demon was shocked, and he felt goosebumps all over his body

, "Sure enough, this girl is here, which means that those guys have been killed... And it's very easy to kill

...""It's all to blame for not being greedy..."The

evil ghost regretted killing the boy and stayed here, but at this moment it was too late to regret it, his body began to retreat gradually, thinking about retreating to the group of ghosts in the distance behind him, and running away while the chaos was in chaos.

Nanako knew his intentions, but she didn't stop him, just looked at him quietly.


the demons came to the group of ghosts, and shouted, "There's a little girl there, brothers, go and eat her

!" "There, there

!" "It's mine! It's mine!"

When the ghosts heard this, they suddenly looked like wolves, and their eyes radiated a greedy light!


Nanako's footsteps sounded, slowly revealing her figure from the darkness.

"It's good, it's all together, and it saves me from killing them one by one!"

Nanako said calmly.

But her words were like the whispers of the devil to the demon before her.

"What did she say... She deliberately made me run over... She wants to kill us in one fell swoop..."

The life and death crisis warning kept reminding him to run away, but for some reason, his legs said that he couldn't walk, as if they were filled with lead, and they were extremely heavy!

"What's going on

!" "How I feel I can't move!"


"Poof! That's because of him!"

Nanako laughed, pointing her slender finger at the demon from before.

"I sprinkled a little powder on him, and it looks like Sister Aoi didn't lie to me... It works great

!" "Damn, it's you bastard

!" "I'm going to kill you!"


A group of ghosts were extremely angry in their hearts, and one by one they wanted to tear the previous ghost with their hands!

"Alright, it's time for you to hit the road!"

Nanako said impatiently.

"All Episodes: Water Breath, Twelve-Shape, Giant Waves!" "

The roaring water began to appear from the tip of her knife, and the pale blue field instantly covered each of

them, and in their eyes

, Nanako stepped on the huge waves and walked towards them!

One step, two steps... Until a great wave swept over them!!

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