After taking the Healing Pill, Meixiu's whole body was like a bottle of nectar in the dry desert and drank it all, which was extremely refreshing!

She slowly opened her eyes and said slightly apologetically: "Brother Fengyu, I'm sorry... It's that I'm so useless..."

"Fool, what do you say, it's already great to get to this point, at least we're a success

!" "Just exercise more in the back and work on breathing!" Feng

Yu squatted down and touched her gently.


"I'll definitely do my best!" shouted

Mi-so, a hint of loneliness flashing in her eyes!

On the other hand

, since Naruto sent the black fox out of Infinite City, Wu Miao continued to send her blood, so her strength has also been greatly improved.

At this moment, she was full of awe-inspiring momentum, her hair covered half of her face, and fine lines spread all over her body like willow leaves.

"Very good, it seems that you have withstood my blood, so let's start acting, don't let me down!"

Naruto nodded, and began to pluck the strings.


the space of Infinity City began to change, and the lattices of the rooms began to rotate, and at the same time, countless eyeballs began to divide on her body, each eyeball was engraved with a large three characters, and then she teleported to an unknown place one by one.

Seeing this scene, Mu Miao looked at Naruto with approval in his eyes, but then he thought of something, and his face began to become hideous again.

"That guy... How dare you ask me... When I become the ultimate creature, it will be the day I devour it..."

Wu Miao's face was bruised, and he was extremely angry at the thought of the black fox asking him.

"Wait, this world is my world after all, and I am the only master! No one can disobey me! Absolutely not

!" "I will kill you all one by one!"

"And I... It's the most perfect creature in the world!" said

a maniacian smile on his face, and Naruto on the side looked at him quietly, the eyeballs on his body were still differentiating, and then teleporting.

Half a month later

, Mihide also came to the stage of practicing the whole concentration of breathing, and she was also sent to the butterfly house by Feng Yu, and when she was leaving, Nanako's exclusive Hinawa knife was also delivered to her at this moment.

The moment she grasped the Nichiren knife, the blade also turned a dazzling blue.

"It's so beautiful..."

Nanako looked at the Hinawa knife that fit her very well and exclaimed.

At this time

, Nanako's crow flew up to her and shouted: "Nanako, Nanako, now give an order, go to the forest in the southwest, where a large number of travelers have disappeared, find out the ghosts lurking in the forest, and kill them, Nanako, please be careful!"

"It's going to be a mission so soon,"

Feng Yu sighed.

Then, like an old father, she told Nanako to run away when she saw that the situation was wrong, and stuffed a lot of healing pills, detoxification pills, and tranquility pills into her hands.

"Master... You don't have to do it so much..."

The corners of Nanako's mouth twitched slightly.

"Much? I think it's okay! Do you want to come again?"

said Wind Feather as he looked at her with strange eyes.

"No, no, no, enough is enough!"

Then Nanako quickly picked up the Hinawa knife on the side, went back to the room to pack up her things and set out on the journey.

At dusk and sunset

, Feng Yu stood at the door of the wooden house to say goodbye to Nanako

, "Time has passed so fast..."

, and then said to Xiaobai on the side: "Xiaobai, Nanako's first mission, do you want to go and see her?"

Unconsciously, Xiaobai's strength is already comparable to that of a winding ghost.

Except for Xiao Hei!Xiao

Bai nodded, and then quickly chased in the direction where Nanako left.

At this moment

, a cat meow came from inside the wooden house.


space fluctuated, and the figure of Chachamaru was slowly revealed.

It still carried a small wooden box on its back,

and Wind Feather walked up to it and took out the note that was placed in the small wooden box.

"Lord Wind Feather, thank you very much for the blood you sent last time, now that I have developed a poison that can deal with the miserable, and I may have discovered the slightest possibility that the ghost can turn back into a human... Do you have time to come over and discuss the follow-up battle plan?"

"It's worthy of Zhu Shi, the strongest support in the world!

Because he found that if he rushed to Zhushi at this moment, he would have to walk on his own...

"Suddenly I miss Xiao Hei a little..."Xiao Hei

, who was hurrying quickly, sneezed coldly.

"Strange... Did I have a cold?"

muttered Black.

At the same time, Tanjiro, who was far away from the butterfly house, came to receive a letter from Zhu Shi.

"To be able to turn back into a human... Thy beans... There's a chance that you'll turn back into a human being..."

Tanjiro burst into tears of excitement, then quickly rushed into the room, picked up the wooden box, and set out on the road where Zhushi lived alone without saying goodbye to Inosuke.

Along the way

, Tanjiro's mind was full of news that You Bean could turn back into a human, and unbeknownst to him, a wisp of black mist in the depths of the forest was quietly watching his every move.


Kazeha arrived at Sushi's residence earlier than Tanjiro.

Yushiro and Tanimori Toyori had been waiting for a long time, and the two of them were also extremely nervous at this time, after all, Zhu Shi's research had been so successful, they didn't dare to be careless.

"My lord, you are finally here, Miss Zhushi has been waiting for you inside for a long time!" Gu

Sen Donglai leaned over and said respectfully.

Feng Yu nodded, and went straight into the room.

At the moment of entry

, a stream of sandalwood came to the nose

, "Lord Fengyu, you are finally here!" Zhu

Shi slowly opened her eyes, and she was wearing a kimono like a gentle and considerate wife.

She gently poured a cup of tea for Feng Yu, and the fragrance of tea wafted into the air along the heat.

"It's so elegant!"

Feng Yu said, and then sat down in front of Zhu Shi.

"This is the poison I developed that can completely kill Wu Miao!" Zhu

Shi took out a bottle of reagent from his bosom and handed it to Feng Yu.

"It's nothing out of the ordinary..."Feng

Yu took a closer look and found that he didn't see anything.

"My lord, you're joking, this has no effect on humans, but it is fatal to a ghost with a miserable cell, and it only takes a drop to make the miserable cell die instantly

!" "As long as you wait for the right time and inject this potion into the body of the miserable, then you can completely kill the miserable!"

Zhushi's eyes were slightly red, and he completely lost the tranquil appearance just now.

Feng Yu was silent

, he recalled that in the original book, Zhu Shi also developed a poison to kill Wu Miao, but it didn't really kill him, it can only be said to be weak!


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