The azure blue blade was extremely dazzling under the firelight

, and the ribbon of the fallen queen was also flying towards the sky, and some inconspicuous evil ghosts and members of the ghost killing team who wanted to take the opportunity to kill the fallen queen were instantly strangled into pieces by the ribbon

! For a moment, an empty circle formed around

the two of them! The killing intent suddenly rose! The

two scuffled together in an instant

, and the blue ripples and the blood-red ribbon collided back and forth, and sparks flew everywhere!

"Blood Demon Technique: Yae Belt Slash!" Eight

ribbons like sharp blades instantly flew out of Fallen Hime's body, overwhelmingly attacking Nanako, blocking her back path to dodge!

The speed of the ribbon is fast, Rao is Nanako's speed and the reason for her small body, she still can't help but be touched by the ribbon.

Just in an instant, Nanako's clothes were torn, and hot blood seeped out of her skin!

Seeing this scene, Naihime let out a wild laugh: "Weak grasshopper, I see how you escape, just let me cut you into pieces and turn them into my rations!"


the pain in her body, Nanako didn't say a word, and even smiled like a maniacal smile at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this scene

, Fallen Ji was even more angry, "Damn stinky little ghost, dare to look down on me

!" Then with a wave of his hand, the speed of the ribbon became just fast

! And Nanako was also constantly dodging attacks!

"Die, die, die!" "Fallen

Ji kept shouting, and Nanako seemed to be familiar with Fallen Hime's attack trajectory, and was able to gradually move towards her!"

Breath of Water, Type Twelve, Sweeping Waves

!" The blue horizontal plane instantly enveloped Fallen Hime, and in her gaze, Nanako struck, like a huge wave that swept towards

her! "Hmph!"

As the winding girl, she quickly reacted, and the eight ribbons instantly contracted and wrapped around her neck

! "Ding!".

Nanako's knife was as stiff as if it had been cut into a piece of iron, and it didn't hurt

Naihime in the slightest!"What a stinky little guy with good speed

!" "But do you really think you'll be able to cut off my neck like this?"

"Die for me! Damn stinky little ghost!"

As soon as the words fell, Naihime punched Nanako directly

! "Uh-huh!".

Nanako's body flew upside down like a cannonball.

At this time

, Nanako felt a strong arm catch her!

"Hahaha, Uncle Ben is still coming to save you at the critical moment!"

Inosuke looked up to the sky and smiled, and then directly let go of his hands, and before Nanako could react, the whole person fell to the ground.

"You bastard!"

Nanako became furious and punched Inosuke in the stomach with a backhand.

For a moment, both of them suddenly stared at each other!

"What the hell are you doing, I saved you, and you actually treated me like this, useless woman!"

Inosuke said as he stared at her viciously.

"Okay, okay, don't argue, let's kill the ghost first, it's really terrible here!"

Shanyi, who rushed over, stood between the two of them, although his whole body was trembling, he still persuaded the two.

"Hmph, I'll clean you up later

!" Nanako's beautiful eyes turned, and she picked up the Hinawa knife again to meet the eyes of

Fallen Hime!"What's the matter with you stinky little ghost, you have been punched by me, but you don't feel hurt in the slightest!"

asked Fallen Hime with a frown.

She knew that the punch just now didn't leave any power, and if it was a normal day, such a punch could penetrate a ghost's body.

But Nanako didn't have anything to do, which couldn't help but make her feel extremely puzzled.

Nanako didn't know what was going on, so she fell silent.

Seeing Nanako ignoring herself, Fallen Hime immediately attacked again

! Eight ribbons of silk struck the three of them like poisonous snakes!

Wu Zhiya, frenzied tearing

!" Inosuke jumped and instantly blocked in front of the two of them, constantly waving two knives and slashing in all directions, resisting the attack of the fallen Hime's ribbon

!"A group of useless things, sure enough, you still have to rely on Uncle Ben, you all stand back for me, I want to kill her here alone!"

Inosuke laughed loudly, and the double knives in his hands increased a lot faster!

"Hmph, it's really arrogant as always, but... It's handsome, isn't it?"

Nanako said with a blushing face.

At this time,

Shanyi on the side was stunned.

His mouth grew and he watched in disbelief at the battle on the other side of the honey glass in Ganlu Temple!"

Thunder in the Hot Realm!

" "Thunder Breath Land Type Electric Boom Thunder Boom!" "

Familiar moves, familiar figures, but the momentum is a complete opposite, Shanyi can't believe that Yueyue, who was once his senior brother, has turned into a ghost at this moment.

And he is also using the Thunder Breath move taught by Naruzu Kuwajima Jigoro to swing his sword at the people of the Ghost Slayer Team!

He couldn't understand it, originally he thought that as long as he did well enough, he thought that Miyue was just dissatisfied with himself and would not do anything to betray the ghost killing team.

But at this moment, Shanyi's mind became blank

until he fainted.

In the blink of an eye

, Shanyi's body was filled with golden lightning, and the air around him was constantly squeezed under the powerful pressure, and even the dust on the ground was raised.


a large pit appeared on the sole of Shanyi's foot, and then the blade came out of its sheath.

"All Episodes: Thunder Breath, One Type, Thunderbolt Flash, Six Chains!" The

golden thunder snake instantly passed through the battlefield, and everywhere it passed was gunsmoke, and the residual lightning made all the creatures that approached feel the terrible damage

!"Hmm? It turned out to be you waste, hahaha, since you are here, then I will kill you here today, and let that old guy see who is the most powerful!".

When he saw the golden thunder and lightning on the battlefield, he knew who it was, and a perverted smile appeared on his face!

"I'm right, you people who are against me all deserve to go to hell

!" "Thunder Breath II Rice Soul!"

In just an instant, Miyue slashed out five consecutive strikes in the shape of black lightning.


!" Black and gold collided with each other, and a powerful force bloomed on the battlefield, directly blasting a big hole

! "Die, die, it's all your fault, it's all your fault!" "

Shan Yue shouted frantically

! At this moment, there was only resentment left in his eyes, he wanted to kill Shanyi, kill him completely!

". On Shanyi's side, after the attack was resisted, he gathered his strength again and wanted to attack again!

But Shanyue clearly knew Shanyi's shortcomings, so he didn't give him a chance at all, and waved his knife frantically, and Shanyi could only retreat again and again to dodge.

"Hahaha, you waste of one move, why does that old guy think I'm inferior to you, look at you now, you can't even make moves, you will just run away like a mouse!" "

When I kill all of you,

I'll kill that old guy again, and I'm going to cut off your head and put it in front of him! Let him see how you were killed by me!"

Shanyi, who was in a state of silence, did not respond, and could only retreat step by step!!

At the other end of the battlefield, a black mist slowly appeared and converged to form the body of

the black fox!"Kill, kill, kill as much as you want, kill everyone and all the ghosts!" The

black fox's face was filled with a playful smile, and then disappeared in place.

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