The infinite city is extremely angry at this moment

, and the fallen hime and the half-tengu and the newly transformed lower string are all slaughtered, which also indicates that all his efforts for so long have been in vain.

"Waste! Waste! A group of waste!"

Wu Miao shouted! The

ghosts below knelt on the ground and didn't dare to make a sound

! At this moment, without realizing it, the black fox beside Wu Miao had already changed back to his ontological consciousness! At this moment, his

clone is the main body, and the main body can also be a clone!

It seemed that he noticed the strangeness of the black fox, and Wu Miao glanced at the black fox coldly.

There was a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

"This guy's momentum has become stronger..."The

black fox also sensed that Wu Miao noticed him, so he took the initiative to speak: "My lord, do you have any orders?"

Wu Miao

just stared at him indifferently, and the air seemed to freeze at this moment.

In the Infinite City, all the ghosts didn't dare to disturb the miserable mood, and they didn't even dare to gasp for air.

"What kind of madness is this guy going on, if not..."

On the other side

, the originally prosperous city in Asakusa Castle

has become a ruin at this moment!

Sound Pillar Cosmo Tengen was lying in the ruins, one arm was cut off and still bleeding, covered in wounds, and his originally gorgeous hair was also extremely embarrassed at the moment.

And Snake Pillar Ihei Xiaobane and Rock Pillar Sorrow Yu Xingying are desperately resisting the full moon blade slash flying in front

of them

! The two of them are also in tattered clothes, covered in blood!

"Hey, Yu Marrow Tianyuan, you won't fall like this, will you!"

It's really sad! I didn't expect this ghost to be so powerful..."

, said Sorrowful Mingyu Xingming.

"Breath of the Moon, Type II, Zhuhua Moon"

The figure of the Black Death Mou instantly appeared in front of the two of them, and then turned around and swung out two blades at the same time, and many full moon blades on the blade wind devoured the two of them with incomparably terrifying might!

Ihei Xiao Bane rushed forward, with Black Death Mou as the center, swung out a snake-like curved knife path, and the multiple slash trajectories were like coiled giant pythons, resisting the attack from Black

Death Mou! "Dang Dang Dang!" The

blades collided, and a crisp sound sounded in the ears of the three of them

! It's just that Black Death Mou's attack was so powerful that

even if Ihei Xiao Bane struggled to resist, the clothes on his body were constantly torn by the Full Moon Blade!

There are more and more wounds on his body, and every time he stops a wound, a new wound will erupt

! The blood floats into the air with the powerful air flow around him, and then turns into nothingness under the strangulation of the sword qi

! When he sees that Iguro Xiaobane can't hold on

! "Breath of the Rock, Type II, Shattered Heaven"!

The "Sun Wheel Knife" of the Sorrowful Ringing Island is a broad axe and a meteor hammer connected by a long chain, and it contains "Orangutan Scarlet Iron" The purity of the Underworld is extremely high, and despite being very heavy, the Underworld is still able to easily swing at the same time.

After stepping on the chain, he threw out the meteor hammer and slammed it into the head of Black Death.

He wanted to interrupt Black Death's attack, and at the same time, he wanted to use this blow to kill Black Death and smash his head


Black Death Mou sneered, he didn't have too many emotional changes in the face of that different Sun Wheel Knife

!"Moon Breath, Wood Type, Moon Spirit Calamity Vortex Defense Style!".

Black Death Mou retracted his blade and continued to spin around himself, and at this time, a huge whirlpool-like blade wind began to be generated around his body, directly bouncing the weapon of the Sorrow Mingyu Xingying!

At the same time, he quickly slashed towards him, leaving countless full moon blades on the slashing trajectory.

"Brush, brush!"

Waimingyu Xingming picked up the Sun Wheel Knife to resist, but the powerful force directly knocked the two of them a few meters away

! A violent explosion sounded, turning the entire area into a big pit

! Inside the big pit were Yihei Xiaobane and Waimingyu

Xingming! At this moment, Sorrowful Mingyu Xingming was covered in blood mixed with dirt formed by mud!

The bandages and maru that Iguro Kobane had wrapped around his mouth were gone.

With a crack like a snake's mouth and a heterochromatic pupil with green on the left and gold on the right, the snake pillar at this moment is more like a ferocious poisonous snake!"

"He's too small, let's raise him bigger." "

He looks

like a snake...", "The lord said he looked like a snake... Then let's fulfill the wish of the adult, make the adult happy, and turn him into a snake!"

The scenes of the past are replayed in my mind, snakes and demons, hypocritical families, blood, death, filthy blood...

A complex and terrifying emotion germinated in the heart of Ihei Xiaobane!

"I was born into a scum clan after all, I am still a scumbag, and I am so guilty that I can't embark on the path of an ordinary person's life..."

I'm a sinner

...""Only by dying once can I replace all the scum blood in my entire body, and I am worthy to stand by your side and hold your hand..."


!" "Don't think so much!" "

Sorrowful Mingyu Xingming sensed that something was wrong with him, and hurriedly shouted!

At this moment, the momentum on Ihei's little bane suddenly skyrocketed!

A purple serpentine pattern extended from his left arm to the left side of his face.


!Ihei-chane-chan opened the markings at this moment!"This is

...""I didn't expect you to come this far..."

Sorrowful Mingyu's eyes were full of surprise

and a hint of sadness! Ihei-chane's

eyes were full of surprise, and at the same time, the speed of his heartbeat was rising at a rapid rate!

A powerful force poured into his body!

"Snake Breath: Wanton Type· Long snake meandering!

" "Bang!"

Ihei Kobane's body rushed out directly, as nimble as a poisonous snake, and at the same time, with a swing of the Hinawa knife in his hand, it slashed like a snake and rushed towards the Black Death.

"Finally got me a little serious!" Black

Death Mou said lightly.

"Breath of the Moon, Land Type, Lonely Moon in the Night, Infernal!" The

blade came out of its sheath, and the Black Death Mou staggered directly in the same direction, and multiple wind blades were formed, blocking Iguro's attack, and at the same time, countless full moon blades appeared at the trajectory of the slash, and rows of explosions occurred!

The dust fell

to Iguro's body and fell to the ground.

"What about you, do you still want to hide?" Black

Death Mou looked at Sorrowful Mingyu condescendingly, his eyes were full of indifference!

"Nan Wu Amitabha!" "

It seems that this must be done today... It's just a pity that I can't wait for that opportunity..."

Sorrowful Mingyu Xingming glanced at Ihei Xiaobane and Cosmo Tianyuan.

Then the breath on his body skyrocketed!

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