Tomioka Yoshiyoshi and Tong Mo are in a fight, countless ice crystal fragments fall to the ground, and the temperature of the entire area drops into a cold storage.

The frost was cold, but Tong Mo's face was playful.

Holding the golden lotus fan in his hand, he swung out a large amount of ice mist from time to time to attack Tomioka Yoshiyong.

"Oh yes, you humans are really a regrettable existence, every time I meet you, it's like this, and you come up to die!"

"Human beings are so fragile, once they die, they will turn into nothingness, they will feel nothing, and when their brains and hearts stop, they will return to dust after their whole bodies decay

!" And I, ah, came to this world with the mission of redeeming you human beings, come, let me eat you, from flesh to flesh without any residue, and let me lead you to eternal life!"

It's like an innocent child, telling you what he really thinks in his heart.

Tomioka Yiyong didn't pay attention to it, just frowned slightly, in his heart, Tong Mo was a madman, he obviously had a harmless face, but he could say such terrifying words, the key was that his tone was so peaceful.

"It's noisy!"

Tomioka said lightly with an expressionless face.

The Hinawa knife in his hand quickly approached Tong Mo!

"Water Breath, Three Shapes, Flowing Dance!" "

The sliding of the water quickly formed a stream of water, and Tomioka's figure left an afterimage in the air.

"Blood Ghost Technique, Lotus Leaf Ice!" Tong

Mo waved the lotus fan in his hand unhurriedly, and a large number of ice crystals appeared out of thin air, blocking Tomioka's footsteps with a dense attack.

"Transparent world!" In

an instant, Tomioka's vision became transparent, and the world gave instructions on the trajectory of the ice crystals summoned by Tong Mo and the next move.

After opening the transparent world, the subsequent consumption was very large, but it made Tomioka Yoshiyu's body index soar and his strength soared.

The movements of the three-type Liuliu Dance also made Tong Mo unable to see clearly.

The blue waves undulated

, "Water Breath, Pick-up Shape, Life and Flow!" "

The whole body turned, each turn increased the speed and power of the knife, and a huge water dragon appeared from the tip of the knife, and rushed towards Tong Mo with a roar.

Knowing that Yiyong wanted to fight in close quarters, Tong Mo smiled slightly at the corner

of his mouth, "Blood Demon Technique, Scattered Lotus Blossom!" Holding

a fan in each of his left and right hands, and fanning it down

at the same time! A large number of ice petals as sharp as a blade were swayed out by him!

The temperature in the air dropped again, and Tomioka Yiyong hurriedly dodged, and at this time, he could feel a stream of cold air eroding into his body.

The surface of the tip of the blade began to freeze, and even his clothes were condensed with a little bit of broken ice.

Tomioka quickly dodged, but when Naruto on the ground saw this, she directly controlled the members of the Demon Slayer Team in Infinite City, and instantly appeared in front of the ice petals.

In just an instant, an ice sculpture appeared in front of Tomioka Yoshitoshi.

The people inside were still blindfolded and stunned, vividly imprinted in Tomioka's mind.

"How come..."

Tomioka's hands trembled, and he felt the feeling of powerlessness that had swept through his body as he looked at the team members who had turned into ice sculptures and lost their lives.

Feng Yu, who was coming, also saw it and frowned slightly.

"Use it now, Naruto should go offline, otherwise more people will die!" Originally

, Feng Yu planned to clean up the ghosts in the Infinite City before breaking the Infinite City, but now he can't wait.

Daqiyi's box: It has the function of fixing space!

The box emits bursts of light, and the entire infinite city is firmly fixed as if it is a large net.

"Everyone, listen to my command in a moment, and all run in one direction!" Wind

Feather's voice sounded in the hearts of all the members of the Ghost Slayer Team.

This is his use of spiritual power to communicate with the people of the Ghost Slayer Team.


Naruto on the ground seemed to have noticed an abnormality, and the pipa in her hand couldn't even play.

The strings that can be played with a gentle pick and pinch on weekdays are as stiff as steel at the moment.

She didn't know what was going on, and an anxious expression appeared on her face.

At this moment,

a huge golden figure from the sky rushed straight down!

"Quack, it's time for Xiao Hei to appear!"

The energy of the sun's flames continued to gather, and the danger of death instantly enveloped the whole body.

Naruto looked up and could only see a huge cloud of light filling her vision.


a violent explosion rang out, and the flames soared into the sky, sending sand and rocks flying, and the place where Naruto was turned into a large crater.

And her figure disappeared completely, as if evaporated.

The countless building platforms in the Infinite City began to collapse, and

Feng Yu, whose spiritual power had been observing the situation in the Infinite City

all the time, finally saw a bright light.

Wind Feather sent a voice

, "Everyone, towards the West Gate Point of Light, return to the ground!" An

order was given

to all the people of the Ghost Killing Team and hurried to the location of the Light Gate.

The people who were close still wanted to hesitate, but they were scolded by Feng Yu to hurry up.

As soon as they entered the light gate

, those people instantly appeared on the ground, feeling the smell in the air, and everyone cheered.

Tomioka's eyes were red, and the anger in his eyes was self-evident.

"Senior Brother Yiyong, you also go quickly, and then clean him up when you get to the ground!"

But Tomioka Yoshiyoshi didn't respond, just picked up the Nichiren knife and rushed to Tong Mo.

"Trouble!" Wind

Feather cursed, using his breath of light, and quickly harvested the demons who tried to stop the members of the Demon Slayer from rushing to the Light Gate.

Without Naruto's existence, Wind Feather has entered a no-man's land in this infinite city, and it is impossible to resist.

"Brother Feng Yu, you should go quickly!" "

Mi-so shouted at Feng Yu, who was as fast as light, her face extremely anxious.

"It's noisy, little brat, let's go

!" "That guy is so strong, he won't have an accident!" "We're

a burden to him here!" Immortal

Kawa Genya blushed and twisted Mixiu up, no matter how she struggled, she ran straight towards the light gate.

"This little kid didn't expect it to be so light... The skin is so soft..."

Some strange thoughts appeared in the mind of the immortal Chuan Genya, and his face became more and more red, even if he was in a ghost state at this time.

He felt his heart beating fast,

"Knock knock!"

But he doesn't hate it... But there was still that look of disgust on his face, and he shouted at the struggling Mi-so.

"It's noisy, shut up!"


With Wind Feather killing the remaining ghosts, the members of the Ghost Slayer team retreated very smoothly.

Soon, only Tomioka Yoshiyong, Tong Mo, and Feng Yu were left in the entire Infinite City.

The speed of the collapse of Infinity City is getting faster and faster

, "Oops, it looks like Naruto's guy is dead..."

Tong Mo smiled.

"It's too late, Senior Brother Yiyong, let's go out first!" Feng

Yu shouted, no matter what Tomioka Yiyong did, he grabbed him directly, and then adjusted the Light Breathing Method and rushed towards the Light Gate.


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