Countless black mist poured out from Wu Miao's body, and finally condensed into a black fox.

And Wu Miao only found out at this time that his whole body couldn't move

, and the sun in the sky was still shining all the time, and the speed of turning into ashes was also accelerating!

"Black fox, how dare you... How dare you plot against

me!" "You should be damned, you are the most damned

!" "I knew I should have killed you in the first place

!" "Wu Miao recalled the scene when the black fox took the initiative to find him

, "You have been planning all this from the beginning, right?"

"Starting from the source of my bloodline, I will control them little by little on the grounds of increasing my strength!"

"Even me!".

"Before the sun came out, you were the one who controlled my mind, didn't you!"

The black fox chuckled,

"My miserable lord... In fact...... I didn't want to roleplay with you a long time ago..."

"I'm really fed up with a moody BT like you who often wears women's clothes!"

"But... You are still very useful to me, after all, your bloodline, your men, and the pain of this world are the source of my strength..."

My strength is the most perfect

!" "Only then can I have the confidence to become a god!" The

black fox directly put everything to a showdown at this moment, and then his eyes changed, regardless of the miserable scolding, he directly wrapped all the little bit of his body that was left and integrated it into his body.

"I... Am I going to die..."

"The will lives on forever... But I'm going to die now... My dream... I can't do it anymore..."

"Sanyashiki ... I've lost again

...""I really lost this time

...", "Why do you want to do this to me..."At this

moment, Wu Miao looked at Feng Yu, who was close at hand but untouchable like a moat, through a glimmer of light, he cried, and his heart was afraid...

He felt the power being stripped away, and he was getting weaker and weaker.

This weakness is not caused by the sun's rays, but is a weakness at the level of the soul.

The black fox is constantly absorbing the power in his body and the source of his bloodline in the depths of his soul.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

The tragedy at this moment completely said the word "I'm sorry" to the human beings he had killed from the bottom of his heart.

When these three words were finished, the traces of innocence in this world completely disappeared.

"Hahaha, power, that's power... This world... It's mine!"

the black fox was imposing, and the sun, which had originally belonged to the dawn and brought light to the world, was gradually obscured by a dark fog.

Once again, the world turned into darkness.

"Click!" a

sound came from Black Mist's body, and his entire body seemed to have completed its transformation and stepped into another realm.

Powerful coercion enveloped the whole world in an instant!

"I... Today...... To become the only god in this world!"

The black fox shouted, and his entire body turned into a hundred-meter-tall black fox, and the world was constantly undergoing drastic changes.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, lightning, and huge waves as high as the sky engulfed the entire island nation

! In just an instant, countless human lives were taken away by this earth-destroying force

! "Hahaha, pain, death, destruction!" As

more and more humans died in the changes of the world, the black fox's original five tails instantly became six, seven!

Under those seven tails, there was also a strange red light, and it was obvious that it was the eighth tail that the black fox had not yet grown!

The great changes in the world made all the people of the island country extremely panicked, and they thought that this was the god who was going to destroy the world.

In their eyes, the huge seven-tailed black fox

in the sky is the representative of God, the god of destruction who wants to destroy the world! At this moment, the eyes of countless people of the island country began to exude the seeds of madness and despicability in

their blood! Burn, kill, and loot, kill and kill people when they see them, and at the same time see that it is a woman, whether it is young or old, or a young child, at that moment, they are like beasts that have lost their minds, frantically venting their inner desires!

Death, blood, chaos, madness!


though Sanyashiki Yaoya commanded the swordsman to stop the chaos from erupting, it was to no avail.

The power of a few hundred or thousands of people alone cannot save this country, and even the president of the country has already been killed by people who have lost their minds.


black qi emanated from these dead and chaotic people, and then floated towards the seven-tailed black fox in the sky.

But there were also those who knelt on the ground, praying for the gods' forgiveness and for the gods to come down to the world and stop everything from happening.

Dots of light that ordinary people could not see emanated from those who prayed and drifted into the distance.

Xiao Bai, who was hurrying, suddenly froze in place, and the countless points of light flew from all over the small island country and merged into its body.

"O dear God... Help us..."

"We humans already know that we are wrong... Stop your miracles..."

"We are your most faithful servants... Pray that you will come and save us..."


Countless voices instantly sounded in Xiaobai's head, and severe pain followed, which made it cover its head and bear all this.

"Xiaobai... Xiaobai, what's wrong with you!"

The scales on the side shouted anxiously, but it was useless.

I only saw that Xiao Bai's body exuded a divine light, and the original five tails grew rapidly at this moment.

From the original five tails, it has become seven tails!

At the same time, there is a tail that is about to grow and flashes.

Name: Little

White Race: White Fox

Divinity Value: 0.7

Owner: Wind Feather

Exercise: Demon Beast Breathing Method (Out of Spirit)

Awakening: Mental Power, Charm, Body Control, Please God, False Eye, Blessing, Divine Power, God Forbidden

The black fox who is thousands of miles away seems to have sensed something, and the huge body directly emitted a deafening sound.

"Looks like you've transformed... Also, your strength is mutual, I'm getting stronger, you're getting stronger..."

Hehehehe, you seem to care about that lowly human being..."

The black fox laughed and then looked at Feng Yu lying on the ground.

"How would you react if I ate him... I'm looking forward to it..."


On the other side, on Xiao Bai, who was suffering from pain, a nine-tailed white fox as huge as the black fox at this moment came, looking at the front with a worried face

! This is Xiao Bai's god-inviting skill!

The nine-tailed white fox looked down at Xiao Bai, muttering something in his mouth, and then Xiao Bai came to his senses.

"The host... The master is in danger!" Xiao

Bai shouted, and then flew directly into the air The nine-tailed phantom that he summoned quickly flew in one direction.

Only the scales left stood in place in a daze...

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