After another three days,

Feng Yu had fully adapted to life in the coffee shop.

At the same time, it has also been recognized by the store manager and others.

"Anding District is not only a shop, but also a meeting place for the 20 district meows, everyone is a partner, and of course there will be human guests. "

I know, store manager.

"Feng Yu, if we want to survive in human society, we must disguise ourselves, human beings are living textbooks for us, and I like human beings.

"I can feel that your child does not show contempt for humans, which means that you are a kind child. "

Nakagawa Fengyu, welcome to officially join the family in Anding District.

"If you don't have anything to do in the future, you can move around freely.

"If you encounter a species of human hunting, you can stop it or let us know. "

You have to remember one thing, humans are the best disguise for us!" said


Feng Yu could feel that he was heartfelt, and he also gave a smile and shook his hand.

"Manager, I will.

Fangcun Gongshan nodded, and then Feng Yu was hugged by the ancient ma'er on the side.

"Feng Yu, welcome to join us in the Anding Zone! In the future, with me covering you, no one will bully you!"

Irumi Xuan on the side nodded with a smile, but Dong Xiang had an arrogant expression on her face.

But in my heart, I have also accepted the addition of Feng Yu.

This may be the sympathy of the same kind.

In the evening

, Feng Yu saw Dong Xiang leave the store, and calculated the time

, it seemed that it was the day when Dong Xiang and Jin Mu met again

, "Store manager, I'll go out and buy something!"

Feng Yu said.


Yoshimura nodded.

A bustling city, under the neon lights, even if it is late, the city still has a very large number of people on the streets.

Some couples join the team in pairs, some are social animals, all kinds of people, this is life.

Hiding in the crowd and following behind Dong Xiang, sure enough, after a while, he saw that in the dark alley, Xiao Jinmu was being tyrannized by Nishio Jin.

On the ground beside him lay a meow and a dead human.

After a while

, Dong Xiang jumped down directly, with a heroic posture, and said domineeringly: "When did this place become your playground?"

"Dong Xiang, I already know! That gluttonous girl is dead!"

Nishio Nishiki said as he let go of Kaneki's neck and turned his head.

"So, this has become your mear?"

"The mears of the Lishi robbery are used to distribute to those weak mews, and the twenty districts are managed by our Anding District!" Dong

Xiang said, but the murderous aura in his eyes was already boiling.

"Ah, as far as a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people in your Anding District are qualified to judge me

!" "This was originally my field, before the arrival of Lishi!" The

blue tail slowly emerged, but Dong Xiang was not afraid,

"Being looked down upon by a young stinky imp is really infuriating!"

"Is it?"

The two walked towards each other, and their momentum collided, and in a minute, every second.

At the beginning of the battle, just a face, a large number of wounds appeared on Nishio Nishiki's body.

Blood splattered,

"Do you need me to add more emphasis next time?"

Dong Xiang said indifferently as he looked at Nishio Jin.

Seeing that he was invincible, Nishio Nishiki also ran away with great interest.

"Take the corpse away, bean sprouts!" Watching

Nishio Nishiki escape, Dong Xiang didn't plan to catch up, but looked at Kaneki, who was still struggling to suppress his desires.

"It's time for the store manager to come in a minute,"

muttered Wind Feather on the roof, then put on the Grim Reaper mask and disappeared in place.


Somewhere in a corner

, "Bang!"

a figure was kicked and slammed into the trash can with a powerful force.

"Damn it, who the hell are you!" the

man stood up in pain, his eyes red, and it was clear that he was a meow.

"This is my yard, if you want to hunt... That human is for you, can you spare me!"

the man said.

"Don't worry, I just want to do an experiment. "

In the darkness

, a young man wearing a mask of death walked out, and a strong sense of oppression hit, making the legs of the man not far away tremble uncontrollably.

Two scarlet scales rose behind Feng Yu,

"It's the first time I've fought with Kazuko..."

"I'm sorry, let's be my sparring partner first!" The

night was long, and I didn't notice that a one-sided crushing battle was going on in this dark alley.

After a few minutes

, "Congratulations on getting the World Origin 1", "

So kill the meow to get the World Origin... It's like slaying a ghost, you get the number of swings...",

Feng Yu muttered.

Glancing indifferently at the man lying on the ground without breath, Wind Feather left the place.

People are dying every

day in the noisy city

, and soon the

next day,

the unknown mew that was killed by Wind Feather last night is on the news.

"Feng Yu-kun, someone will come and take you to a place tonight.

Furuma Matsuka leaned over and said.

"Well, where are you going?"

asked Feng Yu with a smile.

"You'll know about this at night!"

Furuma Madoko smiled mysteriously.

In the evening, after the coffee shop closed, a tall man slowly walked into the coffee shop.

"Jingle bell!" The

doorbell shook

and when he saw someone coming, Feng Yu knew who it was.

Silver-white hair, indifferent face.

Sifang Lian, the uncle of Kirishima Dongxiang's two siblings!

" Follow me.

Sifang Lian said expressionlessly.

Then he motioned for Feng Yu to follow

, and through the flow of people, he gradually came to a speakeasy, and finally came to a small shop with strange masks all over the walls.

In the dimly lit room, a man with red pupils raised his head with a smile and said,


"Okay, the mask will be delivered to you in three days!"

she said with a smile.

Later, he introduced his profession and the origin of the mask.

After saying goodbye,

Sifang Lianshi took Feng Yu to an abandoned factory.

"In order for you to survive better in this world, I will give you special training next!" said

Sifang Lian as he took off his coat and began to stretch his muscles.

Feng Yu was at a loss...

"Is this a weak boy like Jin Mu?"

followed by Sifang Lian Xiu practicing actor Feng Yu.

It wasn't until Feng Yu felt that he had enough time and lay down directly on the ground to indicate that he was tired and lay down, that the Sifang Lian showed that he stopped the movements in his hand.

"You... Very good!"

Hearing the praise of the Quartet Lotus, Feng Yu barely squeezed out a smile.

"Mr. Quartet is really amazing..."

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