After returning to the coffee shop in Anding

District, Fangcun Gongshan and Sifang Lian Shi saw the scene of the coffee shop, and recalled the occupation of the bronze tree in District 11 investigated today, and their faces looked very solemn.

"Quartet, help me gather everyone, Anding District is going to be closed for a while!"

Fang Cun Gongshan said.

"Regarding the occupation of District 11 by the Mew Groups, their actions are somewhat organized..."

Although I want to send a team to attack them now, I have to be patient, and the operation is scheduled for a week, during which time the residents of District 11 must be safely evacuated, and this will be handed over to the police. "

On the media side, I'll take care of it, and the above will be disbanded!" said


After the meeting was disbanded, Marutesai also saw Reiya, looking

at the thin and weirdly shaped Reiya in front of him, Marutesai couldn't help but make a joke about him.

"Are you Reiya, a very thin little guy, have you eaten well, do you want to take a handle below?"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Shinohara Yukiki on the side hurriedly came over and said: "Forget it, Amaru, Reiya is definitely tired when he just came, so you can go with him!"

"What, I'm just talking to him for a while!"

"Okay, I know..."

Looking at the background of the two leaving, a hint of strangeness flashed in Reiya's eyes.

Feng Yu, who was far away from the Bronze Tree headquarters on the outlying island, also received an order at this time, that is, to organize the members of the Bronze Tree to start stationing in the Dome of Area 11.

At the same time, new members are welcomed.

Hearing this

, Feng Yu knew that the so-called new member was Kaneki Ken after the transformation.

"Now Kaneki Ken is estimated to have begun to be forced to ask what 1000-7 is..."

Recalling the scene in the original book, Feng Yu could only sigh slightly, and expressed sympathy for Jin Mu, Feng Yu expressed sympathy, after all, that kind of perverted torture method makes people dare not look directly.

Although I really want to help him, for the sake of the system task, to be able to return to the world of ghost slayer as soon as possible, the plot of Kaneki's blackening must happen.

And if he rashly tried to stop the blackening of Kaneki, then it would not only be the influence of the world line, but more importantly, the plan between Izumi Takatsuki and Arima Guisho!

After a night

, the people of the bronze tree had begun to move to the 11th area one after another, and a solemn atmosphere gradually condensed, like a sharp blade, hanging over the heads of those weak meows.

The collision of the four top forces of the CCG

and the clown organization hidden in the shadows

doomed it to be a war with countless casualties.

The strong can't protect themselves, let alone play tricks.

Feng Yu stood on the roof of a building in District 11, and the city streets that were originally bright and green were now far from people.

Under the guidance of the police, the humans everywhere are evacuated in an orderly manner, and the advertising screens on the street are also playing on a loop as the CCG Grand Marutesai explains the process of the mission.

Lost to human habitation, the city was plunged into endless darkness.

"Nana, Kazeha-kun, what do you think of the world now?"

said Izumi Takatsuki on the side.

Knowing that this was Takazaki Izumi wanting to guide himself, Feng Yu replied after a while: "Humans, mew species, two hostile species, the meow species feed on humans, and humans hate mew species and slaughter mew species, but human beings have families, and they also have mew species, feelings, family affection, etc., human beings have it, and there are mew species.

"But this world is destined to be separated from humans from birth and become a hostile camp. "

Killing, death, chaos, sin

...""What I see is the sorrow of the weak in this world, the pain of countless children..."

"This world is not right, it is distorted!" "

Takatsuki Izumi stared at him tightly, as if he didn't expect Wind Feather to say such a thing, after all, judging from Wind Feather's performance of adding the bronze tree, she thought that Wind Feather was different from other meows, whether it was temperament or spirit.

After staring at it for a while, Izumi Takatsuki laughed.

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting

...""So, Fengyu-kun, do you want to change the world..."


All the coffee shops in

Anding District at this time were all gathered together by Fangcun Gongzen, except for the Sifang Lotus Shi, who also had other tasks outside

, Nishio Nishiki, Furuma Yuan'er, Iruma Xuan and other core figures in Anding District were all present


but everyone's faces were extremely heavy,

" The Bronze Tree is a species that survives to fight, and we need to be prepared that we will never see Kaneki, and it will not be easy to infiltrate their base and rescue Kaneki.

"What's more, we can't ignore the CCG's movements, they will soon send a special force to sweep the bronze tree to District 11, even if we go to rescue him, it is more likely that our entire army will be destroyed." Hearing

this, the heavy hearts of everyone became extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, are

we going to save him if we die!" Nishio Nishiki on the side said, in his heart, Jin Mu has become his best friend, and he wants to rescue Jin Mu

!" "I'm going to save him, what is the purpose of our store, if the store manager doesn't

go, I'll go alone!" Dong Xiang stood up, his eyes revealing firmness!

" "I'll go too, after all, I still owe that guy a favor..."

"Dong Xiang will go too, because I am always helped by my big brother, and if Hinami can do anything, I will do anything!" Dong Xiang and

Nishio Nishiki responded together.

"In order not to cause misunderstanding among everyone, let me say first, I originally planned to rescue Kaneki, but I hope you can understand that I can't guarantee your life, I have fully understood your intentions, if you want to rescue Kaneki, please block your life.

"At the same time, the Quartet and I will do our best to protect you, because mutual assistance is the purpose of our Stability Zone

!" "By the way, there is another person who wants to save Kaneki, come in!" As

soon as Fang Mura's words fell, the door was opened,

and with it, the elegantly and noblely dressed Yueshan Xi walked in!

"You guy..."

Dong Xiang and Nishio Nishiki looked hostile, but Tsukiyama Xi didn't care at all

, "My beloved, it's really heartbreaking, my only friend Jin Mu actually fell into the hands of an unknown enemy, life and death are unknown, don't joke!"


The CCG side did not idle police

cars and transport vehicles into Area 11 to cordon the entire igloo in a surround posture.

The helicopters in the air were also circling constantly, as if to observe the surrounding situation, or to check whether there were any missing humans who had not been evacuated.

At this time, Kaneki was tied to a chair in the igloo, and in

front of him was a gecko with a vice in his hand




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