Terrifying, powerful, is the synonym of Feng Yu at this moment

, "This is..."

, "Special... This seems to be the A-class Grim Reaper that appeared in the 20th area before!"

"A-class... It seems that our people have underestimated the strength of this meow in their eyes... This powerful sense of oppression, I can only feel in that monster, Amaru, we have met a big guy here, and now we are starting to carry out a crusade against the SS-class mew seed Reaper!"

Yuki Shinohara, said into the walkie-talkie, the solemnity on his face overflowing.

"Hey, wait, what's going on, why did an SS-class Reaper pop up again

!" Marutesai roared angrily, but the thought of the name Reaper vaguely felt a little familiar!

"Give me the information on Mew Seed Reaper immediately, I want it completely

!" "Yes!"

The adjutant replied, and


a stack of materials was placed in front of Marutesai.

"The meow species that first appeared in Area 20 did not hunt humans, but instead kept hunting meows, suspected of being collaborators... The strength is unknown, Katsuko is a scale, and the tentative strength is A-level

...""The second appearance is in District 11, and it's the same purpose, hunting and killing the meow species...""

Bastard, why is this guy's information so little, that stupid person submitted, serious mistake, serious mistake!" Marutesai

scolded, but quickly calmed down, after all, there are special level powerhouses such as Black Rock and Shinohara Yukiri on the side of the Grim Reaper,

It's not enough to change the overall situation!

"Squad 1, squad 2, quickly support the other squads

!" "Others, quickly sweep up the remnants!" An

order came out of his mouth, and the team members under his command quickly moved towards their goal.

But soon

Marutesai was not calm

, just like the original book, after Yamen Gangtaro exploded, he successfully killed the bottle brothers, but just when he was about to continue tracking down the mew seed Rabbit Dong Xiang, he was stopped by a tall figure.

At this moment, on the roof of the building

, Feng Yuren and Shinohara Yukiki and his subordinates were fighting together! Black Panyan and Shinohara Yukiki

were wearing SS-level armor Kuink, and the two CCG super-powerhouses attacked each other on the left and right, and the other was a mediocre passer-by Face Hirak!

The three of them besieged, full of tacit understanding, every blow was a must-kill, and their eyes were like torches, they were experienced, and every time the knife fell, they were attacking with weak points.

At first

, Feng Yu still felt a little struggling, after all, the strength of the three of them was not weak, but under the faint strengthening of spiritual power, he gradually became familiar with their routines and attack methods.

While Black Rock and Shinohara's "new" Kuinke in the initial stage made them much stronger and faster, Kazefa wasn't a vegetarian either.

Scales and Feathers were originally the most advantageous in terms of speed, and when they were familiar with their routines, they had already lost!

When the three of them attacked again, the back of the Death Reaper shell that Wind Feather White Bone Scales turned into surged for a while, and then three python-like Hezi instantly sent out and rushed towards them.

"He's jumping to the left

!" "He's jumping to the right

!" "Cross the double blade!" Their

next move was directly predicted by Wind Feather, and just as they dodged the attack as Wind Feather said, the huge white bone scale directly soared into the air at the landing point

, "Well, it's not good!".

Seeing this, the three of them hurriedly cursed, but the huge white bone scales did not give them a chance, and gave them a heart-piercing cool

! The hard, sharp white bones and

the "new" in the initial stage of full defense collided! In an instant, sparks flew everywhere

! But after a while

, the sound of "click!" sounded, and cracks appeared on the shell of the "new"!

And the situation of Pingzi, who did not have "new" armor, was even worse, just one blow, he was directly destroyed by the big sword Kuinke in his hand, and his entire body was also slapped by the white bone scale, and flew out upside down.


a loud noise came, and

when I looked again, Hirako was already lying unconscious in a pool of blood.

"Hirako!" Black

Rock and Shinohara Yukiki shouted anxiously, the movements in their hands couldn't help but slow down for a second, Feng Yu seized the opportunity, didn't give them time to breathe, and controlled the white bone scale to directly flip upside down, wrap around their bodies, and hang the two of them into the air.

The powerful binding force made them feel that the bones in their whole body were rattling, and blood was dripping down their toes to the ground.

At the same

time, the white bone scale is also devouring the "new" Hezi on their bodies!

Looking at the two of them from painful expressions to coma, Feng Yu's face was happy, because at this time he had already heard the prompt from the system.

"This wave of blood earning!" "In

a good mood, plus Feng Yu didn't want to do anything to them in the first place, the three of them have lost their ability to fight at this moment, so their goal has also been achieved.


, the two of them fell to the ground heavily, just like Pingzi, and passed out.

For the advanced level of medical care and technology in this world, Feng Yu is not worried about the irreversible damage that such an injury will bring to them.

After all, he also avoided the key point.

"Kuroban and Shinohara, we've been defeated by the Grim Reaper, oh my God, we're done

!" "Quick! Hurry up and ask for support!"

"Request for support from headquarters, Kuroban and Shinohara's Grandclass have been defeated by the Shinigami, and the situation is very critical!"


"What!bastard, why didn't anyone tell me about the situation!"

"What the hell is going on!

" Marutesai shouted angrily, "Fifth class, retreat quickly, and raise the level of the Grim Reaper to SSS level, just like the one-eyed owl

!" "All

retreat!" "All retreat!" Marutesai

lowered his head, tears streaming down his eyes, and shouted orders to all the teams in the main building!"

Marute, Kuroban and Shinohara, they are still there, we can't retreat, go and save them

!" "We must rescue Kuroban and others!"

"Bastard, give me all back, if anyone doesn't listen to the order, they will all be dismissed after

they come back!" "Besides, even they can't beat them, are you going to go up and send them to death

!" Hearing this

, there was silence in the walkie-talkie

, "You retreat first, about Heipan and Shinohara, I have already applied to the headquarters for rescue!"

"You now, come back to me immediately!".

Marutesai's voice was trembling, and he looked somewhere, his eyes full of sadness and reluctance.

"I'm sorry, I can't let them die in vain!"



the CCG members in the building began to evacuate,

but the roof of the building was a different scene!

A figure that followed Feng Yu in the form of a Hither fell heavily in front of him.

"Manager, long time no see!"


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