Savoring the brewed coffee, Feng Yu couldn't help but feel happy

, a cup of light coffee, slowly tasted, its taste is infiltrated with the aftertaste of sugar and the vivid special taste brought by coffee, bitter and sweet, sweet and bitter, the flavors of life are dissolved in this.

Take a sip, and your taste buds explode instantly, with an extremely good temperature and aroma.


, a cup of coffee was consumed

, "Thank you for your hospitality! Miss Dong Xiang's coffee is delicious!" said

with a smile, and then ordered a sandwich and a new book by Izumi Takatsuki, "The Black Goat's Egg".

Throughout the anime, Izumi Takatsuki is mixed with human beings, and relies on literary works to convey the thoughts of the mew to humans, wanting to change their thoughts about the meander, which is a spiritual baptism, and it is also a way that CCG can't find on the surface.

After all, who would have thought that a mew would become a famous writer in human society, putting himself in danger of being exposed at any time.

In the eyes of the people of CCG, the mew species are all hidden in the crowd and dare not expose themselves.


Takatsuki Izumi's approach is that the most dangerous place is the safest.

Looking at Feng Yu slowly eating human food sandwiches, Dong Xiang couldn't help frowning.

At this time, there were only a few of them in the store, and there were no human customers, Dong Xiang was puzzled, why Feng Yu still pretended to be a human and ate food.

"What is this bastard doing, why are you pretending to be a human and eating unpalatable

food here!" "Hey, you bastard, there are no humans here, why do you still eat this food!" Dong

Xiang sat opposite Feng Yu and stared at him.

"Hmm, didn't Miss Dong Xiang see that I was tasting the food?"

"You see, how well and delicately this sandwich is, and you can have an appetite when you bite into it." As

he spoke, Feng Yu gave her a demonstration.

"You... Don't you feel disgusted

?" "Why are you able to eat food normally like a human?" "

emmm, I'm probably different from ordinary meows!" Feng Yu's

face showed thought.

"Hmph, just like that stupid guy!" Looking

at Feng Yu like this, he subconsciously only felt that he was pretending to be a human, after all, there are many people like Feng Yu in the meow species.

Looking at Dong Xiang's background, Feng Yu shook his head, and at the same time, he was grateful to the system for not letting him be like ordinary mews and not being able to eat human food.


, Feng Yu saw Fang Cun Gongshan again, and when he saw him again, Feng Yu felt that he seemed to be a little older.

However, there was still a kind smile on his face, and his cloudy eyes seemed to see through all kinds of life.

"I'm back. "


The dim sun shone on his face, Feng Yu pulled the clothes on his body, with a trace of regret in his eyes, and then disappeared into the street.

Looking at the direction that Feng Yu left, Fang Cun Gongshan didn't know what he was thinking.

"What should come will definitely come, I just hope that they will be able to live without me at that time..."

By the time Wind Feather returned to Liudao, the bronze tree had already begun to assign Jin Mu to go out to do business again.

And this time, their target is the S-class mew Naki.

As night falls

, the city begins its nightlife again, with bright lights and bustling vehicles.

An escort van was surrounded by several police cars and helicopters speeding down the highway in the middle of the night.

But they didn't know that it was Kaneki and his party who had been waiting for a long time to greet them.


driver looked at the viaduct building that suddenly fell in front of him, and hurriedly slammed the steering wheel, and

the wheels sparked

, but Kaneki did not give them a chance but jumped down, and the scales flashed and slapped directly on the escort car.

The powerful force directly caused the escort car that had not yet stabilized to roll over to the side of the highway

, and Xuandu was not idle, following closely, he launched Yuhe and fired arrows at the police car!

A violent explosion occurred, and suddenly the flames soared into the sky, and thick smoke billowed out.

The remaining police cars and helicopters that followed were also eliminated by Kaneki one by one, and the police officers immediately defended themselves, but they were all solved by the members of the bronze tree one by one.

Kaneki just wanted to come forward to rescue Naki, but was stopped by two mysterious men wearing black and white masks standing on a street lamp in front of him.

The two of them didn't say a word and directly resorted to Kazuko, and Jin Mu scuffled together

, the two of them were the same as Jin Mu, they were both scales

, the speed was amazing, and the cooperation between the two was also very high

, but after Jin Mu blackened, his strength rose sharply, and the two of them combined to attack him one by one, and even made a counterattack.

Seeing this, Kurona and Bai Nai slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing the same single eye as Kaneki

, and the two scarlet eyes looked at him calmly, and the breeze gently blew on his face, stirring the black and white Shuangnai's hair.

"Really, it's the same as Dad said

, he's really strong!" Jin Mu was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that there were one-eyed mews like him in this world, but

at this time

, the police car on the side exploded violently, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Turning his head again,

Hei Nai and Bai Nai were already gone.




hot, it's hot, it's hot!" "It's hot, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot!" shouted from the overturned escort car, and then, the imprisoned S-class mew

Naki broke out, and as soon as he came out to see someone

, he hit him, shouting "Big brother, big brother, big brother gecko!"

Naki was very fast, not to mention that Ayuto didn't

expect this situation, so he could only keep dodging his attacks.

"Hey, you bastard, we're here to save you

!" Then he pressed down, dodging Naki's whip and kicking him straight away!


Naki slammed into the fence and stopped for a moment, but...

"It hurts, big brother, my emotions, my fiery emotions for my big brother have overturned the car, what's the use of that!" Looking

at Naki lying on the ground like a child, Ayato only thought he was a psychopath.

"What, what kind of guy did you think it would come out, it turned out to be just a stupid person!" "

You say I'm stupid, only big gecko can say I'm stupid, you bastards, be careful I crush you into meat sauce!"


In the distance

, he could see what was happening on the side of Kaneki on the roof of the building, and at the same time, he saw the direction in which the black and white Shuangnai fled, and a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Then he leapt and disappeared into the darkness.


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