At this moment, after the meows held in the upper floor were released, the whole bottom was extremely quiet, and

the sound of Kaneki's footsteps continued to surround under the dim bottom, and finally stopped in front of a closed cell.

"Is this here?"

Kaneki said secretly, and then opened the cell door

, "Is it Mr. Shark? I'm here to let you out

!" Kaneki said, but his eyes swept but he didn't see the figure of Shark, and

at this moment, a man's voice came from above Kaneki's head

, "Little ghost, why do you smell like the world!"

Looking up, it was the target this time, Kamidai Rishi's father, Kamiyo Chaei, who was also an SSS-class shark!

At this moment, he was standing upside down on the ceiling, and Katsuko was firmly inserted into the wall, and a pair of scarlet dead nails were nailed to Kaneki.

Jumping down

and glancing at Jin Mu lightly, a strong sense of oppression swept in

, the muscles of the whole body showed perfect traces, and every piece of flesh and blood contained powerful power, which made Jin Mu tremble between breathing and breathing.

"Tell me!"

Kamiyo Chaei scolded, and then Kaneki was blasted out by a powerful force.

Kaneki slowly ran up, ripped off the coat he was draped on, and stared at the terrible man in front of him with scarlet eyes.

"So fast!"

Kaneki said secretly, but had to make a defense.

I saw a fist with a powerful force roaring towards

the door of the head, Jin Mu subconsciously raised his hands to block, Shen Dai Charong's body leaned slightly, and the huge fist went straight to the door

of the head, "Knock knock!"

One punch, two punches, three punches

! Each punch carried a powerful lethality, Jin Mu only felt that the bones on his arm were broken!

The body couldn't help but take a few steps back slightly

Raising his hand again, he looked at the place where the fist of the god was just touched, and the flesh sprouts kept squirming, obviously injured.

Seeing this, Kaneki knew that he couldn't beat him with physical skills alone, so the scarlet Kazuko bloomed from the lumbar vertebrae!


Kamiyo Charong looked at Kaneki with a calm face, he was very curious that the young man in front of him not only had a good smell on him, but even Katsuko was also good for him.

Since he can't ask, he will fight until the truth is told

! Kaneki, who released Kazuko, has more than doubled his speed, he is like a cheetah that is hunting

, and Kazuko is his weapon! The four Kazuko Helong struck Kamiyo Charong with one blow, and at the same time quickly circled to the back

of his body, "Tear La!"

The sharp scales pierced directly into his body!

This undoubtedly made Kamidai Charong extremely angry

"The milky imp hasn't dried up!"

Then he shouted, and Katsuko, who was in the shape of a whale's tail, instantly appeared, and then his whole body relied on Katsuko to spin itself in the air, easily breaking free.

The wound that was originally caused by Jin Mu also healed quickly in the air

, and by the time it landed, the

wound had already recovered as before, and Shen Dai Charong looked at Jin Mu with disdainful eyes.

Jin Mu was enraged, and in the next second, Kazuko rushed towards

Kamidai Charong like a poisonous snake, but in the eyes of Kamidai Charong, Kaneki's Katsuko's speed was so slow, and the powerful strength in the eyes of others was not enough for him

to see, only to see Kamidai Charong's

figure turn into afterimages, and easily dodged Kaneki's stormy attack.

Even while dodging Kaneki's attack, he said disdainfully: "Too

slow, too slow, too slow!" "Boom

!" Every time the blow fell, the powerful force made the entire ground crack, and between the flying sand and rocks, Kamidai Charong quickly rushed out

of the attack, and the next second it appeared in front of Kaneki

! "It's too weak!"

A flick of the body, the whale's tail shaped Kazuko fell heavily on Kaneki!


In the next second

, Kaneki's body flew out like a cannonball, knocking a big hole in the dungeon wall!

Feng Yu, who was watching all this from above, knew that it was time for him to end, and it was also at this time in the original book that Izumi Takatsuki stopped Kamidai Chaei from continuing to attack Kaneki.

Jumping down

, Shen Dai Charong seemed to feel it, and couldn't help but look up, and quickly jumped a few meters away!

"Bang!" "

The powerful impact caused the entire floor to crack and form a big crater!"

"Who are you?"

Shen Dai Charong said vigilantly, the person in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling, which was a feeling that he had never felt before.

"This boy is one of our people, and I ask Mr. Kamidai to let him go!"

"And if you want to know the whereabouts of Lishi, then come and fight with me, whether you win or lose, I will tell you the answer you want."

Feng Yu said calmly.

Kamidai Charong didn't agree for a while, but was thinking, looking at the death mask on Feng Yu's face, trying to remember if he had been in contact with that organization.

"I see!" said

Kamidai Chaei, and then his momentum changed, and there was a huge difference between his appearance just now.

If it was a little cat when he fought with Jin Mu just now, then it is a fierce giant beast now!

Seeing this, Feng Yu slowly took off his coat and stretched out his arms, and suddenly the muscles and bones in his body clicked, and at the same time, the aura on his body became more and more powerful.

The powerful power contained in the pieces of flesh and blood awakened and exploded

at this moment! The powerful momentum even caused an air pressure area to form around the body!

"Amazing, this is the first time I've seen someone who can delve into this kind of realm

!" "If we are not enemies at this moment, I will definitely discuss martial arts with you!"

Shen Dai Charong looked at the strong martial arts will on Feng Yu's body, and his own momentum confrontation was lost, and he lost in the martial arts field that he was most proud of.

He didn't dare to underestimate it, on the contrary, a strange color flashed in his eyes, his martial arts had become a bottleneck, and now that he encountered an opponent who was stronger than himself, he might be able to break through to a higher level.

This made him excited and frightened

! The momentum of the martial artist was fully opened, and in the next second, he rushed out directly and attacked towards Feng

Yu! "Rumble!" Every

punch and every kick was accompanied by a strong wind whistling, Shen Dai Charong deserved to be a top martial artist, all kinds of fighting skills were frequent, and this became more and more violent and fast

! Feng Yu's face did not change, and the whole person's movements turned into an afterimage, and he could always easily block the change of moves at the critical moment!

"It's so strong, it's strong, it's strong!" shouted

excitedly, the joy in his eyes overflowing.

A few more sets of combos, it seems that Feng Yu felt a trace of impatience

, the white jade hand in the air I clenched my fingers into a fist, his movements were very slow in the eyes of Shendai Charong, but he couldn't dodge it at all

! "Bang!" "Bang!" "

A punch went down

, Shendai Charong's chest was visibly dented, and then his body flew out directly upside down and hit the wall and kept vomiting blood!


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