When Feng Yu and Xiaobai returned to

the town, he found that the town that should have been lively was still as deserted as before.

"What's the matter, hasn't Hanoriko's blood ghost magic been lifted?, where have all the people in the town gone?"

just as Feng Yu was puzzled, an aging voice stopped him.

"Young man, can you help the old woman, I'm going to throw eggs at that scum!" Feng

Yu looked, and an old woman on crutches trembled, like a broken candle in the wind, and it fell when it was blown.

"Old man, who are you?" asked

Feng Yu, holding her up.

"Young man, you're from out of town, but fortunately you only came to us today, otherwise you might have been eaten by monsters..."

"Old man, what about them?"

"They all went to the town square, I was inconvenient, I couldn't walk anymore, but I still wanted to see what happened to that scumbag." The

old man had an angry look on his face.

Feng Yu had vaguely guessed that it was that person, and then helped the old man to the square.


him!" "We should have killed him a few years ago!"

"This scumbag! Colluded with a monster to kill people!"


The whole town gathered around the square.

In the center of the square, kneeling was the leader of the previous Flower God Organization.

Everyone was scolding him as they threw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs at him.

The man lowered his head and was silent, and his body was tightly bound to the man.


"Yoichi Yamada, what else do you have to say?"

said the man standing next to Yoichi Yamada.

"Hahaha, what do I have to say, it's funny, I really want to kill you all!" "

I hate you, I hate the world, why should I be so ugly and my family so poor."

"All of you hate me, hate me, and want me to die every day..."

"But on the contrary, I want you to die too!" Yoichi

Yamada laughed maniacally.

Combined with the purple pus-covered face on his face, he was as terrifying as a ghost.

"Why can you be well dressed and fed, and I can only live like a dog, I'm really jealous of you, this world is really unfair!" Yamada

Yoichi still roared.

"You fart, where did we treat you like that, on the contrary, we

also help you, bring you food, give you clothes to wear!" "But people like you are not only ungrateful, but also ungrateful

!" "Hahaha, you call help? are you really laughing at me, you will only pour me the food that feeds the animals, and only throw me the clothes you don't wear, do you call help!"

shouted Yodaichi Yamada.

"I can't wait to kill all of you, drink your blood, pick your skin, and pull your tendons

!" "Fortunately, I met Lord Flower, how beautiful she is, how understanding she is, giving me the power to kill you, hahahaha

!" "You lowly things, you should obediently become the blood food of Lord Flower!"

The people around the square were not calm, and even the old man who was supported by Feng Yu couldn't shake his legs at the moment.

Angrily, he took out the rotten eggs in the basket and threw them at Yoichi Yamada.

At the same time, Feng Yu also saw the boy and his father, who were also here in the square.

It's just that they didn't come forward to beat Yoichi Yamada like those people.

"Father, it's the big brother,"

the boy said to his father.

The boy's father looked over and just met Feng Yu's gaze.

Feng Yu nodded slightly, and stopped looking at the two of them.

In the end, Yoichi Yamada's body was full of injuries, and Feng Yu saw that his hands and feet had been beaten and broken, and blood was still bubbling out of his mouth.

"I'm not wrong... I'm not wrong... It's you guys who are at fault..."

Yoichi Yamada muttered.

"I really have no regrets... Poor people must have something to hate..."

Feng Yu said as soon as he looked at Yoichi Yamada, who was about to die.

Then, soon Yoichi Yamada was arrested by the local police station.

Perhaps they also knew that if Yoichi Yamada didn't give a bad breath to the residents, he probably wouldn't be able to calm his anger.

It's also good, so that it doesn't make the townspeople become murderers.

"It's over, let's go.

Feng Yu hugged Xiaobai and said.

Unbeknownst to Feng Yu, for a long time, there was hardly a single flower seen in this town.

Just as Wind Feather was about to leave the town, he was stopped.

Exactly the guy from the local police station.

"Mr. Wind Feather, thank you for getting rid of the youkai and allowing us to regain our freedom. "

Let's thank you for a few days,"

said the police boss respectfully.

Feng Yu was silent for a while, then nodded and agreed.

Then Feng Yu was arranged to stay in the best hotel in the area.


" "This hot spring is really too comfortable, isn't it..."Feng

Yu let out a light gasp in the hot spring.

There are also a variety of fruits and drinks on the side.

"Sure enough, the life of a rich man is extravagance..."

I like it..."

Gradually, Feng Yu began to enjoy it wholeheartedly, after all, the hot springs in the small island country are not covered.

At first, the person in charge of the hotel wanted to arrange a few maids to serve Feng Yu, but he refused one by one, for the simple reason that Feng Yu did not integrate into the open hot spring culture of the small island country.

Feng Yu stayed in the town for a total of three days, and during these three days, he experienced the true luxury of life.

Gradually lost under the sound of adults...

After packing up his things, Feng Yu took advantage of the gap when no one was around, and hurriedly ran away.

In the past three days, I don't know who got lost and disappeared, and when I learned that it was Feng Yu who saved them, I began to visit him one after another.

Some people want to worship him as a teacher, some people want to befriend him, and some people even want to marry their own daughters to him.

Wind Feather knew she couldn't stay here anymore.

The three days of extravagant life caused him to practice the knife a lot.

"Wow... Wow...... Lord Wind Feather, there are suspected traces of ghosts in the forest to the west and west, please go as soon as possible!"

Xiao Hei fell on Feng Yu's shoulder and was on the side of Xiao Bai and a fox, left and right, one black and one white.

Just the day before, Feng Yu let Xiao Hei learn the demon beast breathing method, but in comparison, Xiao Hei's qualifications were many and insufficient, and Xiao Bai used up the remaining two opportunities before he successfully mastered it.

At the same time, Xiao Hei also learned to control his body shape under Xiao Bai's teaching, and his huge body became a normal size.

It's just that the small body is full of power.

With the improvement of his intelligence, Xiao Hei has completely become Xiao Bai's follower.

Farts followed behind Xiaobai to learn breathing.

"Or... This time, experience what it's like to fly in the sky..."

Feng Yu set his eyes on Xiao Hei.

Black: "..."

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