After another half a month, Gua Jiang Jiusheng and Unknown Yinshi thoroughly found out the identity of Jin Mu.

At the same time, I have a strange feeling for the scarlet world in my heart.

After all, how could the person with the most gentle smile on his face be a terrifying breed who does all kinds of evil and is extremely dangerous.

But since the scarlet world woke up, that indifference and strangeness have been hanging over the two of them all the time.

Every word and every move reveals a wave of indifference and despair.

"This time our mission is The Nutcracker, according to the informant's investigation, this guy's strength is rated A-grade, but the most important thing is that she has a relationship with BigMaDam and provides them with "talents", that is, human trafficking..."

Next, Scarlet carefully analyzed the possible places of the Nutcracker, and also handed her photos to several people.

In the photo, The Nutcracker is wearing erotic lingerie and black cloth strips on his eyes, riding on a man covered in blood.

It's a picture of her predator, sexy, seductive and dangerous.

"Teacher, what do we need to do?"

asked June Tho.

"Women's clothing... That guy's favorite thing is to kidnap beautiful girls for recruitment jobs, so we need to pretend to be girls, sneak in, and get in touch with her in order to find out where BigMadam is, and just like the last time we captured torso, each of us put on a locator and report back whenever there is a situation.

Scarlet said.

Gua Jiang Jiusheng and Unknown Yinshi looked at each other and didn't say anything.

Soon, several people began to carry out the plan, and they all put on beautiful women's clothes.

It's just that this time Scarlet didn't wear women's clothes with them like in the original book, but said that he would look at them from a distance.

Whenever something is wrong, he will strike.

Gua Jiang Jiusheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at the extremely indifferent eyes of Shang Feishi, his heart suddenly trembled, and he couldn't say anything if he had reached his throat.

Feng Yu's side was also called to the office by Marutesai, accompanied by Reiya Shizao.

After the previous battle of the one-eyed owl, Lingwu Shizao has indeed matured a lot, unlike the crazy before.

Now he is extremely introverted, and he is followed by the members of the group he leads.

Compared with his subordinates, the members of Reiya Shizao are much more normal.

"Kawakaze, Shizao, this time I called you over to kill BigMadam..."Reiya Shizao's

pupils shrank when he heard Big Madam, but he quickly returned to normal.

Obviously, Big Madam's influence on Shizao is still very large.

"This time, the vanguard is mainly led by Kuynksban, first from the Nutcracker, and then to Big Madam, as long as you receive the signal of the Scandal World, then you two groups can carry out encirclement and suppression.

Marutesai said unhurriedly.

"I don't have a problem.

Feng Yu said.

"What about

Shizao?" Marutesai looked at Reiya Shizao.


Reiya smiled, then nodded.

"Then that's all for this meeting, you go back and prepare first, it is estimated that there will be a battle soon. "


When he got out of the conference room, Reiya Shizao called out to Feng Yu.

"Chuanfeng-kun, please advise me this time.

"You too, Shi Zao.

Wind Feather replied with a smile, and then took the first step.

Looking at Feng Yu's back, there was something strange in Ling Yashizao's eyes.

"What a dangerous person... But...... I'm looking forward to it..."

When Feng Yu has arranged for himself Kanamiko and them, Gua Jiang Jiusheng and they have already begun to act.

It's getting dark, and it's the best time to hang out.

They entered a club called Li Jiu.

This club attracts young graduates on the grounds of high-paying recruitment, and it is also the place where The Nutcracker selects "talent".

The young beauty wears a mask on her face and dresses up glamorously to get a good job in the future, but at the same time she is looking for prey.

In a noisy and ambiguous environment,

no one knows who is the prey of whom.

Here, everyone is a hunter and a prey at the same time.

Gua Jiang Jiusheng is still a young age, and he is both curious and apprehensive about these places full of adult worlds.

Although his feelings are extremely complicated, he has not forgotten the goal of his trip.

The four of them separately patrolled the crowd dancing to the music,

blending in with the dancing crowd and looking around.

Unconsciously, several people gradually integrated into this atmosphere.

The body also went from being restrained at the beginning to writhing at will.

Soon, June Tho was favored by the Nutcracker, just like in the original book.

She came to June Tho's side unhurriedly, looking her up and down, her

face full of satisfaction.

At the same time, Scarlet who was sitting in the monitoring room also saw this scene, and then informed the other members.

"June... June met the Nutcracker.

Gua Jiang Jiusheng and they listened to the hint of the scarlet world in the headset, and hurriedly found the unknown minstrel and Mi Lin Caizi.

Several people searched for the entire stage and didn't find June Tou's figure, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

But the sound of the scarlet voice in the headset relieved them.

"June followed the Nutcracker out of the hallway, there is no danger, don't worry.

Scarlet stared at the surveillance, her slender fingers picking up and falling.

The performance of June Tou in the monitoring is very good, and the performance is very good, just like a girl who has just been involved in the world, and her desire for work is incisive.

The Nutcracker is very useful.

Looking at June Tou's figure and face, she had already begun to fantasize about how much she could sell her.

"Hehe, what a stupid guy, but the more stupid you are, the happier I am, because then I can have money to buy beautiful clothes again..."

got in touch with the Nutcracker, and June Tou quickly informed everyone in the team.

When he saw June Tho appear in front of him, Guajiang Jiusheng was really relieved.

At the same time, Scarlet also began to arrange for them to leave here.

The mission was a complete success,

and CCG got the news and began to prepare.

Wait three days for June to meet the Nutcracker.

However, for the sake of June Tho's safety, CCG decided to get Reiya Shizao into it as well.

The way is to let Lingwu Shi pretend to be a friend of June Tho, and he also wants to find a good job.

"In three days, the battle will begin, you guys, don't be beaten by the group.

Feng Yu said, holding his chin.

"Don't worry, Boss, we're definitely going to be better than Suzuya's special class!" said

Fujinomiya Torinobu puffing out his chest.

Kanamiko had a serious face.

Mei Yi smiled with a lollipop showing her neat white teeth, "An-la-a-la, this time we will definitely be able to amaze everyone!"

"Don't set up a flag before the war..."

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