"Is this the mountain in front of you?" Feng

Yu hugged Xiaobai and came to the foot of this mountain called "Kirishima Mountain".

Trees grow from the halfway point down the mountain, but smoke rises from above.

"It looks like this is an active volcano..."Mt

. Kirishima in the small island country is a general name for the volcanic complex located on the border between Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures in the southern part of Kyushu.

There are no trees above the mountainside, and it is bare, but there is a miasma that can be seen with the naked eye below the mountainside.

Ever since he reached the base of the mountain, Wind Feather had already sensed a slightly poisonous gas coming from the air.

For the sake of conservatism, Feng Yu still took a detoxification pill, because he was not sure if his physique could withstand this miasma.

"Xiaobai, eat this.

Feng Yu fed the Antidote Pill to Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai didn't look away, saying that he didn't need it, and at the same time signaled to Feng Yu that there was something unusual on this mountain.

Feng Yu looked at it and nodded, he already felt that there were probably ghosts in this mountain, but he was not sure of the number...

Seeing Xiao Bai behaving like this, Feng Yu woke up Xiao Hei again, wanting to give Xiao Hei the antidote pill.

Xiao Hei opened his eyes

and shook his head

, "Lord Feng Yu, I won't enter the mountain, and then it's up to you..."

Feng Yu didn't actually expect Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai to be of much help to him now, just for their safety.

But now Xiao Hei has indicated that he will not enter the mountain, so he can only go in with Xiao Bai by himself.


, there was a roar from the mountains,

like the cry of a beast or a ghost...

Feng Yu's eyes were solemn, and he slowly pulled out the sun knife in his hand.

Begin to prepare for battle in the mountains.

"Xiaobai, you go into the box..."Feng

Yu and Xiaobai entered the mountain like this.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Wind Feather felt that the light in the forest was blocked by the lush foliage.

The smell of volcanic ash was in the air.

And the environment is not only humid but also hot.

Feng Yu walked a long way, and he was already sweating a lot.

In addition, there seems to be very few people walking around this mountain, and there is no path to open up, so you can only jump and cast the wind and swifts to hurry.

But often in this environment, there are so many strange vines that the speed of the swifts drops a lot.

The whole forest gives Wind Feather a feeling that it is dark, dark, and if you are not careful, you will be entangled by all kinds of vines, so that people can't find their way back.

Time passed little by little, but there was no ghost in sight.

But Feng Yu could feel that since he stepped into this forest, his eyes were peeking at his every move.

Feng Yu understands that this is one of his weaknesses, and he has no ability to perceive.

He didn't have Tanjiro's sensitive nose, nor did he have the beastly sense of Yonosuke.

"Poor perception is trouble,"

said Feng Yu, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Maybe I can create a move similar to Yin Nosuke's Beast Breath to perfect my sensing ability..."The

more Wind Feather thought about it, the more he felt that he could.

It's just a pity that I've never seen Izuhira Yonosuke demonstrate the breath of the beast on the spot.

And now Yin Zhisuke doesn't know where he is, so he can only wait for the three little Tanjiro to meet...

Just as Feng Yu was thinking about the future of the Light Breath move, Xiao Bai behind him screamed.

Wind Feather immediately became vigilant.


Xiaobai jumped out of the wooden box and roared towards a certain place.

Feng Yu followed Xiao Bai's gaze and saw that the original vine actually squirmed on its own, completely sealing the way it came.

Feng Yu clenched the Nichiren knife in his hand.

He scolded himself for being distracted in such a place, and he was even more eager for the ability to perceive.

The vines were wound in the direction of the wind feather, and they were about to touch the wind feather.


Feng Yu easily cut off.

The vines that had just been cut down immediately grew back.

Wind Feather frowned.

This vine has a very strong regeneration ability, and it is obviously the blood ghost technique of this forest ghost.

"It seems that you want to use these vines to consume my physical strength, right

...""It's a pity, you underestimated me..."Feng

Yu's face was blue, and it was the first time that he felt a little aggrieved, and he couldn't find the ghost behind him, and he felt a little like being played.

This made him very unhappy!

The result was that the ghost was going to suffer.

Looking at the vines in all directions, Wind Feather took a deep breath unhurriedly, clenched the knife in his hand and said

, "All Concentration, Water Breath II Type Waterwheel"

The huge blue water wheel rolled in the air by Wind Feather's body, and all the vines and trees that came into contact with it were cut off one after another.


" "Bang"

The trees around it were cut down and fell to the ground with a loud bang.

It was only that soon another vine would grow.

However, this also freed up a large circle of freedom for Wind Feather.


Xiaobai shouted.

"Xiaobai, are you saying that the ghost is in that direction?" asked

Feng Yu.

Xiao Bai nodded, his whole body jumped up, and Feng Yu followed closely when he saw this.

The Niklun knife in his hand never stopped, constantly slashing at the surging vines.

Xiaobai also used the sharp claws in his hand to open the way in front of him.

One person and one fox cooperate with each other.

"Damn, that fox found me!" said

a grim grimace in the depths of the forest.

The demon's hands and feet turned into vines at this moment, inserting them into the dirt, constantly controlling the vines to block Wind Feather and Xiaobai.

Seeing that Feng Yu and Xiao Bai were not affected by the vines at all, the evil ghost said viciously: "You forced me, after I catch you, I must eat you

!" "Blood Demon Technique: Spirit Tree Soul!"

As the evil ghost's voice fell.

Wind Feather stopped here, because he found that the trees in the place he was in had turned into tree people with red eyes at this moment.


"Roar!" the

Treant roared, and began to attack Wind Feather.

Xiaobai's body size has also turned into a normal size at this moment, and it is difficult for the treeman's bulky movements to touch Xiaobai at all.

And Wind Feather's dodge speed was seriously affected by the vines and trees around him.

Seeing this, Feng Yu didn't hide.

"I was thinking that I would kill you with one blow after finding you, but it seems that I want to show a little strength..."

"Very good, I won't pretend, in fact, these tree people are rubbish

!" "Wind Feather took a deep breath

, "All concentrated, Water Breath One Type Water Surface Slash!" "

Wind Feather used the basic move of Water Breath, and wherever the tip of the knife reached, it was cut into several pieces.

"Damn, how could this man be so strong... Could it be the pillar of the Demon Slayer Team..."

"How can this be... Why are there pillars

here...""Is it here to crusade against the Lords..."The

demon began to panic, and as soon as he lost his mind, the control of the vines dropped.


the originally dense woods were cut out of a path by the wind feathers.

Feng Yu also met the initiator.

"It seems to be you..."

Feng Yu said with the Nihon Wheel Knife pointing at the ghost in the forest, only to see that the emerald green knife was still stained with the blood of the tree man.

Drip by drop on the ground.

The forest ghost's eyes widened, and it wanted to run for its life at this time, but its hands and feet turned into vines and stuck in the soil, and it had not yet pulled out.

"You... You don't want to come here... If you kill me, the adults will definitely break you into pieces..."The

ghost in the forest watched Feng Yu approach him step by step, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I was terrified.

"Oh, is there a more powerful ghost in this forest than

you...", "Very good, so you can die..."Feng

Yu's indifferent expression was as cold as his knife.

"Water Breath One Type Water Surface Slash!" the

blue sword shadow flashed, and the head of the forest ghost fell to the ground.

His eyes were full of disbelief as he watched his body turn to ashes...

"I actually... I was cut off my neck... I'm disappearing..."

"Ghost hunters... You'll soon be killed by the adults... I'll wait for you in hell..."The

forest ghost finally turned to ashes and dissipated into the air.

"Hehe, is it even more powerful..."

Feng Yu put away the Nichiren Knife, and a smile appeared on his face, just like the smile he had for Tanjiro.

"It seems that this mission could be a big harvest!"


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