"I, not a saint, change this world, so unnecessary sacrifice is necessary!" Feng

Yu's eyes were like knives, and he stabbed deeply into the hearts of Arima Guisho and Izumi Takatsuki.

The two of them had serious faces, and they had sacrificed too many people for their own plans.

Whether it's a mew species, or a CCG investigator, or even ordinary people.

In order to forbear, to create a person who can overthrow the initiator who caused the sorrow of this world.

Neither of them is a person who has compassion for trivial things, and naturally understands the meaning of Feng Yu's words.

Countless civilian injuries were caused by the wave of Kazuko's fluctuations just now, but... So what....

As long as the world can change... No matter how many people die, it's worth it.

It's just....

Arima Guisho wanted to speak, but was stopped by Wind Feather.

"I know what you want to say, I'll take care of the V organization, what you have to do now... It's to clean up the humans and the meows, and get rid of some idiots who don't obey orders, you two should know who I'm talking about, and at the same time... Dig out Kanekiken. "

Otherwise... Unnecessary sacrifices will only be more.

"I've already marked his location.

Feng Yu waved his hand, and two spiritual imprints entered their minds.

Arima Guisho and Takatsuki Izumi glanced at each other, and there was a sudden silence in their eyes.

Such means... They lost without temper.

"After this baptism, I believe that mankind has also clearly recognized the situation and pain of the meow species, go ahead, let this drama come to an end!"

A wave of determination emerged, and Arima Guisho and Takatsuki Izumi looked at each other, and then left the place.

Feng Yu watched the two leave, and then he also turned into an afterimage and ran in one direction.


Outside a palatial courtyard

, people in black robes were surrounding this place at this time

, "Giggles, I didn't expect you two to be alive."

Itori covered her mouth and chuckled, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"Hmph, how could Uncle Ben die so easily, besides, I haven't seen the arrival of a new world, how can I die willingly. "

It's noisy, you two, it's time to do it, the adults are coming, do you want to be punished!"

"Also, are you sure it's here

?" "Giggles, do you still doubt my ability?"

The two people who answered were none other than Irumi Xuan and Furuma En'er, who had been injured in the battle of Anding District before, that is, the black dog and the demon ape.

Behind them were countless black-robed people, and a closer look could tell that these black-robed people were the transformers that Feng Yu had seen in the Jiana Mingbo laboratory.

"Nana, I'll leave the fight to you, I'll cheer for you.

Yi Tori said with a smile, and then waved his hand, and suddenly countless black-robed people behind him launched an attack towards Bai Riting.

The sound of battle rang out, and there were countless battles.

Irumi Xuan and Furuma En'er ignored Tie Li's exit, and after knowing each other for so many years, the two of them also clearly knew what her abilities were.

The two of them stood on a high place and looked down from above, the entire courtyard was already in shambles, and countless black-robed people and ordinary members of the V organization were fighting together.

One corpse after another fell, rivers

of blood flowing, and a strong smell of blood permeated.


Really, a bunch of little mice have found this place, so you two go and get rid of them." The

man at the head said without hesitation.

The two men in suits nodded their heads, and then disappeared into an afterimage.

After they left, the man at the head looked up at the gloomy sky and muttered, "Disobedient insects are to be killed after all..."

As soon as the words ended, the entire courtyard showed a trend of slaughter.

I saw two people in black suits rushing into the army of black-robed people like wolves and sheep.

Their speed was extremely fast, like shadows, shuttling through the black-robed army.

Everywhere they passed, countless black-robed people fell.

"It's too weak, these trash dare to attack the sacred White Sun Court!" said

one of the men in a suit.

"Hehe, it's because of these ignorant insects that they dare to be so presumptuous, I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time, let me see, whether you kill it faster or I kill it faster. The

two men in suits looked at each other, and then went a little faster.

A large number of black-robed people fell.

Irumi Xuan and Furuma Matsuka couldn't sit still, and immediately jumped off and joined the battlefield.

"Oh, are you two little bugs here to make trouble?"

said one of the men in a suit.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and clean up, don't dirty our holy place in the White Sun Court. The

male accomplice in the suit wiped the blood from the knife-shaped Kuinkke weapon in his hand and said loudly.

"You moths of the world, you dare to underestimate Uncle Ben, give me death!"

Furuma Yuan'er shouted, his eyes were scarlet, and the whole person rushed out quickly like an orangutan, scuffling with one of the men in a suit.

Seeing this, Irumi Xuan didn't talk much nonsense, and he was also entangled with another man in a suit.

On the other side of the high place of the White Sun Garden

, Itori Shiri, who was dressed in a fire down skirt, watched the fight with interest.

"Look at this... The Demon Ape and the Black Dog should be able to handle these two. "

It's just—"

She took a deep look at the depths of the White Sun Court, as if it were an abyss.

Her face was solemn, and then she thought of something, and chuckled again.

"You're here.

With a "bang",

two girls appeared beside her, one black and one white.

It is the black and white double nai.

"Daddy told us to come over and wait for the adults to come. Black

and white Shuangnai said in unison.

"I didn't expect that you, who were once weak, have now reached such a point..."

Tie Li looked at the two of them, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

If they were all S-level in the past, then they may have reached the preliminary SSS level now.

Both of them have achieved the form of the Hercules, and under the transformation of Jiana Mingbo He and the cultivation of Feng Yu, they surpass themselves and break through their limits.

The combat cooperation between the two is even more seamless, and they are even able to survive three moves under Feng Yu's hands.

"Kuro, are we going to do it now?"

asked Hakuna.

"Dad said, let's clear all the obstacles ahead for the adults, so..."

Kurona and Hakunai glanced at each other, and in the next second, they turned into a black and a white afterimage and joined the battle.

With the addition of the two of them, the originally evenly matched scene suddenly fell one-sided.

"Stinky little ghost, you dare to grab someone's head with Uncle Ben!"

Furuma Yuan'er saw that it was just a photo, and his opponent in a suit was pressed to the ground by Bai Nai and couldn't move, and he was immediately angry.

But he was afraid of her strength, so he could only watch indignantly as Bai Nai directly pierced the head of the man in the suit with scales.

As Bai Nai settles the battle, so does Black Nai's side.

The knife fell, and the blood on the ground stained the entire floor red.


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