"My lord, there's Asakusa Castle ahead. The

old man said tremblingly, and there was a little excitement in his tone, so that his face turned red.

Behind him, the little girl poked her head out and looked curiously in the direction the old man was pointing.

Asakusa Castle is no longer what it used to be, with towering walls and teams patrolling the gates in the battle uniforms of the hidden members of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

People who are fleeing or doing business are blocked at the gates and are being checked.

It looks like an ancient Chinese city.

"My lord, let's go quickly, or the gates will be closed after dark. The

old man spoke.

Along the way, he knew the people around him by asking Feng Yu about the current situation in the entire small island country, and maybe something happened that caused a problem with his memory.

He didn't think of Wind Feather traveling through the world.

It can only be thought that the wind feather is in the deep mountains and old forests, or it has lost its memory.

Wind Feather nodded.

Looking at Asakusa Castle not far away, he couldn't help but squint his eyes.

The huge spiritual power swept by, and the situation in the entire Asakusa Castle was unobstructed.

Soon, the three of them passed the examination and entered the city.

As soon as you enter

the city, a different atmosphere instantly hits your face

, if the outside of the city is a depression, then the inside of the

city is prosperity.

It's just that during the day, it is already brightly lit and the people are full of excitement.

In a trance, it seems that he can forget the cruel rules of survival outside the city.

The ghost cut on Feng Yu's body is included in the system space, so to speak, now he is empty-handed, and he is not wearing the uniform of the ghost killing team.

Standing there, his temperament is extraordinary, and he will only make others think that this is a handsome and noble son.

"Nanako, they may be at the Ghost Slayer headquarters..."Feng

Yu said secretly in his heart.

"Thank you, sir, for escorting us to Asakusa Castle, and now that I have inquired about the location of my relatives, I will say goodbye here. The

old man bowed deeply to Feng Yu with a voice.

Feng Yu nodded slightly, and the

old man left,

but he also fell into a relaxed place.

The next thing, there are old people and Yuzi following him, and there are many inconveniences.

Feng Yu disappeared into the crowd, and

before he knew it,

he was outside the city again.

His target was the evil spirits in the old man's previous village.

As soon as he arrived in the

village, Feng Yu found the ghost aura of Sen Ran, there

were not many houses in the whole village,

but they were not popular.

As far as the eye can see, there is only the old man who is weak and about to die.

Their eyes were dull, and it was difficult to hide the sadness in their hearts.

The houses are dilapidated and overgrown with weeds.

One by one, like refugees, like puppets and like walking dead.


Wind Feather knew where the evil spirits were.

The white bones of the forest are lined up in two places, and the cold breath is paved.

The whole cave was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

"Tap, tap, tap!" Feng

Yu deliberately made a sound of footsteps, and walked towards the depths of the cave with a blank face.

"Hey, I didn't expect anyone to dare to step into the territory of this mandrill, boy, are you here to die?"

Then a strong stench hit, and in the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes were staring greedily at Wind Feather.

"Woohoo. The

mandrill swallowed his saliva, he could feel the qi and blood in Feng Yu's body, as long as he ate him, then it would be a great tonic for him.

Strength may be able to impact the strength of the lower string.

The green-faced fangs, the mandrill's claws become longer, and they are sharp into the knife.

Straight to the wind feathers.

Acting like the wind, in the dark, like a killer.

Darkness is his blood magic, which allows him to completely hide in the darkness, making it undetectable.

It's just that a little ghost

with this strength is simply vulnerable to Feng Yu.

Just raised his eyes slightly, and

in the next second, there was a loud noise in the



the mandrill was shocked, his eyes were full of disbelief, and the powerful powerless force pressed on his body, making him unable to move, like a corpse, lying on the ground.

Only the slightly open and rolling eyes made it look like he was still alive.

"Who the hell are you... No, you're not from the Ghost Slayer, you don't have a Nihon Knife..."

Before he finished speaking, the mandrill's voice suddenly stopped, his eyes gradually drifted, and finally surrendered.

A few minutes later, the

mandrill was completely reduced to ashes in the ghost's cut.

"Black Fox... Is this your plan

...""Nanako and Mixiu have grown up..."

Wind Feather sighed, extracting the mandrill's memory,

and Wind

Feather also saw the battle of the Ghost Slayer in the Evil Ghost City.

The new generation has grown up, and Tanjiro has taken the lead in rushing into the evil ghost city and killing the evil spirits.

Among them are Nanako and Mixiu

, small figures,

who are comfortable among evil ghosts.


The real master of the evil ghost city appeared, and the

new twelve ghost moons, each with a powerful aura,

were no less than the twelve ghost moons under Wu Miao's hands.

Even six of them are even more powerful.

In that battle, the ghost killing team and the demon killing team were turned upside down, and the two camps suffered countless casualties.

He saw the humans in captivity in the ghost town, numb and soulless, like lambs to the slaughter.

This mandrill is relatively smart, relying on the darkness to stealth, assassinating many members of the ghost killing team, and at the same time, halfway through the fight, it hides in the dark.

Silently watching the war.

In the end, the ghost slayer team was defeated, and the ghost town began to close.

And he also took advantage of the chaos to escape, and seduced the humans who were full of desire in the human village step by step.

Turn it into a half-ghost and harvest its prey.

Nowadays, the blood of all ghosts is very strange, and only the blood of ghosts can be completely transformed into evil ghosts, and the blood of evil ghosts can only be half ghosts for a long time.

But, for some greedy humans, half-ghosts... It's enough to attract them.

In this way,

this mandrill relied on this line of thought to devour the humans in the remote villages step by step.

Develop your own strengths.

It was also during this time that the mandrill became obsessed with the flesh and blood of human children.

This is the scene of the old man at the beginning.


Ghost Slayer Headquarters.

"My lord, now you have arrived. "

The Pillar Meeting will start right away. "

Well, I see, thank you for your hard work. "


"Chairman Yamato, this battle against the Devil City is the last counterattack of our human race..."

"I know, Mr. Yaoya, this time our escort team will be the first to break through the defenses of the Devil City, and then it will be handed over to you. "

Please, Mr. Yaoya, we humans... I can't lose again!"

"We must rescue our compatriots and kill all the evil spirits in this world!"

"Yes, my eyes see the future, we... Humanity will triumph..."

"The world is clear, and the sun is re-embracing the whole world..."


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